Helen's News Items From the Past

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Miami Creek Township Sunday School Convention 1912
1910 Butler, Deer Creek, Erie, Peru, Pipe Creek and Washington Townships, Miami County, IN
Deer Creek Township Sunday School Convention 1920
Deer Creek Township Sunday School Convention 1914
Bennett's Methodist Church Dedication

Miami Township Sunday School Convention - Bennett's M. E. Church
Sunday, November, 17, 1912

Morning session 9:30-11:35
Opening Song Service,.................................................... Conducted by Bro. John Swain
Devotional Services,....................................................... Conducted by Rev. M. B. Wininger
Welcoming Address,........................................................ Rev. A. C. Hoover
Song, ................................................................................ Mt. Zion School
Lesson Review, "The Great Question," ....................... William Pearcy
Song, ................................................................................ Bennett's School
What relation is the Sunday School to the Church? ....... Elda Parker
General Discussion, ........................................................ Mrs. Jacob Aaron
........................................................................................... Mrs. A. J. Locke
........................................................................................... O. H. Reeves
........................................................................................... Rev. Elmer Clem
Male Quartette

Afternoon Session 2:00-4:00
Song, ................................................................................ Miami Methodist Church
Devotional Services, ....................................................... Conducted by Bro. L. M. Reder
Solo, ................................................................................. Ruth Phelps
Recitation, ....................................................................... Lula Crockett
How secure a greater interest in Sunday School
work by adults? ..................................................... A. M. Zehring
General Discussion, ........................................................ William L. Lucas
.......................................................................................... James M. Shaffer
Quartette, Miami Methodist School
Value of young men to the Sunday School,
and means of securing their attendance, ....................... Arthur Rickard
General Discussion, ........................................................ Mrs. Kate Taylor
........................................................................................... Rev. A. C Hoover
Song, .................................................................................Girls' Class of the Mission School

Evening Session 7:00 - 9:00
Song Service, .................................................................. Conduction By Bro. Swain
Devotional Services, ....................................................... Conducted by Rev. C. E. Herrell
Song, ................................................................................ Miami Methodist School
Recitation, ....................................................................... Alice Kling
Why do not the young men defend the Sunday School
as they do their country? ...................................... Rev. M. B. Wininger
General Discussion ......................................................... William Croucher
........................................................................................... William Dye
Recitation ......................................................................... Charlotte Duncan
Male Quartette
Recitation, ........................................................................ Hazel Clingenpeel
Recitation, ........................................................................ Nellie Beets
Solo, .................................................................................. Josephine Swain
Recitation, ........................................................................ Lucy Wood
Recitation, ........................................................................ Clarence Hudson
Song by the congreation, "God be with you till we meet again"

Additional numbers will be given as time and talent will permit

Joint Commencement of the Common Schools
Butler, Deer Creek, Erie, Peru, Pipe Creek and Washington Townships
Miami County, Indiana

at the
Wallace Theatre, Peru
Saturday, June 11, 1910
at one o'clock, p.m.

Trustees -
Marshall Jackson............................. Butler Township
N. A. Sandifur................................ Deer Creek Township
Grant Hostetler............................... Erie Township
Edward Hennessey.............................. Peru Township
W. W. Graves.................................. Pipe Creek Township
Claude Tripper................................ Washington Township
E. B. Wetherow, County Supt.


Invocation.......................................Rev. H.C.V.Wilson
Class Address................................ Rev. J. Boyd Jones
Presentation of Diplomas............Supt E. B Wetherow
Music by Reuter's Orchestra


Butler Township Deer Creek Township
Roy Ramsey Arthur Hartgrove
Gladys Knight Hazel Havens
Ruth Hopper Harry Cassingham
Winnie Hendricks Sadie Carnine
Marie Bradley Ernest Clem
Claud Means Mary Finney
Edith Hunter Leo Comerford
Eva Godfroy Mary Billhimer
Dortha Mull George Finney
Gail Wilson Ethel Moss
Elzia Bruell Walter Johnson
Florence Mobley Esther Burns
Flossie Draper Clark Wilson
Esther Wolf
Taevillia Laudenschlager Pipe Creek Township
Inez Coulter Avice Reed
Grace Cunningham Grace Black
Nellie Hahn Leo Wilson
Lyman Marsh Almeda Davis
Emma Armstrong Sylvia Klepinger
Mary Magee Harry Coblentz

