Ramer Cemetery
550 E Rd. 725 S. Miami County, Butler Twp.
This privately owned family cemetery is quite unusual in the midwest with its
wall and iron gate. There are many small markers or rocks indicating graves. Only one has a readable inscription.
Comments of Mildred DaWalt, date unknown -
To a stranger this cemetery would give the
effect of being a private flower garden. It is near a dwelling
and in the spring is covered with large, dark red roses which reach
nearly the top of the wall and cover the tombstones.
Among the roses there is a lilac bush, a snowball bush and in the north-west corner is a cedar tree.
There are probably 12-15 graves in this cemetery, a row on the east and one on the west.
From the gate to the back there is narrow, winding path.
There are only two tombstones, the other graves are marked with slabs of stone with no writing on them.
In the early days before the Revolutionary war, John
Ramer came with his family to this part of the country. Here they
cleared and tilled the land, and built their homes.
At the outbreak of the war John joined the army and
went away leaving his two sons, Thomas and Harrison, to take his place.
After John returned he received from the government papers giving him about two hundred acres of land.
The hill on which the cemetery is now was chosen as
a burying froun for the relatives and friends of the Ramer family.
Here John and his wife were buried.
During this time his land had been divided into farms
Harrison, the father of fifteen children, took the place of his father and did most of the farming.
Thomas went to the Civil war, entering the 99th
Indiana Infantry, Company D. he died in a few years and was
buried on the little hill under the cedar tree.
Shortly after his death his son Jesse Ramer died and
was buried beside his father. Both the father and son have a
modern tombstone.
Name |
Jesse Ramer |
2 Jan 1866 |
28 Dec 1900 |
age 34 |
Harrison Ramer |
10 July 1924
age 95 |

I have been unable to find the history or name for
the other graves of this cemetery because they are unmarked.
Ten years after the death of Jesse Ramer, Harrison
had a wall built around the cemetery, the one mentioned above.
Tis wall was built May 25, 1910. Many of the graves were
left outside the wall because they were unmarked.
At the present time (unknown date), nearrly all the
land is owned by people other than the Ramer family. The last
Ramer farm left is owned by one of Harrison's sons, Steven Ramer, where
Harrison made his home until his death. This farm is about a
quarter mile north of the cemetery.
There are supposedly four generations of the Ramer family buried here.
Copyright © 1999 Debra Beheler