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First 522 Men to Be Called-Cass County

World War I

Logansport Pharos-Reporter

July 28, 1917, page 6

Leo Anthony Albert, city
Wm. J. Albright, city
Elisha Alden, city
C. Earl Anderson, city
Frank Ansley, city
Arthur M. Appelgate, city
Ambuel Francis Arthur, city
Walter Atwood, city
Harry Ault, Young America
Jas. E. Baber, city
Orval Forest Baber, city
Harry E. Babb, city
Ora Babb, Walton
Wm. W. Babb, R.R. 1, Walton
Benjamin Harrison Ball, city
Fred Earl Bamerlin, city
James Bass, city
Frank George Bauer, city
Lewis M. Bauer, city
Henry J. Bauer, city
Wm. Edward Bauer, city
Charles Joseph Bauman, city
Louis Anthony Bauman, city
Harry Bean, Walton
Bruce Beck, city
Elmer Ross Beck, Galveston
Jno Beck, city
Wm. J. Becker, city
Charles Nelson Beckley, Royal Centre
Lawrence C. Beebe, city
Charles E. Bennett, city
Walter W. Berg, city
Elmer C. Berryman, city
Grover Ira Bess, city
Forrest Edmund Bets, city
Nicholas John Bion, city
George Harmon Birch, city
Henry A. Bird, city
William C. Black, city
John M. Blanks, city
Carl B. Boech, city
Ruby James Bonasom, city
Walter P. Bopp, city
Everett Wm. Bott, city
Melvin Allen Boyer, city
Patrick A. Boyle, city
Herman Eugene Bozer, city
Morris L. Briggs, Royal Centre
E.H. Britton, city
Roy E. Brown, Royal Centre
Lee Brugh, city
Jas. Franklin Buchanan, city
Lake E. Buckingham, city
John Fred Bucks, Royal Centre
Jos. E. Bucks, Royal Centre
Ray F. Buler, city
Warren R. Burdge, Royal Centre
Fred C. Burg, city
Albert J. Busard, city
Robert Wm. Cannady, city
Roy Cappel, city
Sarl E. Carder, city
(Transcriber’s note, above may be typo, possiby “Carl”)
Harry Clement Carpenter, city
Louis Andrew Cassel, city
Harry F. Cassingham, Lincoln
Arthur B. Cassube, city
Edward Cessube, city
Edward E. Chaffey, city
Fred Charles, city
Clarence Julius Clark, city
Edward Clark, city
H.R. Clark, city
Glenn Cloud, city
Quincy Clark Conklin, L. Cicott
Milton Collert, city
Levi P. Conley, city
Jesse M. Conn, Royal Centre
Walter Dwight Conn, Royal Centre
Wm. A. Cook, city
Charles E. Coon, city
Bernard James Corcoran, city
George M. Correll, city
Leonard Corzo, city
Carl E. Cotner, city
Clifford O. Cotterman, Lincoln
Vincent Paul Cotton, city
Charles A. Cozad, city
Harvey Luster Crabb, Galveston
Elmer A. Craig, city
Dougherty K. Crippen, Twelve Mile
Wm. E. Crockett, city
John Marice Crow, city
Sam Cruca, city
Fred Daniels, city
Theodore W. Davidson, Lucerne
Charles Smith Davis, city
Gilbert O. Davis, city
Lonnie Leland Davis, Walton
Lemuel R. Day, Jr., Royal Centre
Barabus Deanex, city
Jno. Nelson Deboo, Royal Centre
John Edion Degan, city
John L. Demerly, city
Benjamin L. Denton, city
Cleman Devino, Kenneth
Carl Howard Dickerson, Clymers
George J. Diett, city
Wm. W. Dodrill, city
Henry Edward Dott, city
James Donald Douglas, city
Harry H. Drompp, city
Ivan E. Drook, city
Walter M. Drumpp, city
Fred T. Dunkle, city
Wm. Moses Dunsizer, city
Edwin S. Dykeman, city
Raymond J. Dynearson, city
Reuben Eaby, Young America
Earl Easterday, city
Fred Edgerly, city
Henry Elburn, Peru
Lawrence Elsworth Engle, Galveston
Robert Michael Ems, city
Jesse L. Esken, city
Robert Esque, Walton
Dominetti Evangelista, city
Walter E. Fair, city
