Off-site Links:
Howard County in the World War. C.V. Haworth, 1920.
Indianapolis: Wm. B. Burford, Printer and Binder. Page 277 Photo Plate
Omer Odell WALL, son of William W. and Laura BAKER
WALL, was born in Elwood, Ind. 12 Mar 1898. He enlisted in the service
at Kokomo Ind. 2 Jul 1917 and was promoted to corporal in Co. E 152nd
Infantry; he later served in the Third Casual Company.
NOTE: The following entry was found in the Social
Security Death Index.
OMER WALL - born 12 Mar 1898; died Sep 1982. Last Residence: Kokomo,
Howard, IN. SSN: 308-09-2268 issued in Indiana.
The following information was
found in the
Cemeteries of Howard County website:
WALL, Omar Odell Date of Birth 12 Mar 1898 Date of Death 1982 Date of Burial 13-Sep-82 Age 84 Cemetery Crown Point Plot Section 23 Lot 68
No entry for William WALL was found in a basic search of the 1910
Howard County census index.
Howard County in the World War. C.V. Haworth, 1920.
Indianapolis: Wm. B. Burford, Printer and Binder. Page 279 Photo Plate
Chester C. [Charles] WARNOCK was adopted by J.E. and
Eva WARDEN WARNOCK when he was 8 months of age. He was born at
Fairmount, Ind., 30 Sep 1902.
Before he enlisted in the army 24 Jun 1918, he had completed two years
of work in the high school at Greentown, Ind. Upon his arrival at
Jefferson Barracks, Mo., he was ordered to Camp Crane, Allentown Pa,
where he was given a short course of intensive training in the medical
department. His express duties were in one of the base hospitals in
France. He returned to Greentown Ind 11 May 1919, the day following his
discharge from the army.
NOTE: The following entry was found in the Social
Security Death Index.
CHESTER C WARNOCK - born 30 Sep 1902 ; died 01 Jan 1966. Last
Residence: Riverside, Riverside, CA. SSN: 312-03-3558 issued in
No entry for Chester/Charles WARNOCK was found in the
Cemeteries of Howard County website: The obituary
is referenced at
Howard County in the World War. C.V. Haworth, 1920.
Indianapolis: Wm. B. Burford, Printer and Binder. Page 283 Photo Plate 19
Clarence R WERBE, son of William H. and Marie R.
REBMANN WERBE was born in Rockville, Ind 29 May 1895.
On 26 Apr 1918 he was assigned to the 25th Co 7th Battalion 159th Depot
Brigade, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Six months later he was transferred
to the headquarters company where he became chauffeur for Col. Bailey.
At the time of demobilization, he was sergeant in the motor transport
coprs service park, Unit No. 342. He also served as radiator mechanic.
He was discharged 10 Jun 1919 at Camp Taylor, KY.
NOTE: The following entry was found in the Social
Security Death Index.
CLARENCE WERBE - born 29 May 1895 -- died Dec 1980. Last Residence:
Kokomo, Howard, IN) SSN: 305-16-8204 issued in Indiana.
History of Howard County in the World War C.V.
Haworth, Indianapolis: Wm B. Burford, Printer & Binder, 1920. p
287 photo plate 59
Morton Douglas WILLCUTTS, son of W.H. and Emma
WILLCUTTS, was born at Carthage, Ind 10 Mar 1889. He moved with his
parents to Greentown Ind at the age of two years. He completed his high
school course in the Marion Normal and in 1910 he entered Indiana
University, graduating in 1914 with the degree of B.S. and in 1916 with
an M.D. degree.
He immediately entered the Indianapolis City Hospital as an interne
[sic], which positioned he resigned in order to accept an appointment
in the U.S. Navy Medical Corps. He was comissioned lieutentant, junior
grade at the Great Lakes Naval Station, Chicago, 24 Mar 1917, and was
ordered to proceed to Washington D.C.
In May 1917, he was sent to France with the first naval forces and was
stationed for 7 months as a medical officer at the naval base at Brest.
In Jan 1918, having been promoted to lieutenant, senior grade - captain
- he was assigned to the U.S. SS Aphrodite as a surgeon for duty in the
French submarine zone. He remained in this line of activity until the
armistice was signed.
Having previously applied for service with the marines on the western
front, he was ordered in November to the 5th Regiment. 2nd Division,
and with them went in March to the Rhine and served in the Army of
Occupation, first as a battalion surgeon, and later as regimental
surgeon, until the signing of peace with Germany, 28 Jun 1919.
On 11 Aug 1919, he landed in the United States and left at once for the
marine barracks, Quantico Va., where he was mustered out of the
marines. In September 1919, Captain Willcutts was offered by the
government a three months' course in the naval hospital at Washington
D.C. and the choice of assignment to a naval hospital.
NOTE: The following entry was found in the Social
Security Death Index.
MORTON WILLCUTTS: born 10 Mar 1889 - died Sep 1976. Last Residence:
Belvedere Tiburon, Marin, CA. SSN: 565-64-3247, issued in California.
