Howard County Indiana Family History Index: P

The following list of names is an index to the book Howard County Indiana Family History, compiled by the Howard County Genealogical Society, published 1995 by Turner Publishing Co. Paducah, KY. The number following the name is the page number/numbers on which that person is listed.

To request a photocopy of an article, contact the Howard County Genealogical Society, PO Box 176, Kokomo IN 46903-0176. The book itself is available for $30.00 plus $5.00 for postage, handling and a mailer for each book ordered.

PACK. Leanna 158

PADGETT. Elvina (Barney) 224. J.H. 116. Jake 25. Mary 21. 23. Mary Irene 148

PAGE. Bob 97

PALAITH. Margot 284

PALM. Susan Elizabeth 197

PALMER, Cora Bell 204. Eddie 204, Elmer 204. Emma Sylvia 204. Freddie 204. Jesse

Samuel "Jim" 204. Jonathon 204. Karen Denise 182. Leondus M. "Lonzo" 204, Rebecca

A. Brandon 204, Robert 33. Robert D. 27. Russell Lee "Pete" 205. T.H. 103

PARK. James D. 326. Sarah Evalyn 231.326

PARKER. Asa 48. Chester C. 236. Clyde 9. Deliah 157. Elizabeth 290. Esther 23. Esther

Grace 184. Ezekiel 48. Henry 35. Kathy 23, Maude 273. Omer 149. Theodoria Jane

(Dosha) 233

PARKEY. Alfred 322. Mary E. 322

PARKHURST. Alonzo 282. Camden Blake 282. Christopher Ora 282. David Michael

(Huff) 282. Donal Eugene 282. Donal Eugene. Jr. 282. Elsie (Pentecost) 282. Goldie

Janice (Freed) 196. Janice 282. Janice (Freed) 170, 282. 289. Jean 282. Jean (Hounchell)

282, Jean (Hounchell) (Huff) 282. Jordon Marie 282, Kay LaEllen 282. Marinell (Ouzts)

282. Nicholas Daniel 282. Ora 170.196. 282. 289. Philip Alan 282. Rachael Elizabeth

282. Richard Arlen 282. Robert Leon 282. Roger Dale 282, Russell 282. Russell Ora. Jr.

282. Russell Ora. Sr. 282

PARKS. Arnold 281. Barbara 281, Blanche (Morrison) 281. Blanche (Morrison) 282,

Clara 281, Cora Mae 281. David 193. Della 281, Doris Lorrine (Bryant) 281, Edward

281, Erma (Hadlock) 281, Flora Opal 281, Gene 281, Heber 282, Helen 281, Horace 281,

Ida (Nash) 281, Ida Jane (Nash) 282, James 281, Jennifer Nichole 336, John 281, 28,

Kenneth Randall 336, L.S. 95, Lucy 282, Marietta 281, Mary Katherine 281, Mary Lou

281, Morris 281, Muriel Helena 281, Paul Allen 282, Paul Edward 281, Randy 336,

Richard 281, Robert 281, Robert Leon 281, Rolland 281, Sarah 344, Shirley Jane 281,

Troy Herron 336, Valoris 281, Walter 281, Walter Jr. 281, Walter Miller 281, Walter Ray

281, William Heber 281

PARR, James A. 66, W.D. 70

PARRISH, Sarah 179

PARSE, Alice 253, Alice Lucille 252, Jesse Hendricks 252, Martha 252, Oliver Howard


PARSON, James 19

PARSONS, Alan Drew 284, Alan Joseph 284, Ann 283, 284, Anne 283, Barbara Ellen

283, Carolyn 283, Carrie 283, Chad 283, Charles 283, Daniel 283, David William 283,

Delbert J. 283, Don 257, Donald 283, Donald Ward 283, Douglas 283, Edith 283, Eliza

Jane (Breedlove) 156, Elizabeth Jane 283, Eph 282, Ephraim 283, Fredrick Lloyd 283,