Glenna Graft
Erie Township Claude Dailey
Jessie Clauve
Mozelle Fawley
Helen Roberts Washington Township
Otto Wilson Josiah Poor
Susie Minnix Alex Wickler
Abbie Williams Edgar Howard
Olive Troxell Clifford Gilbert

Mary Landgrave
Peru Township Mary Preiser
Hazel Minnix Katie Landgrave
Merle Orr
Ruby Brugh

Deer Creek Township Sunday School Convention

Methodist Episcopal Church
Miami, Indiana
Sunday, April 18, 1920



Song Service.................................................................Led by C. E. Reyburn

Devotional...................................................................Rev.John Parker


Welcome Address..............................................................Rev.John Parker

"Lesson Study and Application"...............................................A. C. Burns

General Discussion of Lessons.

Minutes of Last Meeting at Mt. Zion, October 19, 1919

Piano Duet...................................................................Elsie and Nora Carnine

Manuscripts......................."The Things that are the Greatest Stimulus to a Sunday

School"..........................Ida Herrel, Elsie Stanley, John Swain, Ellis Reeves

Free for all Discussion of Manuscripts.

Song.........................................................................Lucile Dunlap


Afternoon Session - 1:30

Song Service.................................................................Led by John Swain

Devotional...................................................................Rev. Hunter

Song.........................................................................Ladies' Quartette or Chorus

Manuscript or Lecture - "How Does the Sunday School Benefit the Church? the Home? the Community

Song ..............................................................................Princess Finney

Song...............................................................................Lucile Dunlap

Reading............................................................................Charlotte Dye

Reading............................................................................Estelle Herrell

Violin and Piano Duet................................................Pauline and Ruth Spencer

Manuscript - "How Can the Sunday School Interest the Young People?"..........Leslie Davisson, .................. Discussion by Roscoe Coomler

Report of Nominating Committee


Evening Session - 7:30

Song Service.......................................................................Led by C. E. Reyburn

Devotional.........................................................................Mike Winninger

Song...............................................................................Ladies' Quartette

Piano Duet.........................................................................Carnine Sisters

Reading............................................................................Alta Phelps

Manuscript - 'Why Should I Attend Sunday School?.. C. E. Reyburn............................................................ Discussion, Wm. Pearcy

Song...............................................................................Marguerite McCafferty

Song.........................................................................Wm. Dye and Iola Reyburn

Manuscript - "What Should The Community Expect of the Sunday School?"...................................................................Maude Hardin

Manuscript - "What Should the Sunday School Expect of the Community?"........................................................................Arthur Rickard

Song................................................................................Ladies' Quartette

Expense Offering

Place of Next Meeting Announced.


Charles E. Herrell, Township Pres.
Chas. E. Reyburn, Secretary-Treas.

Deer Creek Township Sunday School Convention
M. E. Church, Miami
June 7, 1914
A.M. Session, 9:30 to 11:00

Devotional Sevices...........................................J. M. Shaffer
Song.........................................................Bennetts School
Welcoming Address............................................Rev. W. E. McPheeters
Recitation...................................................Elsie Rickard
Solo.........................................................Mary Wininger
Recitation...................................................Martha McGowan
Song.........................................................Mrs. Parker's Class
Solo.........................................................Mildred Clem
Recitation...................................................Gladys Quinn
Duet.........................................................Elsie and Zen Herrell
Paper - "How to Conduct a Sunday School to Gain the Most Interest"
.....................................Merritt Clymers
Discussion...................................................John Swain
.....................................A.C. Burns
.....................................Rev. W. E. McPheeters
Piano Solo...................................................Mabel Peters
Recitation...................................................Eva Clingenpeel
Song.........................................................M. E. School Miami
Lesson Review................................................Jeff Herrell

