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Howard County Businesses in
The following material was taken from the Indiana
State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1882-83, published by
R.L. Polk & Co., Indianapolis. This listing of local businesses
is important since the earliest known Kokomo city directories date from
1895 and 1905.
Material made available courtesy of Michele
McNabb and the Howard County Genealogical Society. Also available in
the HCGS Newsletter, volume 12 # 3&4
Cassville (Pop.90. Two churches:
Methodist and Christian. J.D. ODELL, postmaster.)
CLARK, S.J., saw mill
PUCKETT, J.L., physician
GHER, David, shoemaker
ODELL, J.D., general store, RR & express
JAMES, Joseph, blacksmith
STANTANT, A.S., wagonmaker
Greentown (Pop. 350. Has Methodist,
Christian, United Brethren and Dunkard churches. Daily stage to Jerome
and West Liberty. Live stock and grain are exported. C. POWELL,
BAGWELL, L.A., physician
BULL, Charleton, lawyer
COVALT, A.A., physician
ELLIS & KNIGHT, blacksmiths
GALLION, E.P., justice of the peace
GRIFFIN, A.J., general store
HAMMER, John, hotel
JENNINGS, William L., saw and planing mill
LAMB, H.C., shoemaker
LINDLEY, H.C., live stock
LINDLEY, M.H., grocer
POWELL, Amos, RR and ex. agt.
POWELL, A. & Bro., general store
PRICE, G.W., lawyer
REED, J.H., hotel
SCOTT & Bro., physicians
TURNER, William & Son, hardware
Jerome (Pop. 250. Daily stage to
Greentown. C.F. TEMPLIN, postmaster.)
ADDINGTON, Nancy, hotel
BALL, W.M., blacksmith
BROWN & Knote, flour mill
HAWKINS, P., wagonmaker
LANCASTER, E.S., carpenter
MCELWEE, J., Rev. (Methodist)
MURREY, S.T., physician
STANLEY, James, carpenter and justice
TEMPLIN, C.F., general store and notary
TURNER, B., drugs
WILSON, J., shoemaker
WORLEY, J.G. & Bro., saw mill
Plevna ("An unimportant postoffice in
Liberty township." John K. SAUL, postmaster.)
COLSCOTT, Stephen, general store and drugs
MILLER, H. & A., general store
ROGERS, Alexander, justice of the peace
ROSA, Hiram, blacksmith
SAUL, John K., farmer
Russiaville (Pop. 750. A very thrifty
village, with 3 churches and a graded school. Grain and live stock are
exported at the rate of 150 car loads per month. John Gennebeck,
ALLISON & GRAHAM, carriagemakers
BEEKS, Lewis A., physician
BISHOP & MCCANN, general store
BORDERS, G.A., RR agent
BURES, John, blacksmith
CHANDLER, R.T., proprietor, Chandler House, and
dealer in drugs, medicines, chemicals and toilet articles.
CLINE, Augustus, saw and planing mill
COFFIN, Leander W., grocer
COFFIN, Oliver G., general store
COHEE, Kate E., milliner
CONNER, Adam, Rev. (Christian)
COOK, Isaac N., dentist
COOPER, O.P., meat market
COSAND & COSAND, proprietors, Russiaville
DOUGLASS, Melvin H., watchmaker
DURRER, George H., saw mill
FORKNER, Frank, grocer and restaurant
GASKILL, R.L. & Co., grain dealers
GENNEBECK, John, postmaster, undertaker and
insurance agent
GRIFFITH & EVANS, hardware
HAUN, Frank A., boots and shoes
HAWORTH, Minnie, milliner
HODSON, William, tile manufacturer
HORSHER, Frank, lunch room
ILES, Oliver P., meat market
ILES, Stephen B., physician
JONES, Daniel R. & Sons, blacksmiths
KELLY, Joseph, Saloon
MCKINNEY, William C., photographer
MERRICK, A.C., lawyer and insurance
MOULDER, Thomas M., physician
OGLE, Theodore T., boots and shoes
ORR, John, livery, sale and feed stable, live
stock and harness
PAYNE, William R., lawyer
RICHARDS, Benjamin B., real estate, insurance,
justice of the peace, and attorney at law
SEE, Miles M., barber
SHELTON, Joel N., agent drugs
SHELTON, Milly F., milliner
SHERWIN, Ely R., grain dealer and ex. agent
TALBOT, Samuel, Rev. (Friends)
WALTER, Charles M., lawyer and insurance
WHITE, Charles E., Rev. (Methodist)
WRIGHT, J.C., dentist
Kokomo (Pop. 5000. One of the most
thrifty, enterprising cities of its size in the State. Has good county
buildings, substantial, imposing business blocks handsome residences,
is lighted by gas, has a fire dept., telephone exchange, good opera
house, several churches, 1 high and 2 graded schools, 3 banks, 6
hotels, 3 large grain elevators, and 4 weekly newspapers: Dispatch,
Gazette, Tribune and Christian Indicator.
