Private Burial Ground
Cemetery located [1940] on the A. J. DAVIS Farm about 50
S.W. of a West running road in the
west part of George Cicott Reserve, about 150 ft. North of the Davis home. The
farm house is about a 1/4 of mile W. or N.W of the hamlet of
which lies on the N. or N.W. bank of the Wabash river and which in the time of
the Wabash & Erie Canal was quite well-known but is now off-the-beaten-path
at a point where the stream is crossed by long, modern [1912] concrete bridge in
Southern JEFFERSON township, in western CASS County.
The Long ago cemetery, abandoned for burial purposes, used
to be an orchard but most of the trees are gone [1940] & is in a state of
neglect with the only remaining monument [an old slab], being fallen down.
This farm cemetery was once owned by McClelland & than
by James Gordon who owned a warehouse on the
Fieldwork was done by Miss Mary Shultz with the report
being submitted to the INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY on November 12-1940 by the
L’Anguille Valley Memorial Association,
500 Front Street
McClelland, Helen Mary
11/23/1938 Aged
10 months & 3 days
Inscription: “Suffer the Little Children, etc.”
Comment: stone probably came from
& was broken from the base & lying on the ground.
Other burials are here but the stones are gone
Editorial Comment: A record found in the C. C.H.S. museum in Logansport,
By the Local historian, Dr. J.Z.
Powell, wrote about 1907, “ the widely known Major Daniel Bell, who was
prominent in the early history of Cass Co.[as one of
Logansport’s earliest settlers], buried 2 of his own children here
[near his house], in the 1830’s or early 1840’s. in the present [1907]
orchard of [Wm.] Max Gordon, just north of
& on the hill.”
, Child 1835-1842
, Child 1835-1842
Note: Major Daniel Bell was b. Washington Co., PA March 7, 1788 & later
lived in Bourbon, KY and Harrison & Putnam counties, IN. [C.F. Kingman:
Atlas of Cass Co., IN 1878 p.28

This report was input by Pat Fiscel February 19, 2007 for
the Cass County INGenWeb Project.
of Cass County Indiana
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