Frank Felter, Johnson City
Emmett Ferguson, city
Guiseppi Fermani, Kenneth
Robert Ferrill, city
George J. Fettig, city
Frank Fidler, Jr., city
Arnedeo Firnlano, city
Bert C. Fisher, city
Wm. H. Fite, city
Kenneth B. Fleming, city
Ray Flinn, city
Evan L. Flory, city
John G. Fossley, city
James D. Frazier, city
Benjamin Frise, city
Jos. Addis Frushour, Lucerne
Harry E. Fry, city
N. Everett Fry, Royal Centre
Antonio Fuliana, city
Ivan Goddard Fulwider, city
Floyd Okle Funk, Royal Centre
Harley J. Gabriel, Walton
Walter G. Gaby, Twelve Mile
Roy Gates, city
Osa Gearhart, Twelve Mile
Roye P. Gerfew, city
Willie Gibbs, city
Carl E. Gibson, Walton
Charles H. Gillespie, city
John S. Gingrich, city
Edward Glasser, city
John Gloss, city
John Sigerd Golden, Lake Cicott
George Ludwig Goltz, city
George A. Gore, Lincoln
Andrew Grace, city
Ralph Graham, Burnetts Creek
Walter E. Graham, Galveston
Roy A. Granthium, city
Herbert Greensfelder, city
Sam Griffith, city
Walter Griner, Richardville, Ind.
Wm. L. Grisley, city
Grauen Guiseppa, city
Jas. A. Hall, city
Reuben G. Hall, city
Jno. Harvey Halsey, city
Richard Andrew Hanson, city
Fred George Harnish, city
Arthur Harrison Tucker, city
Orny J. Harrison, city
Karl B. Hart, city
Arthur Winton Hartgrove, city
Wilbur Haskell, Walton
Ralph J. Hatfield, city
Willard Hawkins, city
Charles P. Heffley, city
Wm. J. Heinbach, Royal Centre
Henry Wm. Heinie, city
Charles J. Helms, city
James Watson Helvis, city
Otto Julius Hess, city
Wm. Clyde Hewlett, city
Carroll Clifford Hicks, city
Edward Russell Hicks, Royal Centre
Hiram H. Hildebrandt, city
George E. Hiles, city
Alfred Wisner Hilton, city
Emik Wesley Hines, Royal Centre
Carl E. Hinkle, city
Charles Eugene Hitchen, Lucerne
Burley Hitchens, city
Howard Samuel Hitz, city
Stacy A. Hoffman, city
Frank J. Holle, city
Wm. C. Hollis, city
Fred Holt, city
Frank Wm. Honey, Lucerne
Mosway J. Hoover, city
Earl Raymond House, Galveston
Samuel R. Howry, Walton
Roy K. Huddelston, Hoover
Alvin R. Hudkins, city
Roy C. Humphrey, city
Charley Hunter, city
Ray Hunter, city
George Maurice Hurd, city
Levi Roy Hurd, Lucerne
Edward F. Hurley, Onward
Obel Jackson Hursh, Young America
Roland Huston, city
Earl E. Hyman, city
Raymond A. Hyman, city
Wm. Hyman, city
Lee Ingram, Lucerne
John Lloyd Jack, Onward
Earl Jamison, city
Wm. Jann, city
Endel Sylvester Jeffries, city
Everett Johnson, city
Isaac Francis Johnson, city
Holly E. Jones, city
James L. Jones, city
John B. Jones, city
Jas. Leroy Justice, city
James P. Justice, city
Charles Earl Kennedy, city
Lewis Henry Kern, city
Marion M. Kerns, city
Fred Keplinger, city
Herman A. Kersting, city
Thomas Nathan H. Kimble, city
Earl King, city
Virgil L. King, Twelve Mile
Herbert W. Kingery, city
Charles Patrick Kinzer, city
Samuel F. Kinzey, New Waverly
Lewis Alpha Kiser, city
Elbridge J. Kistler, Royal Centre
Lewis Kistler, city
Marion J. Klein, Royal Centre
Robert Irwin Klepfer, Galveston
Joseph Harrison Kline, city
Earl C. Koons, city
John Earl Kraft, city
Wm. Lewis Kraut, city
Ernest Kreiger, city
Bernard Anthony Kroeger, city
Charles Laffert, city
Arthur E. Lalse, Galveston
Ashur Leo Lambert, city
Robert Vaugh Lambert, city
Albert Lancaster, city
Carl Robert Larrison, city
