Howard County Indiana Family History Index: WThe following list of names is an index to Howard County Indiana Family History, compiled by the Howard County Genealogical Society, published 1995 by Turner Publishing Co. Paducah, KY. The number following the name is the page number/numbers on which that person is listed. To request a photocopy of an article, contact the Howard County Genealogical Society, PO Box 176, Kokomo IN 46903-0176. The book itself is available for $30.00 plus $5.00 for postage, handling and a mailer for each book ordered. WACHOB, Thomas W. 251 WADDELL, Betty 23, Bob 25, Chester 126, 290, Chet 25, Earl 25, Eugene 25, 26, Gene 26, Helen 116, 234, Jack 25, 26, Jeaneen 66, Myrna 25, Randy 25, Robert 25, Roger 26 WADDLE, M. 34 WADE, John B. 149, Laura 253 WAEFFLER, Rosemary 283 WAGGONER, Ron 86 WAGNER, Emma (Schucknecht) 328, Fay Lois (Kell) 328, Hazel Mary (Randerson) 328, Herman 56, John 248, Katherine Mary 328, Leslie William 328, Lewis 200, Lois Mae 315, Lori Anne 328, Lou 257, Raymond Frederick 328, Robert 248, Sue Ellen 217, Teresa 196, William 328, William A. 66 WAGONER, Daniel 312, Edwin L. 333, Laurel 255, Lindsay 312, Mildred (Wikle) 255, Raymond 255, Ron 23 WAHL, Hannah 164 WAINWRIGHT, S.J. 305 WAISNER 28, S. 34, Thelma 281 WAITER, Danny 217 WAITS, Della Olive 225 WAKEFIELD 14 WAL, Ralph 48 WALDEN, Alice Belle (Freed) 195, George 195, Kathy 23, 86, Rich 86, Rick 23, Tempa 154 WALDEN-HEISCHBERG, Patricia 220 WALDREN, Mary Ann 291 WALDRICK, E 34 WALDRON, Ellis 259, John 325, Margaret 325, Mary "Minnie" 325 WALKER 86,273, Ancel 116, Becky 301, Harry 226, Henry 238, Jennie B. 305, John 305, Leonard A. 80, Marie 273, Mary 183, Matilda Jane "Tillie" 305, Matilda Jennie (Rew) 305, Robert 15, 44, 319, Ruth (Underwood) 300, Thomas 183, William 44, William W. 305 WALL, Adriene Elizabeth 329, Amanda Caroline Hogan 328, Andrew Michael 329, Brent Lee 329, Claude Clay Jr. 328. Claude Sr. 328, Gregory Alan 329, Isaiah 328, Kathryn Marie 329, Larry Earl 329, Marcia Elaine 329, Marie 328, Nathan Isaiah 329, Patricia Louise 328, Robert Earl 328 WALLACE, Almary 95, Eliabeth 223, J.P.Q. 95, James Corwin 315, Jeanette (Moon) 315, Margaret Elizabeth 315 WALLS, Richard Thomas 180, Sharon Eileen Donnell 180 WALSH, John 177, Misti Dawn Newman 232 WALTER, Ambrose 33, Eric T. 313, Kurt Richard 313, Martha Elizabeth 297, Rudiger (Rudy) K. 313 WALTERS, Courtney 246, Elizabeth 234, James 62, John 65, Justin 246, Regina 246, Rhonda 246, Rita M. (Lindley) 246, Rodney 246 WALTHER, Margaret 342 WALTZ, Lillian 288 WANCA, David Edward 147, Edward 147, John Christopher 147, Stephen Christopher 147 WANDLE, Bonnie Jean (Pat) 243, Oren Denver 243, Peggy Joy 243, Richard Lee 243 WARD, Beverly Randolph Sr. 329, Carey 329, Dora Pearl (Grinslade) 205, Eleanor Glore 329, Elizabeth 329, Fannie 329, Flora 329, Flora Esta 204, Harriet Rebecca 204, Harriett 329, Ida 329, Ida Izora 204, James 329, John 329, Luella 329, Margaret 185, Mary 329, Mary Jane 329, Nancy 