P.M. Session 1:30 to 3:30

Reading of Minutes and Election of Officers
Devotional Services .........................................Rev.W.E.McPheeters
Song.........................................................M.E.School Miami
Recitation...................................................Nora Carnine
Song.........................................................Mrs. Oldfather's Class
Recitation...................................................Thelma Davis
Song.........................................................Mt. Zion Male Quartette
Reading - "Deep Water or Death"..............................Mrs. Kate Taylor
Duet.........................................................The Two Mildred Clems
Recitation...................................................Thurston Stedman
Solo.........................................................Nellie Waters
Paper - "How to Get Pupils to Prepare Their Lessons".........A. M. Zehring
Discussion.........................O. H. Reeves
Mrs. Anna Aaron
Rev. Anna Linville
Solo.........................................................Flossie Cagley
Song.........................................................Bennetts School
Recitation...................................................Lucy Woods

Evening Session, 7:30 to 9:00

Song.........................................................M.E. School Miami
Devotional Services..........................................Rev. Anna Linville
Song.........................................................Mrs. Reeve's Class
Recitation...................................................Mabel Phelps
Solo.........................................................Clarence Hudson
Reading......................................................Zella McGown
Recitation...................................................Lee Chambers
Solo.........................................................Josephine Swain
Recitation...................................................Leonard Crockett
Piano Duet...................................................Herrell Twin Sisters
Reading......................................................Frank Wininger
Song.........................................................Miami Double Quartette
Recitation...................................................Ralph Thomspon
Solo.........................................................Lida Zehring
Address......................................................A. G. Burkhart
Song.........................................................Bennetts Male Quartette
Recitation...................................................Hazel Clingenpeel
Solo.........................................................Freda Cotterman
Recitation...................................................Clarence Hudson
Song.........................................................Bennetts School
Song -"God Be With You Till We Meet Again."

To the Dedication of the Methodist Episcopal
Bennetts, Indiana
February 20, 1910
Rev. J. T. Johnson, of Muncie, Indiana will preach dedicatory sermon at Ten A.M.
Former and visiting pastors will be present.

Order of Morning Service

1. Voluntary by Mr. Harry Allen
2. Song by Bennetts Choir
3. Apostles' Creed
4. Prayer
5. Anthem
6. Scripture Lesson
7. Solo by Miss Mable Sarah.
9. Sermon by Rev. J. T. Johnson
10. Ritualistic Ceremonies
11. Doxology and Benediction.

Dr.. Johnson will also preach Saturday and
Sunday evenings at 7 o'clock


There will be preaching each evening beginning Feb. 13

Sunday School each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

Painting and other improvements will be made in the spring.

James M. Coucher )
William K. Green ) Promoters
Alfred E. Zehring )
Benjamin F. Zehring )

Jacob Aaron )
William Dye ) Trustees
O. Sandifur )

Alfred E. Sarah, Pastor.

