Cass Co Cemetery History from Jehu Powell's 1913 History of Cass Co. -

Foglesong Private Burial Place is situated on the Uhl farm in the southwest quarter of fractional section 33, just south of the road running east along the south bank of the Wabash river and about forty rods east of the Uhl residence. Chris Foglesong, a brother of Daniel Foglesong, ex-commissioner, now deceased, laid out a burial ground on this farm which he then owned, and buried three of his children here, about 1847 and later. Members of the Nelson, Fiddler and other families to the number of fourteen in all were buried here. A small walnut tree, twelve feet high and a marble slab lying under it marks the place (in 1907). On this marble slab is inscribed: Wm. Foglesong, died December 27, 1852, aged 23 years. All other proofs of this once hallowed ground have disappeared and the place is now in the middle of a field, but the dead that lie peacefully here are oblivious to the tread of the plowman. (Washington Township)


      This spot, once sacred to the pioneer dead, is located about one-half mile west of the present city limits and sixty rods south of Dunkirk schoolhouse, on the Barron farm. This burial ground is situated on a high sandy knoll in the midst of a field where at this time may be found the broken remnants of five marble slabs, upon which may be deciphered with difficulty, the following inscriptions:

Sarah Ann, wife, of Peter Barron, died September 30, 1845, and other members of the Barron family from 1838 to 1846.

Joseph Barron, Sr., whose remains lie here was born in Detroit, January, 1773 and died in Cass county, December 12, 1843. He settled in Vincinnes in 1790, moved to Logansport in 1827. He was an old Indian interpretor for General Harrison in the War of 1812, and was at the battle of Tippecanoe. He had four sons, Joseph, Peter, Anthony and Napoleon B., and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Ann Heath, later the wife of Anthony F. Smith, who built the second log house in Logansport.

This burial ground is located about two miles west of Logansport on the north bank of the Wabash river on a farm formerly belonging to Dr. J. M. Jeroleman. About seventy years ago Dr. Jeroleman built a substantial stone vault here in which rested the remains or his first wife, and the wife of Henry Helms, but both were removed to Mt. Hope. John Kistler, 1870, and a Davis child, 1855, and others, were buried here, but the ground belongs to the adjoining farm as no deeds are of record.

In the forties, Henry Thomas owned a tract of land on the north side, on a knoll about ten rods south of Pleasant Hill Street and twenty rods east of Sycamore street. Near the edge of a gravel pit, that now exists, were buried Henry Thomas in 1845, his son, 1850, Isaac Booth, 1849, and a few others. Marble slabs marked some of these graves which were removed to Mt. Hope cemetery after it was laid out, but others were left in unmarked graves and this ground, once sacred to the dead, exists only in the minds of a few old pioneers.


      In the early 'thirties General Tipton started a burial ground on what was known as Spencer Square, bounded by Nintb, Tenth, Spear and Market streets, where the Lutheran church now stands. James Bell, a son of Daniel Bell, a cadet at West Point was buried here and Gen. John Tipton, himself, in 1839, and a number of others. Monuments marked their graves. When Spear and Ninth streets were laid out and improved they were removed south into the old cemetery but the unmarked graves were never disturbed and lie at rest under the Lutheran church.


      When the last of the Pottowattomie Indians were removed west in 1838, by General Tipton, they were encamped on Horney creek, just east of the Michigan road, where the old fair grounds were located in the early 'sixties. Three Indians died while encamped here and were buried on the north side of Horney creek on what is now the right-of-way of the Vandalia Railroad Company on the east side of the track just south of Smith street, There were possibly other Indian burials here prior to this. The graves of these poor unfortunate Indians can seen, only by the Infinite eye and their locations are known only to James Horney, whose father owned the land at that time, and who gave this information to the writer.


