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G.A.R. Memorial Exercise -
December 1897
Honor to the Dead
Memorial Exercise Will Be Held by the G.A.R. Post.
Members of the T.J. Harrison Post will Pay Fitting Tribute to Their
The list of dead members of the post includes:
Blanche, Willis, Colonel, 57th Ind.
Bohan, John, R.Q.M., 39th Ind. Vols. Inft.
Bennett, Asher C., private, Co. K, 9th Ind. Vol.s Inft.
Butcher, Saul T., private, Co. H, 34th Ind. Vols. Inft.
Bowman, William H., private, 7th Ind. Battery.
Castator, E.L., private, Co. C 9th Ind. Cavalry
Dunlap, Charles, private, 93rd Ind. Inft.
Douglass, William, private, Co. F 46th Ind. Inft.
Dare, Noah L., private, Co. D 139th Ind. Inft.
Farrington, Jabez, private, Co. A 137th and Co. E 40th Ind. Inft.
Friday, David, private, Co. C 10 Ill. Inft.
Finch, William, private, 25th Ind. Battery.
Garrigus, John S., Sergt. Co. I 142nd Ind. Inft.
Haseltine, Ross J., Capt., Co. C 69th O. Inft.
Hester, David, private, Co. B 2nd West Va. Cav.
Hillis, Leander H, Captain, Co. G 13th Ind. Cav. and 10th Ind. Inft.
Harris, Daniel, private, Co. D 89th Ind. Inft.
Hodson, David, Chaplain, 89th Ind. Inft.
Hilands, James, Sargeant, Co. L 12th Ind. Cav.
Hurd, Norman, private, Co. H 42nd Ill. Inft.
Harris, Henry C., private, Co. I 154th Ind. Inft.
Heaton, Daniel M, private, Co. D 89th Ind. Inft.
Hostetler, Montraville, private, Co. A 125th Ind. Inft.
Johnson, Isaac C., Ass't Surgeon, 153rd Ind. Inft.
Kirkpatrick, Thomas M., Captain, Co. E 13th Ind. Inft.
Kidder, James E., private, Co. C 75th Ind. Inft.
Kelley, Francis A., private, Co. G 12th Ind. Inft.
Knox, William F., private, Co C 2nd Ind. Cav.
Keeler, William, private, Co. B 4th Cav.
Lang, Francis, private.
Luckey, Joseph, private, Co. G 130th Ind. Inft.
Mavity, William K., private, Co. F 37th Ind. Inft.
Markland, Garah, Captain, Co. F 12th Ind Inft. And Co. D 89th Ind.
More, George W., private, Co. H 150th Ind. Inft.
Marine, Leroy S., private, Co. I 142nd Ind. Inft.
McCarty, John, private, Co. F 19th Ind. Inft.
Ogden, George T., Captain, Co. D 39th Ind. Inft.
Pursley, George, private, Co. A 130th Ind. Inft.
Ream, Littleton V., Capt., Co. G 86th Ind. Inft.
Rhoads, Benj. F., Captain, Co. G 57th Ind. Inft.
Ross, George B, private, Co. K 23d O. Inft.
Scott, William, Surgeon, 89th Ind. Inft.
Simpson, W.J., private, Co. E 126th Ind. Inft.
Styer, William, Lieut., Co. D 89th Ind. Inft.
Stewart, Samuel W., private, Co. A 18th O.
Spitler, Jacob, private, Co. K 57th Ind. Inft.
Spraker, John G., private, Co. K 11th Ind. Inft.
Shelly, Daniel, private, H 153rd Ind. Inft.
Sumner, Chas. P., Corporal, Co. C 97th Ind. Inft.
Todd, Owen W., private, Co. I 139th Ind. Inft.
Traux, Charles F., private, Co. G 15th Ind. Inft. And Co. H 4th U.S.
Todhunter, William E., Lieut., Co. D 57th Ind. Inft.
Varnes, Tobias L., Sergeant, Co. D 6th Ind. Inft.
Wykes, Theophilus L., private, Co. C 31st Ohio Inft.
Source: The Kokomo Dispatch Saturday,
December 15, 1897-page 1
Transcribed by Donnie Pickard March 2004