Everybody welcome to all the services

New Methodist Church to be Dedicated at Bennetts
The new Bennetts Switch Methodist Church will be dedicated Sunday Sept. 8,1916. Post-dedicatory services will be held for three days following. The church on which the finishing touches now are being applied by C. H. McConnell, builder, is one of the finest in any rural community. The cost of construction will be in the neighborhood of $12,000, but in the opinion of several who have seen the structure it would have cost at least twice that amount had it been built by ordinary contract. "I will get very little out of it myself at this price, " said Mr McConnell. "But I probably will have children and grandchildren going to this church for a great many years to come. I just felt that I owed the church something, and so I have taken a great deal of pleasure in building it." The church originally was a United Brethren Church and stood two miles east of Bennetts Switch. With assistance of James Coucher, W. K. Green, Alfred O. Zehring and B. F. Zehring the building was moved to Bennetts Switch. Under direction of the Rev. Sarah, pastor at Bunker Hill, the church was secured by the M. E. conference. First trustees were Jacob Aaron, William Dye, O. B. Sandifur and Alfred Zehring. The first sermon preached in the church after its removal was on Feb. 20, 1918, at the dedication, which was conducted by the Rev. F. J. Johnson of Muncie, assisted by the pastor. As a part of the Bunker Hill circuit it was served by the Rev. A. E. Sarah one and a half years,1910 to 1911: Rev. C. H. Brown of Kokomo, six months, Rev. W. O. Shaffer, one year. Bennetts Switch and Miami were detached from Bunker Hill. Rev. A. C. Hoover, Taylor University student, was pastor from April 11, 1912 to April 1, 1913, when the two and Anoka became a new Circuit apart, with the Rev. L. A. Hall as pastor. The pastor was killed in a train accident in Kokomo in 1915, and the Rev. W. E. McPheters was appointed pastor.
New Home Erected
This year Miami and Bennetts Switch erected a new home for their pastors, which was dedicated Nov, 1, 1915. The following pastors then came in succession: Rev. Schattuck, Rev. Schwartz, Rev. Parker, Rev. U. S. Mikkelson, Rev. C. S. Schwartz, Rev. Parks, and Rev. Launer, who served from Oct. 25, 1925 to April, 1929. The Rev. D. M. Church began his services at the church year, when Bennetts Switch bacame a separate circuit with Amboy. On Feb. 19, this year, wrecking of the old church began, and excavation of the basment was begun by men of the community to save the expense. Construction of the new church was begun March 22, when pouring of concrete started. On May 26, Dr. L. C. Bentley, district superintendant, assisted by the Rev. Church laid the corner stone. Is Well Planned The new church contains a large dining room, fully equipped kitchen with built-in cabinets, two Sunday School rooms, coal room, furnace, cloak rooms and toilets in the basement, an ample auditorium, three Sunday School rooms, two ante rooms to the pulpit and choir box, and a balcony overlooking the auditorium. Steam heat and electric lights, with beautiful electric fixtures are provided. The church is built of brick vener and unusualy handsome as a result of the planning of the Mr. McConnell. Trustees and building committee are: Frank McConnell, William Russell, Franklin Zehring, Frank Phelps, John Swain, Ruth Coomler and Marian McCafferty.- continued next issue.
Dedication of Bennetts Church - part 2 Basket Dinner Feature A big basket dinner will feature the dedication pogram one week from Sunday. The dedication program follows: Morning Service 10:30 a.m. Song.....................................................Chorus Hymn No. 263,"Jesus Calls Us" Congregation Invocation: Song......................................Children Chorus Short talks - .....................By Former Pastors Hymn No. 269 "Holy, Holy, Holy" Congregation Solo...............................................Dora Maple Sermon - By C. L. Schwarts Free Will Offering Song.....................................................Chorus Song, No. 365 "How Firm a Foundation." Congregation Benediction Afternoon Service, 1:30 P.M. Song.....................................................Chorus Hymn, No. 269, "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name............................Congregation Solo..........................................Allen Children Invocation: Short talks - By Prominent Men of County Special Music - Violin quartet and Junior Choir of Walton Sermon.............................. Dr. J. W. Potter Duet......................... Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dye Instrumental Solo-....................Hester Mills Benediction Evening Services Orchestra Music 7:00 to 7:30 by Grace Sunday School Orchestra Instrumental Music - Anthem..............................................Chorus Song No. 277"Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah"..............................Congregation Vocal Solo............Bennetts Men's Chorus Invocation: Sermon - By Rev. Ben Kendall Free Will Offering Dedicational Service, Kendall, pastor and Visiting Ministers Song..................................................Chorus Doxology Benediction
Rev. J. W. Potter of Kokomo, and Rev. Ben Kendall will preach at services during the week following the dedication. The Rev. D. M. Church has been dubbed "The Building Preacher" He preached in the Indianapolis district eleven yars, and this is the fourth dedication service under his leadership. Since coming to the Logansport district two years ago he had rededicated a remodeled church at Amboy. In Forest Manor, Indianapolis, with thirty carpenters he built the first unit of the plant in one day. His first building project was at Bellville, Ind. where with the aid of a few members a new church was built. -End Helen's note - My grandfather William Carnine was janitor of the Church for many years.
This page is compiled by:  Helen McCauley (1921 - 2021)

and put into html format by: Debby Beheler
This page was last updated on 10 June 1998

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