Galveston Cemetery Database
Galveston, Jackson Township, Cass County, IN

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According to the records of the Galveston Cemetery, burials began in the early 1850s. Accurate records were not always kept, so there are missing records. This website is based on extractions of the cemetery records done by Betty Zane Darland-Tucker completed in early 1996 and extractions up to 2001 from Paul Kepner. I have been working on extractions of the cemetery records also, with thanks to former sexton, Paul Carver. Some birth and death dates have been gleaned from other sources including the Social Security Death Index, individual family records, obituaries, etc. Over 4000 photographs were taken by John C. Anderson for which I am very grateful. The photographs have made it possible to have a more complete database.

You may find some discrepancies which I hope to correct, such as burial date prior to death date. I am trying to resolve this and any documentation you can provide for that purpose is appreciated. I will add obituaries to the database as I get them. Please send questions, corrections or comments to This is a labor of love, as I grew up in Galveston and knew many people buried there.

Thanks to Zane and both Pauls. Thanks to John C. Anderson for the photographs and his programming of the Cemetery Datasource program that facilitates web presentation of these cemetery pages. And thanks to Kokomo-Howard County Public Library and Charles Joray and Marcia Ford for permission to use computer files used to compile the book published by the library. A big thanks to Sadie Cunningham for helping me reorganize the computer files to go into John's program. Special thanks to my devoted husband Ed, for never complaining about the hours I spend working on my Cass & Miami County websites and always being my biggest supporter in whatever endeavors I attempt.

Beverly Fore, sexton
can be reached at (574) 699-6540 or at P.O. Box 162 Galveston, In 46932.

Debra Lee (Smith) Beheler - Debby

Aa-Az | Ba-Bn | Bo-Bz | Ca-Con | Coo-Cz | Da-Dz | Ea-Ez | Fa-Fz | Ga-Gz | Ha-Hz | I-K | La-Lz | Ma-Mc | Md-Mz | N-Pe | Pf-Q | Ra-Rz | Sa-Sh | Si-So | Sp-Sz | Ta-Tz | U-V | Wa-Wg | Wh-Wz | X-Z | | Veterans

Initial Upload on 6 December 2005


Galveston Cemetery
Cass County Cemeteries
Cass County INGenWeb

Updated 8 February 2011