Miami Co. Photo Gallery -

Front Row: Raymond Christner, Laurel Shively, Clayton Kratzer, Meyer Kratzer, Mary Myers, Lara Lantz, Nellie O'Dell?, Cleta Shrock, Edith Frey, June Sims, ?? O'Dell, Marty Lantz, Hollie Kratzer.

Row 2: ?? Myers, Harry Wolfe, Elmer Myers, Raymond Lindley, Annas Myers, Marie Cagley, Jesse Hammer, Everett Shively, Harry Chunn, Robert Shrock, Everett Sims ?, Cecil Cagley ?

Row 3: Ruth Myers, Mary Christner, Ursula Myers, Katrina Pulley, Miriam Shrock, Nellie Frey, Willie Hammer, Philip Weaver, Theo Cagley, Oral Kratzer, Princel Cagley, Ora Glassburn, Willie Christner.

Row 4: Clara Glassburn, Mabel Christner, Ruth O'Dell, Mennonite boy, Kenneth Kratzer, Paul Weaver, Willard Frey, ?????, Ida Wolfe, Stella Forrey, Glenie O'Dell, Emma Myers

Teachers: Ira Kressler and Geneva Horn. Ms. Horn lived a week with each family. The girl in the window is Flossie Cagley.

This image was found in the files of the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library. Individuals were identified by Miriam (Shrock) Rody in April 1989.

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Created 19 April 2002