329, Nellie 214, 329, Ola 329, Ola Grace, 151, 204, Oma 329, Preston 329, Sampson 329, Williamson 329, Williamson Dixon 204 WARDEN, Lena Ruth 185, Lowell 25, Lulu Jane Henry 185, William Manford 185 WARDWELL, Armelia 324, Hugh 151, Theodore 151,324, William 151 WARE, Charles 223, John 25, John R.48 WARMAN, Chet 97 WARNER, Ann 224, Juanita Bessie 190, Mavilla 145 WARNICK 39 WARNOCK 37, Armem 36, Cletus 183, Delight (Renbarger) 183, Ed 37, Ethel 228, Glenna L. 183, Mary 36 WARREN, Beth 156, Ron 173 WARRICK, Fred 321, Mary 196 WASHBURN, Edward 220, Kenneth 72, 73, Nancy 72 WASHINGTON, Booker T. 68, George 180, George Sr. 180, Iva Ethel 180, Margaret K. 171, Robert 99, Thomas J. 180, Thomas Jefferson 179, Vilena Claravine (Golding) 180, Violena Clara (Golding) 179 WATERMAN, Pauline 287 WATERS, Harold 276 WATKINS 45, 86, 245, Alsa 28, Amanda 33, C.T.H. 95, Hazel Edith 269, Jim 23, Robert 290, Thomas 27, 33, Thomas W. 28 WATSON, Addie (Malicoat) 188, Celia 337, Clyde 65, Dale 26, David 337, Elmer 25, 116, Frank 188, Guy B. 97, Kenlyn 335, Lenna 65, Rosemary 337, William 336 WATTS 273, George Washington 329, James Arthur 329, Jane (Smith) 329, Mary (Polly) 225, William Milton 329 WAVRA, Bob 74 WAY, Nancy 139 WAYNE 208, Jack Jr. 313 WEAKLEY, M.E 34 WEATHERFORD, Barbara Jean 149 WEATHEROW, Margaret 272 WEAVER 28, 34, 52, Barry 138, Betty 174, Brian Lawrence 138, Daniel 34, 295, Elizabeth Ann 138, Jane Ellen (Hughes) 260, Jemimah 143, Leora Maude 260, May 260, Peter VanNuys 260, Rachel (Troyer) 295, Robert 96, Rosa Alice 205, Rozella (Anstine) 295, Stephen 295 WEBB, Bob 317, Cecil 31, Charles E. 286, Cynthia Pearl 228, Dora 236, Earl M. 286, Edith Blanche 294, Frances 339, George 286, George E. 286, Helen Irene 249, James 33, James M.286, Jeff 166, Lauren 317, Lucy Ellen 286, Mahala 289, Norval E. 286, Rebecca E. 286, Sarah 286, Vern E. 286, Viola 176, Walter R.286, Wesley J.286, William 27, Willis A.286 WEBBER, Bradley 48, Joetta 48, Jonnie 48. Tom 83 WEBSTER, Brinton 27 WEED, Charles 313, Lucretia 'Lula' Alice 197 WEEDEN, Bernice 261 WEEKS, Amanda (Huckleberry) 157, Emery 38, Joseph 157 WEELER, Bessie 332 WEESNER, Amanda 204 WEGER, Charles George 270, Martha Magdalene 270 WEIDNER, Daniel J. 202, Margaret J. 145 WEIGEL, Kathryn Louise 287 WEIGLE, Mary 234 WEILAND, Aileen Scott 123 WEIR 249, Benton William 285, Donald Jerome 285, Earl Eugene 285, Frank Rudy 285, Hazel Eileen 285. Jennifer Leigh 285, Jerome Benton 285, Lilly Joann 285, Mary Frances 285, Suzette Lorraine 285, William David 285, William David III 285, William Jr. 285 WEISENAUER, Chuck 42, Dick 42, H.J. 39, John Edward 43 WEISENBERGER, G. 34 WEITZEL, Christopher Shawn 289, Jerry James 289, Matthew David 289, Richard Clyde 289, Richard Eugene 289, Theresa (Purvis) 289 WELCH 86, Ashley Nicole 330, Clara 330, Curtis Dee 330, Dale 330, Dale Lewis 330, Don Irvin 330, Elizabeth 330, James Lee 330, Jolana Donnita Traza Shalu Paul 330, Linda Dianna (Clark) 330, Mary Jane (Feltt) 330. Michael Lewis 330, Mildred Daisy (Collins) 330, Paul Hillis 330, Tammi (Green) 330, Terry Lee 330, Todd Lynn 330, Truman. 