NOTE: The following entry was found in the California
Death Index at Rootsweb:
WILLCUTTS, MORTON D: born 03/10/1889, Male, Birthplace INDIANA. Death
County: MARIN, Death Date: 09/26/1976. SSN: 565-64-3247 Age: 87 yrs
Submitter: Debbie
John WILSON, born in 1821 in Kentucky, moved to Rush
county, Indiana. He married Delilah SHELTON on March 26,1844 and after
they had three boys, they moved to Howard county in 1851. Once there
they had two girls. Their children were David E., in 1846, Henry Noble
in 1849, James William in 1851, Mary Jane in 1855, and Lydia in 1856,
who died shortly after birth. They built a house 3/8 of a mile west of
Mt. Zion Methodist church what now is Alto Road. John died in 1856 and
is buried in Alto cemetery.
Submitter: Debbie
Henry Noble WILSON married Catherine PENCE in 1876 and
built a cabin across from the Mt. Zion church. Their children Samuel
Monroe in 1877, and Flora Annis in 1879. In 1880 they lived in Center
Township. Catherine died in January 1898 and Nob, as they called him
moved to 162 Morrison street in Kokomo.
All of the rest of the Wilson’s remained in Howard County and many of
their children still live there. They are now all deceased. Dorothy
WILSON TURNER of Russiaville was the last of their family, she passed
away this June 2007.
Victoria Cheney
WOODS, BENJAMIN, b. 02 Feb. 1796, Mason Co. KY; d. 29
June 1877, Howard Co.IN; m. 05 May 1819, Wayne Co.IN.
Reared on farm near Waynesville, Warren Co. OH. In 1848, settled near
Greentown, Howard Co. IN.
MECA BOONE, b. 16 July 1797, Fayette Co., KY, d. 25 Feb. 1877, Howard
Co.IN; dau. of Ovid Boone Sr. & m2 Susannah
Noe. Meca's will: 1877, Howard Co., Book 2, p.219.
Benjamin and Meca buried in Greenlawn Cem., Greentown, Howard Co. IN.
Obit for Benjamin
(1) Many of Meca's female desc. of that name used one "c." Also, it's
spelled "Meca" on marr. record and in Society of
Indiana Pioneers. However, her grave marker is "Mecca."
(2) Daughter Lucy born before Benjamin and Meca registered their
marriage in Wayne Co. IN.
(3) 1850 Howard Co. IN census lists JANE E. WOODS, age 29, at end of
Benj. & Meca's children. Once believed to be
eldest dau. of Benjamin and Meca, we now think she is Benjamin's niece.
Jane E. WOODS marr. Thomas W. Banks of
Howard Co. in Sept. 1850; she died 1854; left one dau.
(4) Data on Benj. and Meca from family records of Costlow, Trabue, and
Boone Woods lines; and census and vital
(5) Benjamin changed spelling of his name from WOOD to WOODS, ca.1830
(his 1819 marr. record says WOOD);
possibly influenced by prominent WOODS neighbors in Wayne Co. IN,
originally of NC.
(6) Benjamin is grandson of Benjamin WOOD (wife Ruth), of Penna., whose
will proved 1797, Mason Co., KY, probably
thru the elder Benjamin's son WILLIAM WOOD. Our Benjamin also had ties
to William's brother AQUILLA WOOD.
(7) Besides Aquilla (who m. Jane Shepherd), the other siblings of
William (Benjamin's likely dad) were: Mary m. Philip
Baltimore (their dau. Ruth m. Ovid Boone Jr.); Amos WOOD (k. by
Indians); Kesiah m. Jesse Griggs; Nancy; Curdalah
(Cordelia, Delia); Matthew WOOD m. Margaret Patterson; and Ashberry
WOOD m. Margaret "Peggy" Miller.
Children of BENJAMIN and MECA:
- 1. LUCY JANE WOODS, 1816, m. Joseph G. JOHNSON.
- 2. WILLIAM WOODS,1820, m1 Mahala Burgoyne, m2
Matilda Burgoyne (sister), m3 Mrs. Nancy A. Morris.
- 3. OVID BOONE WOODS, 1822, called "Boone Woods," m.
Clarice E. Allen.
- 5. MARY A. WOODS, 1826, m. ___ Springer.
- 6. SARAH M. WOODS, 1828, died young.
- 7. JOHN PLEASANT WOODS, 1830, m. Mary ___.
- 8. MALVINA WOODS, 1833, m. Patrick COSTLOW.
- 9. GEORGE W. WOODS, 1835, unmarried.
- 10. MATILDA JANE WOODS, 1838, m. Marion Minter
Typed by Lora
Radiches -- "This book has no cover, and no index, and no
author; but it is full of Indiana biographies."
OMER WOOLDRIDGE, M. D. The medical practitioners at
Columbus, Indiana, are, without exception, men of high professional
standing and universally held in esteem throughout Bartholomew County,
and many of them are still most favorably recalled in other sections
where circumstances led to an earlier location.
In 1923 this medical group at Columbus was increased, by the coming
here of Dr. Omer Wooldridge, an able, experienced physician and
surgeon, of Kokomo, Indiana, formerly secretary of the Howard County
Medical Society and deputy treasurer of Howard County.
