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Project Obituaries - A
This page contains obituaries or death notices (full or extract) of
former Howard County residents. If you have a notice you
would like to
add, please send to
Kokomo Tribune - Thursday, 7 Aug 1930
Name: Fred ACKLES
Age: 55
Died: Tuesday, 5 Aug 1930 in Pendleton,
Indiana. (former resident of Kokomo)
Survivors: widow [not named], 2 daughters
Margaret ACKLES and Mrs. Frank ANDERSON, and son Frank ACKLES.
"The family lived in Kokomo about 10 years ago, residing in East Walnut
Kokomo Tribune - Mon 9 Apr 1956
Name: Dr. Charles J. ADAMS
Age: 73
Died: Saturday, 7 Apr 1956, in Kokomo; had
been in failing health for past 7 years.
Born: 3 Jun 1888 in Lafayette [Indiana]
Parents: John Edward and Melissa BRUCE ADAMS
Married: Lovie HOBBS, 5 Oct 1913 - her parnts
Andrew J & Harriet E. HOBBS.
Survivors: widow; aunt, Mrs. Julia WHITE and 2
cousins, Robert B. WHITE and Mrs. Lucile LORELLE.
Funeral Home: Rich Funeral Home - services at
First Congregational Christian church.
Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery.
Military Service: WWI Army veteran -
served at base hospital in Camp Custer, Michigan - preparing to go
overseas when armistice was signed.
Civic Involvement:
charter member of Kokomo Rotary, American Legion, Freemason, Elks and
various medical societies. "one of best known golfers in Kokomo."
Charles graduated from Warren High School in 1900; graduated from
Indiana University medical school in 1906. Retired eye, ear, nose and
threat specialist; oustanding physician in the state. Associated with
practice of father in law, Dr. J. McLean MOULDER.
Cleo W. ADAMS (1892 - 1955) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - Wednesday, 21 Sep 1955 page 2
Name: Cleo W. ADAMS
Age: 63
Residence: 1819 S Washington St., Kokomo IN
Died: 2 pm Tuesday [20 Sep 1955] at
St. Joseph's Hospital, Kokomo IN. He had been in the hospital for 4
weeks after a heart disorder which first affected him in 1949.
Born: 3 Apr 1892 in Elwood, IN.
Parents: Wilburn and Etta ADAMS. The family
moved to Kokomo when Cleo was 10.
Married: 23 Jul 1916 to Miss Faye DRAKE.
Education: Graduated from Kokomo High School
and attended Transylvania University at Lexington KY.
Military: WWI veteran; served in
278th Aero Squadron in France - remained there with the Army of the
Occupation for 9 months.
Occupation: tool and die maker at
Chrysler (15 years);
Civic Involvement: Masonic Order;
American Legion; volunteer with Red Cross for 27 years, where he served
as member of Board of Directors in 1948 & 1949.
Survivors: widow and 1 daughter,
Rosemary, Mrs. Herbert WALKER, and 1 grandchild. Brother Carl
ADAMS lives in Glendale CA.
Services: Fenn's Funeral Home
Burial: Albright Cemetery
Biographical Sketch
Kokomo Tribune - after 13 Oct 1943 [Kokomo
Tribune Obituary Book 1943 - page 175]
Name: Laura Jane [maiden name not
listed] ADAMS
Age: 75
Died: 10:45 pm, Monday 13 Oct 1943 at St.
Joseph hospital; had been living with son, George W. ADAMS for 4 years.
Born: 16 Mar 1868 in Madison Co., near
Anderson - spent most of live in that area.
Survivors: son, George W. ADAMS; 2 sisters
Mrs. Amy DAVIS and Mrs. Mary DOVEY; 6 grandchildren and 5
Funeral Home: Ellers mortuary
Burial: Bucco cemetery, near Anderson.
Aden M. ADKINS ( 1896 - 1976) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - Thurs. 15 Jul 1976
Name: Aden M, ADKINS
Age: 79
Residence: 3212 E. Markland Ave., Kokomo
Died: Wed. 14 Jul 1976 at the VA Hospital, Marion IN - following an
illness of several months.
Born: 3 Nov 1896 in Converse IN
Parents: William & Mary (Katherine MEDSKER) ADKINS
Married: Nettie SIEGER in 1933
WWI Veteran; worked at VA Hospital in Maintenance Dep't; also had
worked for Kokomo Street Dep't.
Survivors: widow; 2 sons - William ADKINS & Gary ADKINS; sister
Mrs. Anna SPAULDING; seven grandchildren. One son, 4 brothers and 2
sisters preceded him in death.
Services: Ellers Mortuary
Burial: Sunset Memory Gardens Mausoleum
(1896 - 1978) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - aft 20 Jul 1978
Name: Paul R AIKMAN
Age: 82
Residence: 613 N Indiana Ave, Kokomo IN
Died: 10:15 am Thursday, 20 Jul 1978 at the VA
Hospital in Marion, IN
Born: 14 Jan 1896 in Kokomo
Parents: James Burton and Martha (MASSEY)
Married: 31 Dec 1930 to Mary SAUL
Military: Veteran of WWI
Occupation: co-owner of Aikman Brothers Grocery
Survivors: widow; son, James E. AIKMAN; sister
Madilean SHARP; 3 grandchildren
Services: Fenn Funeral Home
Burial: Crown Point Cemetery
Roy AIKMAN(1895
- 1958) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - Wed 9 Apr 1958 p
13 & Thurs., 10 Apr 1958
Name: Roy AIKMAN
Age: 62
Residence: 814 W Superior, Kokomo IN
Died: 4p Tuesday [8 Apr 1958] on a
train near Laramie WY of an apparent heart attack - he had been ill
since Dec. Roy had been on returning from vacation with his wife in
Santa Monica, CA.