Gary Eugene 283, Geneva 230, 283. Geneva Jane 189. George 284. Heather 283, Helen

99. 283, Helen Catherine 283, Holly 283, Howard 99, 284, James 283, Jason Howard

283, Jedediah 284, Jeffrey 283, Jennay 283, Jennifer Lynn 283, Joseph 283, Judy Ann

283. Kenneth 284, Lloyd 283, Loren 283, Marie Catherine 283, Mary Ann 283, Maxine

283, Maxine Clair 283, Melba 65, Melissa 283, Michael 283, Mildred 283. Milton Joseph

283, Oswand 284, Patricia 284, Priscilla 284, Ray 283, Raymond Lewis 283, Rebecca

283, Rebecca Rose 283, Richard 283, Richard Earl 283, Rick 283, Rick Allen 283,

Robert Lloyd 284, Rolla Lee 283. Russell 283, Sandra Kay 283, Sarah Elizabeth 284,

Sharon Rose 283, Steve Kent 283. Susan 283. Thomas Eldon 283, Virginia 283, Virginia

Rose 283, William 284. Zachary 284, Zachery William 283

PARVIN, Donald 26

PASKELL, Alvera 108

PASLEY Freddie Eugene 283, Helen 107, Marleene Sue 283


PASSWATER, Orville 56

PATTEN, M.T. 48, Pennina 189

PATTERSON, Charles A. 13, James M. 79, John 12,305

PATTON, Arthur C. 85, George 195, John 245, Rebecca A. 295, Rose 96

PATTY, Delene 337, Douglas 337, Joe 337

PAUL, Aileen Delmay (Suttles) 330, Gertrude (Paul) 330, Jolana Donnita 330, Sam Jr.

330, Samuel Robert 330, William 75

PAVEY, Leonard 26, Lorretta 234

PAXTON, Andy 219

PAYNE 86, Chad Everett 333, Daniel A. 284, Deborah Lee 284, Diane Louise 333, Dixie

(Bowen) 333. P Edna Jones 48. James Albert 284. P Joel Jeptha 284, John Leonard P

Wilkinson 284. John Robert 284. John William 284. 333. Judith Marie 284. Ralph V.

279. Shirley D. Fisher 279. William Joe 284. 333

PEABODY. Barbara Ruchti 284. Charles 284. Elnora 284. Florence 284. H.W. "Hod"

284. Hannah 284. Jack Gregory 284. Kendall 284. Kendall William 284. Linda Lee 284.

Thomas Allen 284.

PEACOCK, John 284. Joseph 66. Marie 284

PEARCH. Ira 255. 256, Lovell 255. Pauline 255. Ruth 255

PEARCY. Marjorie Maxine 246


PEARSEY. Charles 304

PEARSON. Bernice (Williams) 310. Bruce 315. Charles 284. Geneva I 284, Harry A.

284. Janet 285. 309. Janet D. 310. Jeff 315. Levi 48. I Mike 315. Neal 285. 310. Nellie

(Burkholder) 284. Phillip J. 285. 310. Ross 285. 310. Wayne A. 284, 310

PECK. Chester 305. Corum 85. Ray 138, 184

PEEK. Jane Sadie 202. Pearl Findley 147. Regina May 322

PEEL. Max E. 122

PEELE. Edmund 52. 53. 64. Mary J. 53

PEERMAN. Mary Katherine Stevens 316

PEIGH. Michael 301

PELGEN, Cheryl Marie 190. Cody 190. David Gabriel 190. Michael Lee 190. Roben

190. Ronald 190, Virginia 190

PELLETT. Francis 207


PENA. Ethel 156

PENCE. Harold 211. Minnie 217. Rachel 274

PENDERGRASS. Glessie (Parrish) 211. Paul 211, Wilma Jane 211

PENLAND. Hiram Fernandes 230. 231. 285. John 285. Letticia (Price) 230. 231. Lorena