Orlando A. Somers, postmaster.)
ALBAUGH, Aaron & Co., coal and lumber
ANDREWS, Moses R. jr., saw mill
ARMSTRONG, PICKETT & Co., hardware and
manufacturers of wagon material
ARMSTRONG, Walter S., mayor
BALDWIN, A.L., saloon
BALL, R.F., monuments
BARNES, John W., co. school superintendent
BARNES, William W., grocer
BEARD, Thomas, dealer in saws and saw repairer
BELL & PURDUM, lawyers
BIDDLEMAN, W.E., boots and shoes
BIVINS, Mary, hairdresser
BLAKE, Robert, jewelry
BLOCK & THALMAN, dry goods
BOHAN, John, justice
BRABOY, Joseph, barber
BROUSE, Henry R., lawyer
BROWN, Joshua, cabinetmaker
BUDD, Albert A., sewing machines
BYRD Thomas A., barber
CAIN, Joseph & Son, tanners and
CANODE, Thomas W., shoemaker
CARR, Norman, Rev. (Baptist)
CARROLL, William J., RR agent
CHANDLER & BEESON, furniture and
CHAPMAN, George N., shoemaker
CHAPMAN, William, restaurant
COOPER, Freeman, lawyer
COOPER, John M., county clerk
COOPER, William, physician
COTTINGHAM, Charles S., grocer
COYLE, John, saloon
CRAIB, William E., tailor
DARBY, O.V. & Bro., dry goods
DARNELL, James M., pres. Kokomo Milling Company
DAVIS, Andrews & Co., lumber
DAVIS, A.E., Mrs., dressmaker
DAVIS, S. & Sons, dry goods
DAVIS & Co., general store
DAYHOFF, Andrew F., physician
DEHAVEN, Jacob H., saloon
DEHAVEN, James W., sheriff
DENISON, D., Mrs., millinery
DILLINGER, Joseph, propr. Kokomo House
DIXON & Co., hardware and grain
DOLMAN, J.C., boots and shoes
DORSCH, Moliveana, milliner
DUKE Bros., confectioners
DURET, Mary, stamping and embroidery
EDWARDS, William H., boots and shoes
ELLIS, Andrew, RR agent
ELLIS Bros., live stock dealers
ELLIS, DICKSON & Co., hardware
ELLIS, J.H., supt. Kokomo Gas Light and Coke
ENGLISH, Mattie, dressmaker
EVERTON, L.C., boots and shoes
FALK, Louisa & Carrie, milliners
FELLOWS, Lewis L., RR agent
FIELDING, William, barber
FINN, Albert, livery
FISSE, John H., merchant tailor
FRIDAY, David, clothing
FRIDLIN, Edward, saloon
GARRIGUS, Milton, lawyer
GASKILL, Robert S. & Co., grain dealers
and elevators
GASKIN, William W., barber
GERMAN, John G., foreman MICHENER & Co's
machine shops
GILBERT, Joseph C., propr. Clinton House
GLASS, W.H., manager, Western Union Telegraph Co.
