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Biography of Joseph H. BUTLER
Source: A History
of the State of Oklahoma by Luther B. Hill Published by the
Lewis Publishing Company, 1910 - page 201-02
Joseph H. BUTLER, the well known and popular postmaster
of Vinita,
Craig county, has the distinction of having served in his present
official capacity for eleven years, or nearly three full terms, a
period of service rarely, if ever, equalled in the government postal
department in the state of Oklahoma. He holds three commissions from
two of our distinguished presidents, a fact redounding to his honor and
A native of Indiana, he was born, October 12, 1870, in
where he lived for seven years. H. H. BUTLER, father of Joseph H., was
born, in 1842, in Indiana, in Howard county, whore his parents located
on coming north from North Carolina. He was of Quaker descent, and on
account of his religious training did not serve in the Union Army
during the Civil war. About 1849 he followed the march of civilization
westward, and for a number of years resided in Sterling, Kansas. He is
now an active and esteemed citizen of Miami, Oklahoma, where he was
formerly deputy United States clerk.
He [H.H. BUTLER] has been twice married. He married
first Mary
REESE, a daughter of David REESE, a pioneer settler of Howard county,
Indiana. She died in Kokomo, Indiana, in 1871, leaving two children,
namely: Alva H., postoffice inspector at Seattle, Washington; and
Joseph H., the subject of this sketch. He married for his second wife
Mary REECE, whose name differed from that of his first in the spelling
of one letter, only, and of this union two children also have been
born, namely: Harland J., postmaster at Miami, Oklahoma; and Belle,
wife of Charles DAVIS, of Oklahoma City.
Having completed his early studies in Sterling, Kansas,
Joseph H.
BUTLER afterwards attended the old Worcester Academy. Coming to Vinita
in 1885 he was a clerk in a mercantile establishment until November 1,
1898, when he was appointed postmaster at Vinita, an office which he
has since filled acceptably and ably. His first commission bears the
signature of President McKinley, while those of 1902 and 1906 are
signed by Theodore Roosevelt. Mr. BUTLER is a man of good business tact
and understanding, and in addition to his official duties is a member
of the real estate and loan firm of BUTLER & BENFOEY, and of
firm of BUTLER & BYRS, managers of the Vinita Auditorium,
having other property interests in this part of the state.
On January 17, 1900, Mr. Butler married Fannie L. BYRD, who was born at
Neosho, Missouri, a daughter of John W. and Alice (SANDIDGE) and to
them one child has been born, namely: Joseph Byrd BUTLER, whose birth
occurred May 18, 1908.
Fraternally Mr. BUTLER is a Master Mason ; a past grand
of the Odd
Fellows; and an esteemed and leading knight in the Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks.
NOTE: The following probable match for Mary REESE BUTLER was found in
the Cemeteries of
Howard County website:
New London Cemetery: BUTLER Mary 15 FEB 1870
Section Two East Lot 1 -- Image
of Gravestone