231. Margaret 285. Mary Ellen 285 Ruth "Lorena" 230. 231. 285


PENN. Martha 247. William 60. 176. 209. 222. 340

PENNINGTON. Addelia 269. Andrew 86. Martha 235. Murl169

PENTECOST. Mary Jane 198


PERCELL. Effie Pearl 160. Elizabeth (Drabenstot) 160. James Robert 160, Nancy

(Wilson) 160. William 160

PERCIFIELD. Michael 85

PERCIVAL, Emma 286. Harry 286. Mary Jane (Connor) 286

PERILLA. Jennifer 337. Luigi 337. Michelle 337. Stephen 337

PERKINS, Donna 196. Elizabeth 141. Ernest Leroy 285. Grace Ethyl Jetmore 285.

Joseph Alva 304. Leona Pearl 285. Lillian 285, Minerva 212. Ted 285, William Albert


PERO. Rebecca 85

PERRIGEN. Suzette Rachel (Grady) 203

PERRY. David 95, Emma 189. H.A. 95. H.F. 83. James W. 189. Marian Weaver 176.

Mary Jane Hensley 189. Walter 64

PERSIFALL/PURCIFUL, Sina Christina 149



PETERS, Daniel 231, Elizabeth Marvin 315, Feme L. 315, John 43, Leona (Spanwell)

231, Mary A. 338, Pernell 231, Stephen 35, W.D.315

PETERSEN, David 64, Denise Renee 163, Jeanine 163, Paul 163

PETERSON, Gerald G. 306, Gerald M. 306, Gregory S. 306, James 313, Jorja Jo 313,

Louise 214, Mary Ann (Smith) 306, Russell 96, Shawn Rowe 306, Wesley 290

PETRO, Carole 285, Charles 285, James 285, James Addison 285, James M. 285, Joseph

285, Joseph E. 285, Karll 285, Nancy 285, Rebecca Rich 285, Robert 285, Sharon 285,

Walter 285

PETTENGILL, Herbert D. Jr. 66

PETTER, Miriam Lucille Tritsch 326


PETTY 39, Malinda 199, Ola 65



PFAFF, Suzie 210

PFEFFERLE, Georgianna 343, Louis John 343, Robert 343, William 343

PFEIFFER, Christine 319

PHARR, Kent 325

PHELPS, Alice 187, Tom 117

PHILIPPS, Laura Ann 148

PHILIPS, A.F. 125, C.H. 125,T.C. 125, W.R. 125

PHILLIPS, Bryan David 148, Deborah A. 193, Elizabeth 140, Esther 62, Hellen 299,

Homer 202, Isaac 62, Joseph J. 26, Karen Jo (Beatty) 147, Lindsay Marie 148, Mary 206,

Melissa Kay 148, Melody Lea 333, T.C.I03, Timothy 232, Winifred 146

PHIPPENNEY, Rosalinda 201

PHIPPS, Clifford 23, Mary Lou 273

PICKARD, Joan (Gordon) 202

PICKERING, Ellis 82, Emily 234, Ernest 75, Jane 286, Jane (White) P 219, Jonathan

219, 286, Jonathan R. 51, Lelah 219, Phineas 286, Rebecca 286, Ruth 25

PICKETT, Benjamin D. 16, Chris 246, Christine 246, Cindy 336, Clerwell 27, Diana

315, Everett Carroll 154, Gene 122, Grant 38,Guy 35, Jason 246, John 327, Mary 108,

192,Mary Roach 154, Michelle 249,Nathanl 131,Oscar 38, Patricia 327, Richard Oliver

154, Tim 246, Zackery 246

PICKNEY, Vivian 186, William 186

PIERCE, Alexander Clinton 287, Alexander S. 286, 287,338, Alma Sue Hollingsworth

276, Amanda Jane 286, Amanda Jane 338, Catherine Pritts 286, Cecil 304, Charles

Edward 221, Charles William 286, 287, Christine 304, Clarence 287, Clarence Cecil