330, Tyler Lee 330, William 330 WELCHER, Judy Wheeler 332 WELDER, Sophia 139 WELKE 161, Carl 161, 287 WELKER. John 197 WELLER, Bessie 217, Clinton 21,. Frank 72, Tracy 72 WELLINGER 197 WELLS, Allen 194, Kari 107, R. Ruth (Hendricks) 216, Rachel 339, Tommy 282 WELSH, Amanda Caroline (Foster) 330, Elmira 155, Emma 330. Erastus 34, George H. 330 WELTY, Daniel 59, John 48. Susannah 201 WENRICK, Martha Ann Prevo 276 WERBE, Bette Harness 303, Bette Jane (Harness) 211, 304, 330, 331, Esther Elfrieda (Beckman) 304, Harry N. III 211, Harry N. Jr. 329. Harry Nelson III 303, 329, 330. Harry Nelson III. "Stormy" 331. Harry Nelson, Jr. 303, 304, 330. 331, Sarah Elfrieda 303,329.330 WERMOFF, Elizabeth Kay 230 WERT, Andrew 133, Myrtle (Hall) 207, Phillip B. 133 WESLEY, John 70 WEST 28, Henderson 15, Howard 181, Joel 211, John 274, Mary 211, Phebe 211, Sarah 242, Susan 135 WESTFALL, Charles 156, Jade 283. Joseph 92, Wilma Joan 182 WETHERALD, Kevin Joseph 193 WETTERHOLD, Elizabeth 254 WEYAND, Alice Bliss 331, Eleanor Jane 331, Jane Amelia Hizer331. Melvin 331, Morris A. 331 Morris Arthur (Marty) 331 Morris L. (Mory) 331 WHEELER Anna 332, Barry 332 Bessie 332, Billy 332, Carolyn. 48, Charlene 332, Charles 331 Charles J. 149, 331, Charles Jr. 331, 332, Charles Lee 331, 332 Charles W. 332, Cheryl 149. Cheryl Lynn 332, Chris 332. David 332, Debbie 332, Dennis 332, Dian 332, Don II 332. Donald 332, Donald Eugene 331 . Eddie 332, Edna (Sanford) 332 Ella 332, Eula Mae 332, Floyd 332, Fred 332, George W. 333 Greg 332, Hannah J. 241, James (Red Jim) Henry 331, James 332 Jeff 332, Jim 332, John 332, John II 132, John Lewis 331, Josephine Lee 332, Josephus C. 333, Julia 332, Julia (Cooper) 332, Julia Cooper 331, Kevin 332, Linda 332, Lucille 332, Lucy (Lawrence) 331, 332, Manford Lincoln 332, Margaret 33:. Marjorie 332, Mark 332. Mike 332, Mildred 332, Richard 80 Robert 332, Robert C. 332, Robert Clary 331, Robert E. 33: Robert James 331, Ronnie 332 Ruth 332, Scott 332, Stephen Charles 332, Steve 149, Sue 332 Thomas 333, Tom 332. Vivian Marie 284,332, William Thomas 331 WHELSTONE, Jenene 297 WHINERY, Abigail Paist 144 WHISLER, Samuel, Jr. 85 WHISMAN, Andrew 313 WHITACRE, Jacob Harold 262, Kathryn Jane 333, Leonard John 333, Marilyn Sue 333, Marilyn Sue Buller l53, Mary 231, Mary Louise (Bradley) 333, Robert J. 33, Scott 333, Susan Kay 333, Wayne L. "Bud" 333 WHITAKER, Mary 219, Nancy 225 WHITCAMPER 86 WHITE 86, Alpheus 19, Amanda Elaine 335, Anastasia Marie 335, Andrew 96,334, Andrew Michael 138, Anna Mae (Ritchey) 333. Benjamin Howard 138, Brendon James 335, Brian Alan 339, Bruce 157, Carole Ann, 228, 334, Carrie Anne 339, Catherine 315, Catherine Rose 333, Ceclia Mae 333, Christina Ann 138, Clayton 157, Cody 157, D.A. 90, Delois 74, Dora Etta 334, Elizabeth 15, 257, 334, Elizabeth (Alder) 148, 256, 257, 311, 334, Elizabeth "Betty" Marie 