GRANT, Amandus N., lawyer
GROVES, Robert T., livery
GUTHRIDGE, Thomas, Mrs., hotel
HALL, Gabriel, W., flour and feed
HAMILTON, James, saloon
HARNESS, Benjamin F., lawyer and abstract of
HARPER, Emma, millinery and musical merchandise
HARRIS & MCALPIN, furniture and carpets
HARTZELL, William B., meat market
HARVEY, Adam, blacksmith
HASELTINE, Ross J., jeweler
HASELTINE, William, watchmaker
HASKETT & Co., dry goods
HASS & RUNK, proprs. Kokomo
HAUSER, Charles B., restaurant
HAWKINS, Eli & Son, meat market
HENDERSON, J.O. & H.E., proprs. Kokomo
HENRY, James, blacksmith
HENRY & BENNETT, lawyers
HEXTER, David, meat market
HILLIS, Lee H., harnessmaker
HOLTON, William, blacksmith
HOOPER, Walter, carriage manufacturer
HOOVER & HUNT, sewing machines
HOUGHTON, Charles F., insurance agent
HOUSER, Louisa C., Mrs., fashionable boarding
HOWARD, Nicholas E., restaurant
HUFF, Margie, dressmaker
HUNT, Ezra S. & Co., lumber
HUNT, Henry, manufacturer of sash, doors, blinds,
HURD & Co., dealers and manufacturers of
lumber, plow beams, etc.
HUNLOCK, Solomon, blacksmith
HURTZELL, A.J., cigars and tobacco
INGELS, John, justice
JACKSON, Charles S., insurance agent
JAY, Austin, produce
JAY, Charles A., cashier, First National Bank
JOHNSON, E.B., saloon
JOHNSON, Horace, barber
JOHNSON, Isaac C., physician
JOHNSON, James D., agent American and Adams Ex.
JOHNSON, Jordan, house sign and ornamental
JOHNSON, J.D. & Co., loan and insurance
agents and abstracts of title
JONES, M.C., feed yard
KELLER, A.D. & Co., grocers
KELLER, Charles R., grocer
KELLY Bros., feed yard
KELLY, J.T. & KELLY, harness and saddles
KELLY & KELLY, live stock
KENNEDY, William, city marshal
KENNEDY & Co., clothing
KERN & Kern, physician
KINSEY, Jehiel, meat market
KINSEY, J., Mrs., dressmaker
KIRK, I.E., lawyer
KIRK, Samuel F., dentist
KIRKPATRICK, John W., justice
KIRKPATRICK, L.J., Master Commissioner of Circuit
KNOX, William R., sewing machines
KOHL, Peter, dyer and scourer
KROH, Jacob H., lawyer
LANE, Lamson G., real estate and insurance agent
LAUDERMAN, Francis (Catholic)
LAUGHLIN, Mary E., dressmaker
LEACH & Reiff, blacksmiths
LEEDS, Frederick, RR agent
LEEDS, Josiah M., RR ticket agent
LINDSAY & KERN, attorneys at law
LITTLER, Ella, Mrs., boarding
LOWE, Henry B., city treasurer
MCCUNE, Robert, Rev. (Congregational)
MCELWEE, Amazia K., meat market
MCGLONE, Henry G., grocer
MCCOVIN, Thomas, saloon
MCGOWAN, George, carpenter
MCKINSEY, George W., produce
MAAS, Jacob, saloon
MAHERT, J.P., saloon
MARINE, William S., barber
MARIS, Milton J., boots and shoes
MATTIX, James, hides, pelts and furs
MARITY, William K., physician
MAX & NATE, clothing
MICHENOR & Co., machinists, Star Machine
MILLER, David C., saw filer
MITCHELL, Frank A., grocer
MOORE, Daniel W., marble works
MOORE, George A., grocer and meat market
MOORE, John B., physician
MOORE, John E., lawyer
MOORE, Samuel C., manufacturer of sash, doors and
blinds; also groceries
MORELAND, Henry L., county auditor and cooper
MORGAN, J. Rollin, dentist
MORRIS, Courtland T., confectionery
MORRISON & WOOD, lawyers
MOTE, MCDOWELL & Co., hardware
MURPHY, Levi, grocer
MURRAY, William A., sewing machines