286, 287, David Allen 163, 221, Dolly Mae (Ringeisen) 221, Elmer Verne 287, Emma

304, Ezra 48, Fleta 276, Galen Morris 287, George B. 300, George William 287, Gladys

Ruth 147,Glen Clyde 287, Harriet Ellen 287, Henry Samuel 286, 287, Holly Suzanne

163, 221, James Robert 286, John Edward 163, 221, Jonah 52, Josie Katherine 287,

Judith Lee 287, Larry Eugene 287, Lester Everett 287, Loretta ] 305, Loudisa Delcina

"Della" 287, Lovell Alexander 287, Lovell DeWitt 286,287, Ludica J. 286, Mable Nora

287, Mariah Louisa 286, Mark Galen 287, Mary Anna (Horner) 287. Maryette 287,

Myrtie Bell (Roberts) 286. Nancy (Skinner) 286, 287, 338, Nedra 287. Nora Bell 286,

Norma 304, Norma Jean 286, Ralph L. 287, Richard Otis 287. Rita 304, Rita Marie 286,

Robert 304. Samuel C. 286.289, Samuel Clinton 287, Steve 304, Steven Taylor 286.

Trudy 304. Truldy Kay 286. Virginia Lee 287, Virginia Lee 304. Wesley 286. . William

Orthis 286, William Osscar 286

PIKE, John 274. Mary 274

PILE 288, Ervin 148. Luanna 148

PINGLETON, Margaret 23

PINKERTON, Frederick K. 197, Ralph 23

PINKHAM. William 47

PIOTROWICZ. Brenda 72. John 72, 85

PITCHER. Amber Cheri 238. Brandon William 238, Scott 238

PITMAN. Dorothy 65. Hiram 249. Maggie 249

PITZER. Jane 107. Mary 209

PIXLER, Charles 234. Hodson 234. Ira 234, Lenora 234. Lenora Catherine 234, Lessie

234. Mahala 234, Rivers 234, Sarah 234. Thomas Van 234. Willard Earl 234

PLANK. Anna Catherine (Heinmiller) 191, Christopher Logan 287, Daniel James 287.

David Alan 287, David Andrew 287, Edwin 145. 146, Edwin Eugene 287, Edwin Logan

287, Elias 191, Eva Veronica (Logan) 287. Harry Albert 287, Jan Claire 287. Julia Ann

287, Lauren Elizabeth 287, Lydia Caroline 191. Norma Jean (Barber) 145. 146. Phillip

Edwin 287. Timothy Aaron 287

PLANKENSTAVER, George 48. Thomas 48

PLATT. Fay 145. Joe 331.William 212


PLONA. Phyllis 107

PLOSS, Fred 154. Goldie 154. Jennifer 154. Jodi 154, Michael 154

PLOTNER. Harry R. 168. Jody Kay P 168

PLOUGH. Debbie 135

PLOUGHE. Isaac Newton 245, Preston Hopkins 245, T.C. 83

PLUMMER, Dale 197.Dwaine 197. Ethel 332, Frances Marie 193, Fred 197. John F. 91.

Louise 197

POE, Ethel 285, Ina Kelley 285. Sandy W. 285

POET. L.E.183

POFF. Matthew 48, Samuel 48, Wil liam 48

POHLMAN 161. Autumn 288. Brian 288. Carl 288. Charles 287. 288, Christian 287.

Dena 287, Dora 161,287, Dora Bulk 287,Doshia 288, Elizabeth (Kerkhoff) 288, Frank

287, Fred 287. Fred Jr. 287. George "Buck" 288, Gordon 287. Harry 288, Henry 287.