Dr. Omer WOOLDRIDGE was born October 3, 1884, in Tipton County,
Indiana, a son of Thomas E. and Mary (RANDOLPH) WOOLDRIDGE, the latter
a descendant of the distinguished RANDOLPH family of Virginia. The
paternal grandfather of Doctor WOOLDRIDGE was the founder of this
family in Indiana, coming here from Kentucky prior to the War Between
the States and serving as a soldier in this state. He became a man of
large wealth and local prominence.
Thomas E. WOOLDRIDGE, father of Doctor Wooldridge, was born in Tipton
County, Indiana. Later he became an extensive farmer and an active
factor in local politics in Howard County, where he still lives in
comfortable retirement. With his two brothers and a sister Omer
WOOLDRIDGE attended the public schools in Tipton County, and later he
was graduated from the Kokomo High School, this being followed by one
year in Butler College.
He then located at Greentown in Howard County where he was engaged in
teaching school for five and one-half terms of school, during this
period devoting all of his leisure time to medical reading preparatory
to entering the medical department of the University of Indiana, from
which he was graduated in 1920, with his degree of Doctor of Medicine.
During 1922 he served as internee in Saint Anthony Hospital, Chicago,
and then located for practice at Kokomo, Indiana, where he built up a
large professional connection and won personal respect and esteem.
Doctor WOOLDRIDGE was married to Miss Muriel BOND, who was born in
Monroe County, Indiana, and they have one daughter, Betty Lou. With his
family Doctor WOOLDRIDGE is actively interested in the work of the
Christian Church and other beneficent and uplifting agencies at
Columbus. He belongs to Saint John's Lodge, A. F. and A. M., of
Columbus, to the B. P. 0. Elks, and is a member of the Bartholomew
County Medical Society, the Indiana State Medical Society, the American
Medical Association, the Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary medical society of
the University of Indiana, and the Columbus Kiwanis Club.
Doctor WOOLDRIDGE believes in the election of reputable men to office
in both the state and the nation, and giving them sufficient
compensation for their services so that their official acts may be free
from selfish influences, and they can reject dictation from interested
influences. He is an advocate of compulsory education, and favors the
extension of
the public school system to the highest degree of efficiency. From the
beginning of his career Doctor Wooldridge has found time to read and
study, and takes pride in keeping abreast of the advancement in his
profession. Although in the very prime of vigorous manhood, he is a
successful and able practitioner, having advanced steadily since he had
his first patient, and his influence in the section of the state
wherein he is making his home is one that may very well be a
stimulating example to those who come after him. With such admirable
qualities, therefore, there is small wonder that he has been received
at Columbus as he has, nor that he has been given such a whole-hearted
support from its citizens.
Additional comments from
Omer Wooldridge is in my (indirect) line.
Apparently he was married before the wife that is mentioned in this
His first wife Lois SEAGRAVE died in 1912 Howard County, IN. Family
has it he became a doctor after his wife was ill so he could help
... I happen to have a picture of him and Lois SEAGRAVE.

Howard County Indiana Family History, compiled by the
Howard County Genealogical Society, published 1995 by Turner Publishing
Co. Paducah, 339-340
John Prior WRIGHT was born 16 Mar 1802 in Tennessee to
Isaac WRIGHT (b. 1764) and Susannah HAWORTH (b. 1766) [siblings of John
P. are listed in the article with birthdates]. Isaac and Susannah lived
in Tennessee, Union and Randolph Co. IN and Vermilion Co. IL before
coming to Howard County.
Isaac's ancestry is given as John WRIGHT (b 1716) & Rachel
WELLS. John's parents were James WRIGHT (b. 1671/1677) & Mary
Hepsibah COATS was born in 1803 in South Carolina, daughter of William
and Mary JAY COATS.
John P. and Hepsibah were married in 1822 in Bartholomew County, IN.
After marriage, they lived in Vermilion County IL, where 9 of their 12
children were born [children and birthdates listed in article]
John P. WRIGHT came to Howard County Indiana in 1840 and returned to
Illinois for his family and parents the following spring. Isaac
& Susannah passed away in 1844, and the WRIGHT family
eventually moved to a homestead 3/4 of a mile northwest of Russiaville.
John P. was active in the Society of Friends (Quakers) and played a
major role in the branch of the Underground Railroad that passed
through the area. John passed away in 1882 (2nd day 4th mo.) after a
falll from a haymow. Hepsibah died in 1892; both are buried in the New
London cemetery.
Howard County in the World War. C.V. Haworth, 1920.
Indianapolis: Wm. B. Burford, Printer and Binder. Page 295
Bertie Roy WYRICK was inducted into the service and was
discharged while located at Fort Oglethorpe, GA.
NOTE: The following entry was found in the Social
Security Death Index.
BERTIE WYRICK born 26 Oct 1896; died Oct 1973. Last Residence : La
Follette, Campbell, TN. SSN: 411-44-5079 issued in Tennessee.