Logansport, Ind., Dec. 11.- John Alexander Dowie is defendant in a suit in the Cass county court, which comes up for hearing Tuesday, a complaint to prevent the head of Zion City from receiving $1,000 left to him by the late Mrs. George Shedron of Walton. Her sons, Henry and George, are the plaintiffs. They allege fraud was used to induce her to will the money to Dowie. Their attorneys are now in Zion City securing data by which they hope to sustain this allegation. [SOURCE: The Muncie Morning Star; December 12, 1904] Transcribed by DJ Faust, contact DEFLEUR@prodigy.net for info on copies.
Logansport, Ind., Dec. 12.- Frank Obenchain, county treasurer, has been missing for two weeks, and this morning one of his bondsmen, Joseph Guthrie, was put in charge of the office. It is said that there is a large shortage, estimated between $40,000 and $50,000, and the true state of affairs will be revealed only after a second examination of the books. It has been common talk that Obenchain lent county money to private individuals on doubtful security, but the suspicion of defalcation was only aroused within the last two or three days.
It is said that Obenchain has been speculating, but the extent of his transactions is not known. He was heavily interested in two or three Virginia oil companies, and it is believed that he used large sums of county money for speculation in hopes of retrieving his losses. His whereabouts is not known and his bondsmen will have to make good the shortage. Obenchain was elected county treasurer on the Democratic ticket four years ago and was Democratic county chairman during the last campaign. His term expires Jan. 1, and the shortage was discovered in checking up to turn over the office to his successor. Obenchain was popular and had a wide acquaintance with state politicians. He is about 38 years old and has a family. [SOURCE: The Muncie Morning Star; December 13, 1904] Transcribed by DJ Faust, contact DEFLEUR@prodigy.net for info on copies.
A sensation has been caused at Logansport by the discovery that Frank Obenchain, treasurer of Cass county, is probably short over $50,000 in his accounts.
[SOURCE: The Muncie Morning Star; December 14, 1904] Transcribed by DJ Faust, contact DEFLEUR@prodigy.net for info on copies.
Logansport, Ind., Dec. 13.- Police scout the theory that John Masse, the Italian laborer whose body was found in the outskirts of the city Saturday morning, was a victim of the Black Hand society. Officers believe that Nick Bibo, another Italian laborer, who started on a hunting expedition with Masse, shot the latter on account of a feud between them. Masse had been warned that Bibo had threatened to kill him, but he said that he was not afraid. A reward of $100 has been offered by a friend of the murdered man for the arrest of Bibo.
[SOURCE: The Muncie Morning Star; December 14, 1904] Transcribed by DJ Faust, contact DEFLEUR@prodigy.net for info on copies.
Union City, Ind., Dec. 12.- Bert Wheaton, of Logansport, an employee of the Pan-Handle railroad, fell from the bridge, east of this city, this morning, a distance of twenty feet. He was badly bruised, but it is not thought his injuries will prove serious. He was sent to his home. [SOURCE: The Muncie Morning Star; December 13, 1904] Transcribed by DJ Faust, contact DEFLEUR@prodigy.net for info on copies.