Lena Doepke 288. Lesie 287. Linda 288, Marie Heidorn 287. Michael 288, Michele

(Pedde) 288, Minnie 287. Robert "Bob" 288. Ronald E. 288, Staci 288, William 287, 288

POISEL. Abner 33

POLAND. Philip 243, Robert 243, Stephen 243. Thomas 243

POLASKE, Clarence 157

POLHMAN, Henry 287, Herman 287, Mary Kerkhoff 287, Ray 287

POLITZ, Bill 97, William 99

POLK, Adoline 318, Benjamin 145, 318, Catherine (Beckner) 295, Earl 318, Edna 318,

Eliza Hendrix 317, Emerson 196, Ernest 255, Ernest R. 256, Ethel 255, Joseph 15, 295,

318, Mabel 318, Mabel Marie 317, Martha 295, Mary 318, Mary Alice 318, Orrel 318,

Orville 255, Sarah Alice 212, Sophia (Harness) 295, Thomas 318, Thomas J.295,

William 318, William Lockard 318, Willis 317, 318

POLLARD, Mary Slocum 307


POLLOCK, James 27, Josephine 141, 256, Ralph 66

POLOCK, James 33

POND, Eleanor Margaret 27l

PONDER, Mary 262, N. V. 262, Sally Dee 259, 262

PONTIUS, Marguerite 298

POORE, Mary 14

POPE, Anna 326, Gary Lee 152, James Lawrence 152, Lena 13, Robert 152, Sondra Lee


PORTER, Eliza Jane 144, Gene Stratton 242, Judy (Krajewski) 86, Mazie 61

POSTEN, Livi 291, Susanna 291

POSTGATE, Mary 216


POTTER, J.W. 70, Marlene 149,Orra Elvira 216, Terrie 195

POTTS, Brenda 138, David 138, Gilbert 138, Karen 138, Marsha 138, Wilma 138

POUND, Faye 238

POUNDSTONE, Caroline 342

POWELL 42, E. 36, Ernest 50, Harry 305, Jerri 166, Jimmy 37, John 35,113, Kenny 166,

Lemuel 35, 37, Lloyd 21, Mary Ann (McCool) 322, Pam 166, Pauline (Fansler) 166,

Pauline (Shrock) 166, Pearl Lilia 322, Regina Ann (Grinslade) 205, Robert 86, Ronald

"Red" 166, Ronnie 166, Sarah 234, Sarah E. 225, W. 36, Wayne 42, 189, Sarah 37

POWER, Francis M. 15, John Thomas 212

POWERS, Annie E. 227, Iva Pearl 254, Johanna (Jo) 322, Rebecca Rhodes 336

PRAME, Frances M. 173

PRATHER, Laura 305

PRATT, Robert J. 94, Rosella 343, Sarah J.149, William 149

PREBBLE, John Stephen, Jr. 288, Oscar Byron 288

PREBLE, Oma 288, 318, Thomas 288


PRESING, Zella 197

PRESTON, Christine 332, Junior 332, Karen 332, Terry 332

PREVO, Stanley 276

PRIBBLE, Benjamin B. 288, Benjamin Byron 288, John Stephen, Sr. 288, Martin

Marshall 288

PRICE, Anna 14, 171, April 288, Austin Jacob 288, Casey 288, Charles 13, 152, 171,

Connie Jo (Louks) 288, Dennis 171, Elizabeth (Miller) 255, Florence J. (Kenworthy)

236, Gary 288, George 171, Gerald 171, Grace M. Embree 236, 288, Harold 171, Isaac

15,44,147,319, Jacob 15, Jeffery 236, Jeffery Allen 288, Jerry 288, Jerry A. 236, Jerry

Lee 288, Jewel 309, 310, Kami 288, Katharine 44, Lettica E. 285, Levi Alexander 295,

Luther 255, Marcheta (French) 255, Marinda (Gorden) 171, Marley J. 236, 288, Mary

262, Mary Catherine 15, Mary Katharine 44, Michael 16, Nancy 44, Nancy Evaline

(Rinehart) 295, Oscar 171, Pearl 255, Richard 171, Robert 171, Russell B. 288, Russell