334, Elizabeth Irene 335, Emma (Newcom) 148, Eva 333, Eva Lucile 335, Everett 334, Everett Kenneth, 333, 335, Frances Lois 333, G.H. 95, Gary 48. George 334, "Happy" 333, Harvey 334, Heather (Hill) 157, Hertha 3, 16, Howard 138, 296, 333, 334, Howard E. 228, Howard Edward 311, 319, 333, 335, J.W. 34, Jacob 334, 335, James 334, James Michael 335, James Thomas 333, Jane 223, Jefferson 15, 148, 256, 257, 311, 334, Jerry Lawrence 138, Jessee 334, John 334, John Fitzgerald 335, John Hazen 91, Joseph Edward 138, 333, Joshua Joseph 138, Karen Sue 335, Kathryn Jo 335, Lillian 99, Louisa (Mason) 335, Malinda 334, Margaret Frances 1320, Margaret Virginia 333, Martha E. 19, Mary 334, Mary (Hendricks) 216, Mary Alice 99, Mary Loretta 334, Michael 339, N.H. 90, Nancy Rayl 291, Orville 332, Patricia 335, Paul Eugene 333, Priscilla 284, Richard Joseph 138, Richard Lawrence 138, 334, Robert Joseph 334, 335, Ruby 171, Ruth 138, Ruth (Hunt) 296, Ruth Ann 335, Ruth Ella (Hunt) 228, 311, 319, 334, 335, Ruth Joan 311, 334, Stephanie Nichole 335, Steven Paul 335, Susan 334, Susanna 190, Theodore Phillip 333. Thomas 334, Thomas Mark 334, Vola 334, Vivian Achor 36, Willard Douglas, 296, 333, 334, 335, William 106, 334, William A. 148, William Douglas 335, William Paul 258, 334, 335, Zelphy 191 WHITECOTTON, Darlene 332 WHITED, Betty 142, Delpha (Hammond) 142, 198, Edward 142, Harry 198, Harry Edward 142, James 142 WHITEHEAD, Bob 97, George Lee 278, Ida (Gehlert) 278, Robert 174, William H. 278 WHITEHOUSE, Dick 23 WHITEMAN, 335, Dale 335, Karen Jo 335, Lisa Kay 336, Mabel (Helton) 335, Ralph Vernon 335, Russell 335 WHITESIDES, Mabel Elizabeth 298 WHITEZEL, J.W. 236 WHITFIELD, Isabella 160 WHITMAN, Florence G. 14. George A. 13, Jacob 51 WHITTAKER, Isaac 31 WHITTED, Rebecca Ann 276 WIBEL, Clarence 292, Elizabeth 33, Essie 292, George 292, Levi 33, Marion 292, Nancy 292, Vern 292, Virginia 292, Harry 75, L. 34 WICKERSHAM 48,317, Moses 44 WIGENT, Ronald 325 WIKEL, Mike 187 WIKLE, Claude 255, Eva Lenon 145, Hora (Mason) 255 WILCOX, Caroline Josephine 181, Frances Pohl 181, George 190, Madeline 22, 23, Samuel Willis 181 WILCOXON, Helen Lydia 299 WILES, John C. 125, Richard L. 66 WILEY, Richard 158, Richard M. 158 WILKERSON, Mahalla Emmaline 212 WlLKINSON,Anna Matilda (Rudy) 329, B.F. 34, Benjamin 245, Benjamin Franklin 329, Bulah (Hilton) 329, Lillis Cook 160, Minnie Mae 329, William Clinton (Clint) 329 WILLETTS, Clarence 41 WILLIAMS 229, A.L. 125, Adam 175, Amanda 298, Ansen J. 33, Arleen Mae 336, Arnold A. 336, Arnold Orlando 336, Arthur 33, Bernice 285, C.C. "Bud" 54, 56, Carl 14, Carol Diana 336, Cecil 336, Constance Sue 336, Daniel 219, 336, Dean Russell 336, Deloris (Knight) 232, Don 21,23, Dustina Ann 336, Earl 336, Elijah 285, Elizabeth Ann 257, Emma R (Brown) 285, Ethel S. "Hall" 336, Etwol 247, Florence 336, Floyd 180, Frank 175, Freeborn 336, G.W 95, Gertrude 336, Glen 269, H. Jerome 336, Henry Milton 245, Herbert E. 132, Herschel 298, Jack 157,199,255, Jacque 