Senior Class of 1899
Bertha Kauffman
Veffa Banta
Edna Putnam
Jennie Settles
Roy Ballard
Percy Bemy
Walter Cantley
Jay Batchelos
Arthur Bridge
Angy Ball
Anna Hoppe
Grace Manders
Hugh Merrifield
Hattie McLutire (Not sure about last name - McIntire?)
Victoria Lowe
Thrusie Elliott
Minnie Wellck (*my grandmother, I find this interesting as her name was Welk)
Mayme Richhart
Daisy Gordon
Walter Morrison
John Howe
Ida Hainuau
Cleva Lee
John Fox
Otto Bruggemann
Susie Blassingham
Stella Insner (not sure last name is correct)
Kate Granger
Olive Hink
Mildred Penny
Vallie Luce
Mayme Hammerly
Prepared and donated by Sandra Banta Roberts from a list handwritten by her grandmother.
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