Bruner Cemetery

Northwest Corner of Section 34, Township 25 North, of Range (2) East, of Second
Bruner Cemetery is 2 7/8 Mi. West of: WALTON, CASS COUNTY, and at South
side of road on State Road 218, in Southeastern WASHINGTON
Southeastern CASS
COUNTY, in North
central INDIANA.
Editorial Comment:
Though at least “verbally” donated (for use as a cemetery) by Daniel BRUNER,
during the 1840’s, this one-acre tract was deeded March 2, 1861, by John Small
to trustees of the (New Light) Christian church which since about 1855, had been
holding church-services in school houses (and other places) in this immediate
vicinity. In 1872, this congregation erected a church edifice, but, thanks to
the donation of a ---in some respects---still More attractive plot of ground one
mile to the westward of this cemetery, placed its edifice elsewhere than
adjoining this cemetery. This flourishing church is officially known as the Rock
Creek Valley Christian (or Christian Congregationalist) Church, but has long
been better known locally as the BLUE BALL church, because of a conspicouous,
blue-colored globe (symbolising the world, as the field for Christian endeavor)
which long occupied a place of honor on the top of the steeple of the original
church building. Though never a churchyard cemetery in strict sense of the term,
this cemetery was virtually one. End of Report.

Data Entry by Sadie Cunningham.
Last Updated:October
15, 2006
This information is provided for non-commerical use only and may contain inaccuracies. Please report any inaccuracies to: Debby Beheler
All photographs are copyrighted by Debby Beheler and may be used for personal use only.
Bruner Cemetery
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