22, Jeff 157, 199, 255, Jennie 157, 199, 255, Jenny 336, John 12, 336, John H. 80, John L. 336, John N. 336, John Robert 336, Johnnie Margaret 177, Joseph 336, Joseph F. 257, Kathy Jane 182, Leena 322, Lois 21, Loretta 336, Loretty 336, Lynn 302, Madge L. "Decker" 336, Margaret 143, Mark S. 234, Martha Elizabeth "Edgar" 336, Martha Patricia 170, Mary 336, Mary Catherine Lawrence 245, Melissa (LaForge) 285, Mercy 336, Molly 197, Naomi Laura M. 327, Napoleon Bonapart 336, Orlando B. 336, Patience 336, Peleg 336, Providence 336, Richard 175, Richard W. 336, Robert H. 336, Roberta Ann 336, Roger 336, Roger Jr. 336, Ross B. 285, Ross Benjamin 285, Russell Bruce 336, Sarah A. 336, Sarah "Bryant" 336, Sarah Frances 209, Shanna 322, Stella Bell Herron 336, Sue 192, Susan "Fox" 336, Vergil 336, Walter 287, William 336, William A. 336, William G. 336, William H. 336 WILLIAMSON, Adda Elizabeth 199, Chanty 155, Edward E. 80. Flora Hyman 199, Janet Gayle 271, Mercelle 199 WILLIS, David 195, Lydia (Coggshall) 195, Sarah J. 211 WILLITS 85, Austin 231, Austin H. 231, C.C. 32, 34, Kate 247, 324, Sarah Ellen (Lindley) 231 WILLITS-KURTZ 32 WILLMAN, Jeanne Schrader 303 WILLOWBY 42 WILLSON, Anna Jane 190, Edward L. 190, Geneva (Agness) 190, Lawrence 190 WILSON 59, Amanda 199, Amaryllis 337, Ambros 15, Ambrose 278, 336, Amelia 337, Ann Ella (Ford) 282, Anna Pearl 151, Arbutus (Bryan) 337, Ardee 337, Asa J. 337, Avonnelle 337, Bashie 337, Ben 72, Bertha 14, Bill 134, Brenda 199, Brian 199, Brian 11 199, C. Meredith 288, C.S. 18, Callie 337, Charles 207, Charles S. 19, Cheryl 337, Chester 337, Claude 223, Constance 337, Crystal 174, Dee Ann 337, Diana 337, Donna Sue 282, Dora E. 231, Dorothy 337, Earl 337, Edith 223, Edna 327, Elias 48, Eliza 207, Elizabeth 337, Ellen (Boose) 223, Ellen Jane Longfellow 326, Elroy 174, Elva 174, Elva Rachel 162, Emma 145, Estelle 174, Ethel 223, Eunice 278, Hora 219, Florence 336, Frank 336, Gale 337, Gary 337. George. 270, 336, Glen 337, Glen J. 199, Glen L. 337, Glenn E. 199, Goldie K. (Bausum) 199, Gregory 337, Guy 15, 146, 196, 211, 336, Harriet Stringer 207, Indiana Ann (Baldwin) 151, Inis 337, Irma 223, Isaac 254, James 270, Janet R 337, Jessie 337, John 19, 146, 337, John C. 151, 336, John M. 145, 151, Kent 337, Kevin 190, Kim (Bowlin) 199, Kris 337, Kylee 337, Laird E. 337 Laura Ann (Crites) 151, 262, Lauren 337, Lelah Loucinda 325, Leonard 201, Lida Laura 278, Lisa 336, Loren D. 337, Lydia 234, Lyndal 196, 336, Madge Freeland 196, Mae Jewel (Evans) 158, Margaret Robinson 270, Marjorie 337, Marjory 337, Mary 72, 196, 253, 337, Mary (McDowell) 151. Mary Elizabeth 205, Mary Helen 337, Mary Jane 270, Mary S. 225, Max 337, McDonald George 336 McDonald "Mack," 336, Michelle 336. Mildred 337, Miriam Elizabeth (Hall) 158, Olivia 337, Orville (Bud) 223, Pearl 145, 174, Peter 270, Phoebe 223, Phoebe Griffith 278, Polly (McDowell) 336, Ron 104, Ronald 337, Roscoe 151, 162, Roscoe Alvin 174, 262, Ross 287, Samuel 207, Scanlon 337, Sharon 