B. 236, Sophia 270, Sophia Angelina 270, T. 95, Thomas 231, Toni (Guy) 288, William

M. 300

PRICHARD, Mary Louise Zeigler 342

PRICKETT, Phyllis Rogers 36

PRIDAY, Brad 178, Kayla 178, Kelsey 178

PRIEST, Lewis 173

PRIFOGLE 161, Anna Eliza (Huber) 288, Bruce Edward 288, 295, Carl 231, Carl

Edward 257, 288, 295, Chad Tyson 288, Clifford 295, Clifford Eugene 288, Clifford

Irvin 288, Clifford Irvin, Jr. 288, Clifford Irwin 278, Earl Walter 288, Edwin Wesley 288,

Frank John Martin 288, James Stephen 288, 295, James Trent 295, Joel Edward 295,

John 288, John Albert 288, June 288, Kenneth Edward 288, Leona Ruth 288, Louisa

(Bossert) 278, Louisa M. (Bossert) 288, Louise (Bossert) 295, Lucas Wayne 295, Marie

(Obermeyer) 295, Michael 295, Michael John 278, 288, Michael Kent 288, Peter 288,

Ralph Eugene 288, Samuel Lee 295, Scott Michael 288, Stephen Todd 295, Terrence Lee

288, Thomas Gregory 295, Timothy Allen 288, Virginia (Rinehart) 231, 295, William

Jennings 288, Wilma Marie 288

PRINCE, Jack 222

PRING, Aletha (Albright) 278, George 278, Walter K. 278


PRITTS, Alva Hayes 289, Catherine 287, 288, Cecil 289, Claude 289, Dora 289,

Elizabeth 288, Florence 289, Harrison 289, James Monroe 289, John R. 286, 288, Joseph

M. 288, Josephine 288, Levi 287, Levi Joseph,288, Mattie Marie 289, Oliver 289 Oliver

Marion 288, Owen Marion 289, Pearl (Bud) 289, Perry 289, Phebe 287, 288,289,

Raymond A. 289, William 289

PRITZ 288, Nicole Lynn 223, 297

PRITZKAU, Flossie (Mason) 256

PROPES, Angelia Ranae 232, 289, Dwayne H. 232, Dwayne Harrison 289, James Claude

"Buck" 289, Jason Cole 232,289, Rachel Leigh 232, 289

PROSS, Max 106

PROSSER, Rebecca 207

PROYER, Horace 19

PRUETT, John Duane 284, Patricia Sue (Payne) 284

PRUPECKER, Barbary 280

PSAUF, Rosie 283

PTACIN, Gregory J. 125

PUCKETT 48, Sherry 243

PUGH, Bathsheba 227, William T.51

PULLEN, Alice 208, Joyce 171, Ryan 322

PURCELL, Margaret 257

PURDUM, Nelson 112

PURDY, Nina Dale 170



PURVIS, Elsie 282, Elsie Elizabeth (Parkhurst) 289, Harold 282, Harold Eugene 289,

Harry 289, Jeffrey Eugene 289, Jeffrey Scott 289, Mary Watts 329, Maxine 187, Terry

Allen 289, Terry Bradley Allen 289, Vera 289

PUSATERI, Aaron James 151, June Arlene (Carlile) 151

PUTNEY, Everett 248

PYANOWSKI, Cathy 289, Douglas 289, George 289, George Vincent 143, Jean 289,

Jean Antoinette 143, Jessamine 143, 289. John 143.289. John Jr. 143.289. Linda 289,

Partricia Eileen 143, Patricia 289. Robert 289, Robert Adrian 143, Robin 289. Samuel 289

PYKE, J. W. 34, Mary 274

PYLE 86. 288. Elizabeth 269, Howard 3, Jane 3. Lucinda Powell 289

Last updated on 30 December 2018, Debby Beheler.