Owen C. Law, city
Jno. Ray Leach, city
Frank John Leibold, city
John F. Leiffert, city
George Edward Lenon, no residence given
Frank Leslie, city
Oliver Wm. LeSeuer, city
Charles Lionhard, Lucerne
Earl L. Littel, city
Clarence E. Lleweleyn, city
John Harrison Logan, city
Wm. Henry Lowe, Lake Cicott
Walter L. Ludders, city
John W. Lumbirt, city
Wm. Houston Lybrooks, Lake Cicott
Clarence R. Lynas, Lincoln
L. Walter Mack, city
Harry Malone, city
Carl James Manders, city
Arnie T. Manuals, city
Chester Arthur Mappin, Royal Centre
Charles Henry Marchal, city
Cornelius Marchand, city
Agostino Marconi, city
Wm. Marone, Lucerne
Dowl Martin, city
Harry F. Martin, Lincoln
Roy Everett Martin, Walton
Paul B. Mason, city
Fred Wm. Mayhew, city
Jno. Francis McCarty, city
C.E. McClacklin, city
Fred James McCord, city
Frank Crayton McCoy, city
Thomas Carter McDonald, city
Clarence O. McDougle, Lucerne
Dyer Silas McDowell, city
John Walter McGinnis, city
Oval McMillan, New Waverly
Arthur McTaggert, city
Paul Walter Menke, city
Charles Meroney, Lucerne
Arthur B. Meyer, Lucerne
Leslie E. Michael, city
Thomas F. Mills, city
Leroy W. Minneman, city
Carl Ludwig Minnick, city
Lyle E. Minnick, Walton
Clark Jno. Minthorn, city
Walter T. Mitchell, city
Jas. Rogers Montgomery, Lucerne
James Andrew Moon, city
John Daniel Moon, Walton
Charles W. Moore, city
Russell Peter Moore, Galveston
Wm. Carbot Moore, city
Wm. J. Moran, city
George John Morris, city
Frank Moses, city
Herbert Wayne Moss, Hoover
Jas. Albert Mow, city
Edward Mucker, city
Wm. Francis Murphy, city
Martin Joseph Murray, city
Clarence Earl Neff, city
Claude Neff, city
George Washington Neff, city
Grover C. Neff, city
Leon Harter Neff, city
Robert Alva Neff, city
Roscoe Larr Newman, Peru
Homer Arthur Newport, city
John Elbert Nice, city
Glenn O. Nichols, Lincoln
Luigi Nicoletti, city
Arthur Charles Norman, city
Thomas M. Odem, city
Francis Charles Opperman, city
Pliny E. Oram, city
Julius L. Ordman, Royal Centre
Carl G. Orto, Lake Cicott
Neil George Osborn, city
John Britton Owens, city
Ross Edmund Oyler, Galveston
Evangelas A. Panagon, city
George Harding Parker, city
Ralph S. Parker, city
Wm. Edward Patchell, city
Orion C. Patterson
Charles W. Pearey, Galveston
Pietro Pencieoli, city
Harmel C. Penwell, city
Glenn R. Perkins, city
Philip J. Peterman, Lincoln
Orton Ray Peterson, Galveston
Andrew Pfaff, city
Glen Arthur Pfaff, city
Offa Roscoe Pickering, Twelve Mile
Donald Martin Pierce, Walton
Ralph Carroll Pitman, city
Wm. Pogura, city
Charles Pollitt, city
William Q. Porter, city
Frederick William Powell, city
Jos. S. Powell, Royal Centre
Antonio Presutto, city
Fred Propst, city
James Franklin Prough, city
Charles E. Provost, city
Gabriel Quaglio, city
Earl Raber, city
George F. Rance, city
John A. Randolph, city
Lloyd T. Rank, city
Carl Allen Ranke, city
Harry R. Rea, city
Jas. Theodore Rechue, city
Merritt Wright Reed, city
Wm. Lawrence Remly, city
Casper Mathias Reutebuch, city
Wilhelm E.C. Richter, city
Wm. Riel, city
Vernett Riley, city
Harold Dwight Riser, Lake Cicott
Larel E. Ritter, Walton
Orren W. Robbins, Twelve Mile
Albert Kendall Robertson, place not given
Elmer Rogers, Royal Centre
Errett A. Rogers, Royal Centre
Franz E. Rogers, city