196, 336, Shaun 337, Shirlee 337, Simeon 199, Stella 342, Stephen 336, Steve 46, Sylvester 223, 256, 336, Tessa Estelle 262, Thomas 337, Thomas I. 19, Travis 337, Tyler 337, Walter 75, Wayne 337, William 47, 325, 336, William C. 337, William, Jr. 282, William M. 158, Willie James 158 WILSTED, Gertrude (Neal) 313, Harold 313, Myra Patricia 313 WILT, W.B. 27 WILTROUT, Susanne 234 WILTSE, Martha 143 WILTSIN, Ansel R. 19 WIMMER, Mable D. 247, Ruth 172 WINDLOW, Jessie H. 48 WINEGARDNER, M. 36 WINES, Elizabeth 167, Howard 208. John 236, Willie 52, 64 WINGFIELD, Elizabeth 325 WININGAR, Warren 202 WINNIGER, Betty 280 WINSLOW, Doris 186, Edgar A. 186, James Frederick 331, Lester 3, Marjorie Dianne Miller 331, Patricia 257 WINTERODE, J.D. 33 WINTERROWD 28, J.D. 34, M.C. 34 WINTLAND, Fred 300, Kathi 300, Lisa 300 WINTRODE, Candace Kay 320, Herbert Dale 320 WISE, Anna A. Schrader 303, George W.85, S.R 34, W. Robert 248, WA. 34 WISEHART, Absolom 162, Carl 24, 25, Frank 162, Mary (Keisling) 162, Nora 162 WISEMAN, Harold Victor 328, Jennifer Marie 249, Raymond Victor 328 WITHAM, Katherine 108 WITSON, Minervia 323, Sarah 323 WITTIG, Cynthia Jane 182 WITTKAMPER, John W. 85 WOESSNER, Elizabeth 311 WOHLFORD, Paul 29 WOHRER, Ellen (Ella) B. 147 WOLF 86, Francis I. 343, Mikki 281 WOLFE, Arthur 255, Barbara Jean Herron 164, E. Gladys (Rinehart) 255, Howard 255, Linda 255, Phyllis Goodman 219. Rebecca Ellen 245 WOLFORD, Arthur 316, Arthur H. 337, Aruther Henry 293, Chester Arther 337, Daniel 337, David 337, Deborah (Carroll) 337, Della Marie 337, Della May 337, Dollie E.337, Earnest Harold 337, Edna Pearl 337, Edward E. 337, Ethel 293, Ethel Bowen 316, Everett Arlow 337, Goldie Effie May 337, Harold L.337, Jesse Melton 337, John H. 337, John Michael 337, Mildred Bell 293, 316, Myrtle Lavana 337, Nathan Emery 337, Oliver Burdett 337, Ralph Eugene 337, Robert James 337, Roy Thomas 337, Sarrah Etta 337, Solmon 337, Walter Kenneth 337, William Raymond 337 WOLTER, Harry 119 WOOD, Ann 336, Annie Mae 186, Arietta 186, Cecil Dale 186, Charles 276, Charles A. 338, Charles Raymond, Jr. 338, Connie Sue 186, Etta 139, George Harley 338, George Philip 337, George William 338, Hannah French Washer 338, Ivah Mae 309, Jennifer 179, John Richard 338, Louisa 139, Mae Belle 227, Mame 139, Mary Elizabeth Hine 337, 'Mayme" 338, Raymond 186, Robert Mills 338, Roger 64, William 33, Worley Drinkwater 338 WOODFIELD, Joseph 156 WOODMANS, H. 36 WOODMANSE, F 36 WOODMANSEE, Maggie 223 WOODRING, Anita Louise 147, Ethel 338, Hannah (Isley) 281, John 281, Mildred 171 WOODRUFF, Amanda Jane (Pierce) 300, Audrey Monica 300, 338, Charles Herbert 338, Edward Charles "E.C." 300, Edward Charles Jr. "Ed" 338, Garland 338, Gordon 338, Helen Jane 338, Herbert R. 338, James Paul 338, Juanita 338, Le Roy 338, Ludica Lucille 338, Mayne 338, Nancy Ellen "Nell" 338, Paul 338, Raymond Charles 338, Robert 338 WOODS 245, Ann Overstreet 322, David 23, 86, 172, Ephraim 59, Ephriam 281, Ephrum 15, Green 