"Joel HOLLINGSWORTH merits a place in Newberry history. Born in
that district in 1778 he married there and came to Ohio with two
children. Possessing the size, strength and courage of his father, he
had more suaviter in his deportment, making himself agreeable to every
one. Of his five stalwart sons, none were quite equal to him, and the
man was not known who could break him down at the handspike. The forest
soon show his power and industry, for it melted away, succeeded by
teeming fields of grain and grass. Being of an adventurous spirit he
made frequent voyages to New Orleans on flat-bottomed boats loaded with
pork and flour, for himself and neighbors. These enterprises were
attended with much hardship and danger, yet Joel appeared to delight in
them. During the year 1830 he, with his wife, returned on a visit to
Newberry and hunted up their friends and relatives yet living. Boating
and clearing having measureably ceased, Joel's rather restless spirit
induced him to move again and settle in the Indiana forests. There he
cleared another farm and lived until near his 80th year, when one day
being engaged in butchering and rendering lard, he fell upon the floor
and died, perhaps of heart disease. I believe he is the only Newberry
man emigrant that met with instantaneous death. His elder brother
William and younger brother John had left Ohio long before he did and
the deaths of the three occurred withing three months of each other,
the news of which was received by their only surviving sister all in
one day."
According to the History of Miami County, Ohio,
Joel HOLLINGSWORTH went to Miami County with his family in 1806
and settled on Section 11 on the North Branch of Ludlow's Creek. Strong
and fearless as his father, he encountered and overcame every
difficulty that presented itself, and in the course of years had a
large farm under cultivation; being also of an adventurous spirit, he
repeatedly build flat-bottomed boats upon the Stillwater, which he
loaded not only with his own pork and flour, but with that of his
neighbors, and transported to New Orleans. These were enterprises both
difficult and dangerous, yet Joel delighted in them. At such times, he
left the management and work on his farm to his sons. From one of these
trips, he brought home the first telescope ever possessed in this
township, which was an object of wonder to his neighbors and their
children. They would draw it out and view distant objects with wonder.
In 1839, he removed to Indiana, where he died.
He had five strong sons, namely, Joseph, Absolom, Cyrus, Isaac and Yates.
There were also seven daughters, as follows: Rachel, Sophia, Susannah,
Rhoda, Laodicea, Ruth and Anna. These twelve children all lived to be
married and had families.
Born: 19 Jan 1821 - Union MM, Miami County, OH
Died: 2 Feb 1902
Spouse: Peninah COSAND (1832-1887)
Marr. Date: Nov 1858 - IN
Spouse: Phariba JOHNSON (1822-1855)
Marr. Date: dec14 1854 - IN
Spouse: Elizabeth MILLER (1823-1853)
Marr. Date: 4 May 1843 - IN
Occupation: Farmer and owner of a sawmill
Benjamin Cosand HOLLINGSWORTH b: 14 Oct 1859 Russiaville,Howard
County,Indiana d:29 Jul 1932 Honey Creek, Howard County, Indiana.