Forest T. Rose, Galveston
Walter M. Ross, Royal Centre
Gerald Arlester Rounds, city
Clarence Roush, city
Arthur Russell, city
Jasper Newton Sagaster, Onward
Everett Sagi, city
Fred Leon Schar, city
Albert J. Scheer, city
Elma Ezra Schmalz, Royal Centre
Harry Frederick Schwaring, city
Charles Benjamin Scott, city
Lee Scott, Galveston
Winfield Scott Wilson, city
Benjamin E. Sedam, city
Roy Selders, Lucerne
Edw. M. Shafer, Royal Centre
Leonard Shafer, city
Allen Sharman, city
Russell Thomas Shepler, Royal Centre
Ray Edward Sheridan, city
Charles Sherman, city
Ray W. Shigley, city
Mark Herbert Shipler, city
Wm. C. Shirley, city
Anthony N. Shockome, city
Elmer E. Shoemaker, city
Archie B. Sholty, Onward
Carl V. Sholty, Galveston
Delbert L. Shope, Galveston
Robert Michael Shork, city
Homer E. Siddal, city
Leonard Simons, city
Everett F. Simpson, city
John Robert Sisson, city
Homer W. Slagle, Walton
Jno E. Small, city
Arthur Leon Smith, city
Green Smith, city
John Ike Smith, city
John Jacob Smith, Galveston
Lewis Albert Smith, city
Ralph Edmund Smith, city
Raymond W. Smith, city
Willard J. Smith, city
Melvin E. Snovely, Walton
Raymond E. Snyder, city
John Vance Somsel, Lucerne
W.H. Spaulding, city
W.R. Spaulding, city
Ross Spears, city
John W. Spencer, Lake Cicott
Wm. H. Spencer, city
Wm. Ray Spencer, Lake Cicott
Fred Joe Spitznogle, city
Paul Carl Spitznogle, Walton
John Henry Sprowl, city
Evan Thomas Stafford, Galveston
Oscar Ray Stanfield, city
Arthur J. Stanton, Royal Centre
Edwin Steinweidel, city
August Wm. Strew, city
Lester E. Strick, Galveston
Joseph Edward Sullivan, city
Harry Turman Surface, city
Russell N. Swadener, city
Bert Swain, city
Flossil Swoverland, city
Lyle D. Talbert, city
Wilber E. Taylor, city
Owen M. Thomas, Walton
Wm. Victor Thomas, city
Huse Tobin, city
Antonio Totino, city
Claude Gerald Truax, city
Albert Turner, city
Claude Turner, city
Clinton Tuttle, city
Charles L. Tyler, city
Alvie Luther Tyre, Walton
Noble Ulerick, Twelve Mile
Andrew J. Ulrich, Lincoln
Albert Ross Umbarger, Walton
Tracy VanDoren, city
Harry D. Vasselerdas, city
J.W. Viney, city
Riccardo Vito, city
Ernest L. Wade, city
Grover Waites, city
D.R. Walters, city
R.R. Waters, Walton
Moree David Warfelt, city
Glen B. Washburn, city
Jay Forest Watson, city
Gerald John Watts, city
Harry A. Webster, city
Walter C. Wedikind, city
Jerome W. Well, (or Weil), city
Jacob Benjamin Wendling, Walton
Edward Whalen, city
Wm. B. Whitehead, city
Charles Virgil Whiteman, Lake Cicott
Jno. Melvin Wikle, Young America
Quinton Roscoe Williams, city
Robert Sherman Williams, city
Stacy Williams, city
Clyde E. Williamson, Lincoln
Arthur Wilson, city
Carl Wilson, Galveston
Daniel Earl Wilson, city
George Albert Wilson, New Waverly
Lloyd A. Wilt, city
Frank Lloyd Winters, Onward
John Wirth, city
Corbet Wolf, city
Owen Wolford, Lucerne
Alvin C. Woods, city
Arthur Thomas Woolley, city
Wm. Franklin Wyant, Clymers
Lloyd Lester Wysong, Twelve Mile
Roger D. Yeiter, city
George D. York, city
Chester E. Young, city
John E. Young, city
Augusti Zanni, city
Adolph A. Zech, city

Transcribed by Christine Spencer, April, 2009
Alphabetized by Debby Beheler 24 April, 2009

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