89, Hubert 322, John 322, Josiah 59, Malvina 171, Mary Anna Miller 59, Simon R 16, Simon Peter 59, Thomas 96 WOODWARD, Asa 66, Chelsea 225, Cheryl (Andrews) 225, Donald 225, Elysia 225, Howard 322, Lezlie 225, Matthew 225, Patrick 225, Ron 225, Thomas 225, Westley 225 WOODWORTH, Maria B. 93 WOODY, George 25, George L.222, H.G. 103, Horace G. 45 WOOLDRIDGE, Col. 169, Marilyn 243, Marilyn Frances (Lambert) 180 WOOLEY, Dorothy 287 WOOLLEY, Anna Francis 338, Ardra Charles 338, Camela Lynn 333, Catharine 217. Catharine Dorcas 338, Charles Claborn 338, Charles Edgar 338, Clora Alice 197,338, Donald Earl 333, Elizabeth Jane 333, Hubbard Allen 338, James Madison 338, James W.338, John 305, Laura Lee 338, Mabel Irene Oakes 338, Martha Jane 338, Martin Newell 338, Matthew Kent 333, Milford Franklin 338, Ora Ashton 338, Ostin Lee 338 WOOLVERTON, Sarah 205 WOOTEN, William 60 WORD, Robert Reid 226 WORDYKE, John 33 WORREL, William W. 177 WORTHINGTON, Ivaah 147, Juanita 258, Paul 336 WORTHMAN, Raymond E. 319, Stephanie Kay Taylor 319 WOTRING, Bruce 85 WRIGHT, Alvie 208, Amos 339, Ann 339, Arminda T. 319, Betty 339, Charity 339, Chester G.339, Chester G. Jr. 339, Chet Jr. 65, Clifford T. 339, Clifton 339, Conrad C.339, Curtis 339, Daniel 339, David 339, Dewey Charles 339, Dorothy 268, E.34, Edmund 27, Edward 33, Elizabeth 339, Ella G. 339, Elsie D. 66, Embert 286, Emma 339, Ethel G. 339, Florence 21, 251, Fred 3, George B.M. 339, George Dewey 339, Gulielma 66, Helen Hankins 208, Isaac 339, Isabelle 339, James 339, Jeanne (Beck) 207, John 27, 339, John O. 339, John R 66, John Prior 46, 47, 339, Jonathan 35, Josiah 33, Judd 97, L. 269, Larry Edward 339, Lavonne 283, Leland "Cinco" 25, Leroy 339, Lillis 160, Lorrie 339, Luna 66, Mark 224, Mary 339, Milton 28, Minnie 286, Nancy Ann 339, Naomi 339, Orville 28, Pearl 339, Rachel 339, Rhoda 339, Richard 339, Sara 224, Sarah 339, Susannah 339, Thomas J. 339, Vashti 339, Wallace Lee 299, Wesley 224, Wilbur 28, William 33, Wm 339 WRIGHTSMAN, Abram 35 WUNDER, Leo"Bud" 52, Michael 293 WYANT, Aaron 239, Alan 239, Bermal Oscar 168, Catherine (Straley) 168, Catherine Kenworthy 340, Charles 180, 340, Chelsea Leo 168, Clay 340, Cleola Catherine 168, Clora Louise 168, Darwin 319, Donald R. 340, Ernest 340, Garnet Mae 168, Hugh Kenneth 168, Kamron 239, Kylie Brooks 319, Kym Coomler 340, Maurice Elvie 168, Ruby Blanch 168, Samuel Luke 340, Treva Irene 168, Velda Lorene 168, Vernida Ann 168, William Franklin 168, William Henry 168, William R. 168, Winifred L. Jones 180. Wm. Thomas 340 WYATT, Clarence Lester 270, Harry 270, John E 270, Lottie May 270, Lura 270, Maude 270, William 270 WYBREW, Chester 217 WYCKOFF, Mary 216 WYGANT, Patricia 252 WYNN, Zella A. 288 WYRICK, Betty Mullen 206, Carissa 324, Corey 324, Dennis E. 268, Guy 268, Helen 99, Hugh 324, Miriam 206, Nannette 232, Opal 26, Phyllis Kimberly Hayen 214, Roger Kent 268, Sue 324, Wayne 48 WYSONG, Ardell 256, Susie 256 Last updated on 30 December 2018, Debby Beheler. |