M:Laura Ann CARTER 10 Oct 1889 Howard County, Indiana
Samuel P. HOLLINGSWORTH b:5 Mar 1861 Honeycreek Twp.,
Russiaville,Howard County, IN d: 5 Jul 1940 Honeycreek Twp.,
Russiaville, Howard County, IN m: Charlotte Mae HAUN 2 May 1888 Howard
County, IN
Lindley M. HOLLINGSWORTH b:4 Jul 1863 Russiaville,Howard County,IN M: Elizabeth RICHARDSON
Clarkson J. HOLLINGSWORTH b: 8 Dec 1865 d: 7 Nov 1910 m: Bell SMITH 4 Jan 1893 IN
Hannah M. HOLLINGSWORTH b:26 May 1868 d: 28 May 1894
Calvin W. HOLLINGSWORTH b: 2 Oct 1871 M: Mary NEWLIN 17 Nov 1904 IN
Born: 18 Jun 1803
Died: 26 Feb 1874
Spouse: John COPPOCK
- )
Marr. Date: 11 Aug 1824 - Union Ohio
Sarah COPPOCK b: 18 SEP 1825 in Miami County, Ohio
Mary COPPOCK b: 9 NOV 1827 in Miami County, Ohio
Susannah COPPOCK b: 23 SEP 1829 in Miami County, Ohio
William Riley COPPOCK b: 27 MAY 1831 in Miami County, Ohio
Cyrus COPPOCK b: 30 JUN 1833 in Miami County, Ohio
Uriah COPPOCK b: 21 JUN 1835 in Miami County, Ohio
Joel COPPOCK b: 23 SEP 1837 in Miami County, Ohio
John COPPOCK b: 18 AUG 1839 in Grant County, Indiana
Rachel COPPOCK b: 23 JUL 1842 in Grant County, Indiana
Thomas COPPOCK b: 18 FEB 1845 in Grant County, Indiana
Born: 7 Jun 1805
Spouse: James LUNDY
- )
Marr. Date: 1833 - Center Monthly Meeting In Clinton County, Ohio
Born: 9 Apr 1807
Died: 8 Dec 1876
Spouse: John PEMBERTON (1812- )
Marr. Date: 30 Dec 1830 - West Branch Monthly Meeting In Miami County Ohio
Sophia PEMBERTON b: 28 DEC 1831 in Ohio
Lemuel PEMBERTON b: 16 FEB 1833 in Ohio
Joel Hollingsworth PEMBERTON b: 13 JUL 1835 in Ohio
Elihu PEMBERTON b: 27 NOV 1837 in Indiana
Cyrus PEMBERTON b: 13 NOV 1840 in Indiana
Anna PEMBERTON b: 6 MAY 1843 in Indiana
Mary PEMBERTON b: 27 AUG 1845 in Indiana
Jesse K. PEMBERTON b: 13 AUG 1848 in Indiana
Born: 28 Jan 1809 - SC
Spouse: Margaret Coate (1807- )
Marr. Date: 25 Sep 1833 - West Branch Monthly Meeting In Miami County, Ohio
William HOLLINGSWORTH: b: Abt 1835 Indiana
IsaacHOLLINGSWORTH : b:Abt 1837 Indiana
Nancy HOLLINGSWORTH: b:Abt 1843 Indiana
Born: 1 Jan 1811
Spouse: Aaron unknown
Marr. Date: 19 Jun 1834 - Ohio
Date: 7-29-1841
No known children
Born: 12 Jun 1812 - Ohio
Occupation: - Wool Carder
Spouse: Anne PEMBERTON
(1816- )
Marr. Date: 21 May 1834 - Union Monthly Meeting In Miami County, Ohio
HOLLINGSWORTH, Barkley b: abt 1837
HOLLINGSWORTH, Mary b: abt 1839 M: Isaiah GLAZE
HOLLINGSWORTH, Joel b: abt 1841 d: 1867
HOLLINGSWORTH, Eunice b: abt 1843 m: John B, PANCOAST
HOLLINGSWORTH, Robert b: abt 1845
HOLLINGSWORTH, Anna b: abt 1847 d: 1852
HOLLINGSWORTH, Susanna b:1850 d: 1852
HOLLINGSWORTH, John b: 1852 d: 1852
HOLLINGSWORTH, Lemuel b: 1854 d: 1935
HOLLINGSWORTH, Martha b: 1857 d: 1933
HOLLINGSWORTH, Leodica b: 1860 d: 1919
Born: 18 Jan 1815 - Miami County, Ohio
Died: 19 Mar 1887 - Howard County, Indiana
Buried: - New London Friends Cemetery, New London, Howard County,
Spouse: Elizabeth Caroline
- )
Marr. Date: 2 Jun 1838
Children 1850 census
HOLLINGSWORTH Amasa 11 M . . . Ohio
HOLLINGSWORTH Isaac 8 M . . . Ohio
HOLLINGSWORTH Joseph G. 6 M . . . Ohio
HOLLINGSWORTH Huldah A. 3 F . . . Ind
From the Kokomo (Howard County, IN) Gazette Tribune, Saturday, March 26, 1887
Cyrus HOLLINGSWORTH, a member of the Society of Friends and one of
the time-honored pioneers of Howard county, passed from labor to reward
on Saturday morning, at his home in New London. At the time of his
death he was over 70 years of age. Early in life he removed to Indiana
from Ludlow Falls, Miami, county, Ohio; since which time he has mostly
resided in Monroe township in this county, and for years was one of the
leading business men of that section, being largely engaged in the
manufacture of stocking yarns and woollen fabrics. A few years ago, a
reverse of fortune swept away his property and he removed to
Darlington, but soon returned to New London, where in his old age he
succeeded in partly regaining a lost fortune. Mr. Hollingsworth was
noted for his kindness and sympathy for the poor, and especially was he
a friend to those who had been tempest tossed by misfortune. In his
death New London loses one of her most active citizens, and the county
one who has borne the heat and burden of the day; one who has done his
full share in life's fierce battle, in transforming a wilderness into
the beautiful domain which is now teeming with prosperity and whose
waste places blossom as the rose.
