Family's private Burial-place on the old H. G. McNitt farm
in the north part of northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 14 of T.
27 No, R. 1 W., in northeastern Jefferson township of western
Cass County
Somewhere in what is today (May 2, 1941) a beautiful
fifteen-acre grassy pasture (near the east edge of which is now a gravel pit.
The precise location is apparently not now known.
The western limit of this pasture is marked by a north-and- south county
highway. It's southern limit is
marked by a still (1941) identifiable [but long since closed and abandoned]
former east-and-west road. This
pasture is now (1941) owned by Homer Gray, who on July 15, 1936, obtained it
from James Gray; but it formerly was a part of the R. G. McNitt farm.
In this grassy pasture today, we find no evidence of either a cemetery or even a
house, except that about 100 feet north of the abandoned road, and on the east
side of the north-south road, we find a couple of lilac-bushes and cedar-trees,
the remains of an old well, and some stones which plainly indicates that a house
(or at least a cabin) formerly was here, a statement which is confirmed by
Kingman Bros. 1878 map of this
According to a local historian, a Mr. Fitzgerald (and his
family) lived somewhere in this small plot of ground at about the close of the
Civil War, and was known by older residents of the vicinity to have laid to
their final rest, in 1866, two of his children who had died and in the corner of
his garden," not far from his home. These
two children's graves are said never to have been marked, unless it was by
wooden slabs which have long since entirely disappeared.
Fieldwork on this burial-place was done by Robert W. Barr,
of Rural Route one,
, a lifelong resident of this neighborhood, and Robert B. Whitsett, Jr. of the
. Although there is today no
evidence of any garden in this grassy tract, these fieldworkers, after exploring
the entire vicinity, are of the opinion that the garden may have been on the
high ground just south or southeast of the site of the previously mentioned
house, and between that house and the abandoned eastwest road, --- or, in other
words, near the southwestern corner of this sixteen-acre pasture.
Here the land drops quite noticeably to the eastward; and
one gets a rather fine view of the surrounding country.
But whether or not the two graves are in this, or some entirely
different, portion of this tract, is purely a matter of conjecture.
Much interviewing of the "oldest of the old-timers" of this
region has failed to disclose the exact location of these two graves, or even
any information as to who these Fitzgeralds may have been.
Search of deed-records indicates that they probably were tenants rather
than land-owners; and the present reporter has not been successful in a somewhat
cursory effort to link Fitzgerald families now residing at the county-seat city
with these Jefferson township (western
) early settlers. The digging of the
Wabash & Erie Canal brought many Irish to
township and it seems possible that these Fitzgeralds may have been among them.

This report was input by Rebecca Miller February 15, 2007 for the Cass County
INGenWeb Project.
of Cass County Indiana
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