This is the oldest cemetery in Cass county and is situated between Ninth, Tenth, Erie avenue and Spear streets. General Tipton donated the ground in 1828 when it was covered and surrounded by forest trees. He, however, never executed a deed and his administrator represented by Chauncey Carter as commissioner appointed by the court, conveys three and fifty-two one hundredths acres of land to the city of Logansport as a grave yard and burial ground. The ground was appraised at $45.00 and the city paid that amount February 16, 1846. (Rec. F, page 252.) On September 29, 1846, Chauncey Carter, as surveyor, plats the ground by direction of the city council.

      The first interment is said to be a child of William Smith that died in 1828, in the cabin of Daniel Bell, that stood just south of the cemetery.

      James Foster died at Alexander Chamberlain's tavern on the south bank of the Wabash river, December 23, 1828, and was buried here on Christmas day, 1828, by the Masons, this being the first Masonic funeral held in Cass county. These two graves are unmarked and their exact location are unknown as the ground was then covered with a thick forest and unplatted. The oldest grave, as shown by marker is Elizabeth, wife of N. D. Grover, October 29, 1830. Some older inscriptions, Thomas S. Hartgrave, February 15, 1815, Samuel Fisher, November 17 1816, were probably removed here, as Cass county was not then settled.

 Pioneer ministers who sleep here are, Rev. William Corbin, died November 8 1841; Rev. James Buchanan, died 1843; Rev. Burrows Westlake, died 1845; Rev. M. M. Post, died 1876.

      An old millstone or burr, taken from the Forest mill marks the grave of H. H. DeWolf, he being a miller by trade, and died in 1905, aged 79. Gen. Richard Crooks, who served under General Harrison, in the War of 1812, and died in 1842, lies buried near the center of this cemetery with only a large sugar tree to mark the grave, which has grown up since his interment.

      William Cooley, a colored man, who was a servant of General Jackson at New Orleans, in 1815, is interred here, as is also Enion Kendall, Logansport's pioneer poet, who died in 1856.

Soldiers Buried in the Old Cemetery
Gen. Hyacinth Lasselle War of 1812 1843
Sergt. James M. Lasselle Mexican War 1851
Capt. Stanalaus Lasselle Mexican War 1853
Sergt. J. Harvey Tucker Mexican War 1853
Capt. D. W. Douglass Mexican War  
David Douglass War of 1812 and Revolution 1839
David Douglass, Jr. War of 1812 1845
William Cooley (colored) War of 1812 1851
Watson Kirkman Mexican War 1867
William L. Wolf Mexican War 1891
George Weirick War of 1812 1851
Corpl. B. P. Turner Mexican War  
Col. I. N. Patridge War of 1812 1874
Col. William L. Brown 20th Indiana
Killed at Bull Run
Gen. Richard Crooks War of 1812 1842
Benjamin Purcell War of 1812 1859
Col. Jordan Vigus War of 1812  
Gen. N. D. Grover War of 1812 1875
Louis House Company F, 99th Indiana  
Dr. H. C. Gemmill Company H, 128th Indiana 1904
William Purveyance Company F, 116th Indiana  
J. H. Purveyance 12th Indiana Calvary  
T. G. Barnett Company B, 128th Indiana  
Charles Hebel Company B, 128th Indiana  
Alexander Barr Company A. 17th United States  
George W. Green Company I, 46th Indiana 1880
Horace B. Vigus 128th Indiana;
killed at Atlanta
Augustine W. Nash 46th Indiana 1862
Erastus Covault Company K, 138th Indiana 1884
Samuel Chappel War of 1812 1839
Sandy Hicks Company H, 11th United States  
DeWitt C. Wimer Mexican war and 9th Indiana 1861
Charles B. Rogers Company F, 151st Indiana 1865
John G. Reeves    
William Smith    
C. Hudson    
Joseph Looney    
David Bowser    
Peter Finegan    
David Johnson    
S. C. Davis Mexican war  
Abijah VanNess Mexican war 1859
W. A. Ward War of 1812  
William Jones Mexican war  
Isaac Bartlett War of 1812  
David Davis Mexican war  
B. C. Purcell Company B, 155th Indiana 1866
Frederick Karl    
C. Cornwell    
George Clendening    

Cass County INGenWeb
List of Cass County Cemeteries