Born: 18 Jan 1817 - Ohio
Died: 28 Feb 1908
Spouse: Joesph G McCoy (Abt
1819- )
Marr. Date: 24 Oct 1839
MCCOY Christopher abt 1840 Ind
MCCOY Huldah abt 1845 Ind
MCCOY Barbary A. abt 1847 Ind
MCCOY Harvey abt 1849 Ind
MCCOY Elmira 1853 Ind
MCCOY Mary Jane 1857 Ind
Born: 27 Apr 1819
Died: 1845
Spouse: Greenbury HEPNER
(1827- )
Marr. Date: 1843
HEPNER Nancy b: ABT:1850 Vermillion County IN
HEPNER George O. b: 1853 Jasper County IL d: 1931 Jasper County IL
HEPNER Isobel b: 1854 Illinois d: 1871 Cumberland County IL
HEPNER Melvin G. b: 1857 Cumberland County IL d: 1928 Illinois
HEPNER Susan b: abt 1859 Cumberland County IL
HEPNER Mary E. b: abt 1861 Cumberland County IL
HEPNER Rebecca b:abt 1863 Cumberland County IL d:1871 Hazel Dell IL
HEPNER William b" 1867 Cumberland County IL d: 1944 Coles County IL
Born: 12 Jun 1823 - Ohio
Spouse: Nancy V. MOTE (Abt
1829- )
Marr. Date:
HOLLINGSWORTH, Charity b: abt 1847 Ohio
HOLLINGSWORTH, Elijah b: abt 1848 Ohio
HOLLINGSWORTH, Rachel b: abt 1850 Indiana M: Elijah Fay
HOLLINGSWORTH, Jordon b: abt 1855 Indiana
HOLLINGSWORTH, Lida b: abt 1866 Indiana
HOLLINGSWORTH, Ella b: abt 1863 Indiana M: Douglas FAY
Born: 12 Aug 1825
Died: 6 Apr 1906 - Middlefork Clinton Co In
Spouse: Dudley MILNER (Abt
1820- )
Marr. Date: 10 Feb 1848
Children: Eli Milner b: 14 APR 1849 in Clinton County, Indiana
Beverly Joel MILNER b: 14 SEP 1850 in Clinton County, Indiana
Cyrus Hollingsworth MILNER b: 9 DEC 1851 in Clinton County, Indiana
Ruth MILNER b: 31 MAY 1853
Martha MILNER b: 31 JAN 1857
Mary Martha MILNER b: 31 JAN 1857 in Indiana
Leodocia MILNER b: 1 JAN 1862
Sarah MILNER b: 24 SEP 1864 in Clinton County, Indiana
William Dudley MILNER b: 10 APR 1868 in Clinton County, Indiana
Austin MILNER b: ABT 1869
Submitter Information:
Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Name: Jane M Hollingsworth ( this is my husbands line)
E-Mail Address: Jane930@yahoo.com