O'BRIEN, James, lawyer
OGDEN & Reed, general blacksmiths
ORCHEDD, Robert, grocer
PARKER, Frank, saloon
PARKER & Sayler, saloon
PATTISON, George W., druggist and physician
PEARCE, Frank, baker
PEARCE, William W., saloon
PHILIPS, A.S., editor and propr. Kokomo
PHILIPS, John E., grocer
PICKETT, Nathan, pres. Howard National Bank
PIERCE, William D., grocer
PIERCE, William H.,saloon and billiards
PIERSON, Jonathan, tile manufacturer
PLEAS, Maurice E., dentist
POLLARD, Clark N., lawyer
PRICE, Frank A., livery
PUCKETT, J.L., propr. Christian
QUAINTANCE, Eli, lightening rods
RAMSEY, Lewis J., blacksmith
RAY, W.B., civil engineer and abstracts
RAYBURN, James C., meat market
REDFORD, John E., boarding house
REDMOND, Benjamin F., broom manufacturer
REDMOND & BROWN, grocers
REED, Byron, photographer
RETTS, L.A., Rev. (Methodist)
RICH, Levi P., county recorder
RICHARDS & HARRIS, dressmakers
RICHARDSON, Joel, live stock
RICHMOND, Corydon, justice
ROSS, John H., physician
ROSS & Artis, painters
RUSSELL, Dolman & Co., bankers and grain
RUSSELL, J., president, First National Bank
SAILORS, Hamilton M., druggist
SANDERS, Willialm, propr. Newcomb House
SANDFORD & Hull, second hand furniture
SASSMAN, P.A., carpenter
SAWYER, Eugene W., physician
SCHAFSTALL, Clarence Y Co., retail cigars and
SCOFIELD, Frank, restaurant and bakery, leading
restaurant of Kokomo
SCOTT, C.A. & Bro., druggists
SCOTT, Mary E., dressmaker
SCOTT, William, physician
SCOTTON, James M., druggist
SELLERS & Bro., grocers and meat market
SELLS, Albert C., harnessmaker
SHAUL & BATREALL, manufacturers and
dealers in porcelain lined wooden pumps, screen doors, etc.
SHEPARD, Richard, confectioner
SHEPARD & BYERS, druggists
SHEWEY, Charles, saloon
SHOCK, Ezra, gunsmith
SLIDER, John W., street commissioner
SLYTER, C.M., real estate and insurance
SMITH, Albert G., physician and surgeon
SMITH, David, justice
SMITH, Newton B., lawyer
SMITH, Richard H., physician
SNIDER, L., stave and heading manufacturer
SNYDER, T.W., propr. Snyder House
SOLENBERGER, E.E., township trustee
SOMERS, O.A., postmaster, farmer and stock raiser
SPRAKER, David C., county treasurer
STRODE, James M., photographer
STUART & Hass, insurance agents
STYER Bros., books and stationery
STYER, William H., flour mill
SUMNER, Charles, barber
SUMPTION, William H. & Son, carriage
SWASHER, Emily, milliner
TATE, George D., wholesale dealer in Indiana
THOMPSON, William H., veterinary surgeon and live
stock insurance agent
TITUS, Warner B., propr. Central Hotel
TRUEBLOOD, Minnie A., milliner
TRUEBOOD, Thomas E., grocer
TRUEBLOOD & Floyd, dressmakers
TURNER, J.T., agt U.S. Ex Company
VAILE, William P., insurance agent, cashier,
Howard National Bank
VAILE & Vaile, lawyers
WAGGMAN, Samuel, furs and pelts
WALK, George E., Rev. (Christian)
WASSON, William, blacksmith and plow manufacturer
WEAKLEY, Elijah, grocer
WEAVER & SCOVEN, painters and wall paper
WIKEL, Henry, restaurant
WILEY, Henry, boots and shoes
WILLIS, William L., physician and patent medicine
WILSON, Ed R., druggist
WOOD & Harbster, drugs
WOODS & Updegraff, excelsior manufacturer
WOOLEY, James M., grocer
YOUNG & Chandler, founders and machinists