Born: 16 Oct 1895 in Kokomo IN
Parents: Charles and Anna AIKMAN
Education: Kokomo High School graduate Jan
1913; received Certified Public Accountant certificate through the
University of Illinois in Nov 1924.
Military: Enlisted 14 May 1917 in the US Army
- served overseas during WWI. He volunteered for officers' training
camp at Ft. Benjamin Harrison and was discharged as a first lieutenant.
Occupation: Employed by an accounting firm in
Chicago after his military discharge; returned to Kokomo in
1932 to start own business. He formed a partnership with Joe Kendall
circa 1955 and retired from the firm in 1957.
Civic Involvement: American Legion and Elks
Survivors: wife, Anne; 2 brothers, Raymond C
& Harold C.; several nieces & nephews. 2
sisters, Mrs. Ruth BAKER & Mrs. Quenna EHRHARDT preceded him in
Services: Long Funeral Home
Burial: Crown Point Cemetery
Edward ALBEE (1894- 1946) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - Monday 15 Apr 1946, p 9
Name: Edward ALBEE
Age: 51
Residence: Darrough Chapel
Died: 10:00 Friday, 12 Apr 1946 at the
Veterans' Hospital in Indianapolis.
Survivors: widow; 6 step-children - Mrs. Velma
DINWIDDIE; brother, Earl ALBEE; sister Mildred TAFLINGER.
Member of Disabled Veterans [served in WWI - according to gravestone]
Services: Neighborhood House
Burial: Crown Point
NOTE: The following information was found in the Cemeteries of Howard
County website:
Crown Point Cemetery: ALBEE Edward: born 15
Sep 1894 - died 12 Apr 1946, age 51. Buried 17 APR 1946 in section 222,
lot 3 .
Link to photo of military stone
(c1898 - 1964) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - 25 May 1964, p 2
Name: Herman G. ALBRECHT
Age: 66
Residence: Snelling, CA; previously of Sacramento CA.
Died: 2 May 1964 in Snelling CA after an extended illness.
Occupation: Insurance Agent & owner of merchandise store in
Civic Involvement: Masonic Lodge, American Legion and Veterans of
Foreign Wars
"Native of Chicago"
Survivors: widow, Ruby; mother Mrs. Edith HAFNER; daughter Mrs. Linnea
THOMAS; son Jack ALBRECHT; 3 grandchildren
Services: Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home [of Snelling CA?]
Burial: Snelling Cemetery
Kokomo Saturday Tribune - Saturday, 7 Jul 1877
A Very Sad Death
A cast of gloom came over the entire community last Tuesday
evening when the death of Miss Anna B. ALEXANDER was announced. It
occurred at 9 o'clock. The deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John C. ALEXANDER and was ill only two weeks. The fatal disease was
typhoid fever.
Previous to her last illness, the deceased had always been in
robust health. Indeed, Miss Anna was the picture of perfect health. She
was in her nineteenth year and was a bright, industrious intelligent
girl, beloved by all who knew her, and her circle of acquaintances was
quite large. She was a member of the Christian Church for some time
past, having united at a time when Miss Flora HINTON, Josie GEORGE,
Lizzie KING, Ada GARRIGUS and other young ladies also joined.
The funeral occurred from the Christian Church on Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock. The services were conducted by Elder C.M.
ROBERTSON, assisted by Rev. A. S. WOOD. A large number of carriages
followed the remains to the place of burial in Crown Point Cemetery.
The high esteem in which the deceased was held by many acquaintances
was shown in the sad expression on the face of every one who attended
the funeral.
One of our brightest young ladies is gone. But her life was a
beautiful model in that she was a devoted christian of amiable
disposition, her face always wearing a smile which gave good cheer to
those about her. Anna has left us, but she has gone to that happy ,
peaceful abode where there is no more sorrow or parting. May her
friends all meet her there.
BAKER ALLEY(1896 - 1943) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - 18 Oct 1943
Age: 47
Died: 16 Oct 1943 at Dukes Memorial Hospital,
Peru IN
Born: 9 May 1896 in Kokomo
Parents: Charles & Georgia AMMERMAN
Married: Merle ALLEY
husband; daughter Martha Ann ALLEY; 3 daughters by former marriage,
Mrs. Pauline YARD, Mrs. Florabelle TITUS and Mrs. Violet TITUS; sisters
Mrs T.H. GUNNELL and Mrs. Claude GUNNELL; 12 grandchildren; stepsister
Mrs. Frank S. BELL.
Burial: Crown Point cemetery
Kokomo Tribune - 25 Aug 1966 (extract from 3 obits)
Name: Grant E ALLISON
Born: 29 Mar 1892 - near Delphi
Parents: Charles A. ALLISON & Carrie
Married: 5 Jun 1912 - Beryl DAVIS (survivor)
Died: 24 Aug 1966 - Russiaville IN
of a heart attack.
No children listed - spouse only survivor?
World War I Veteran. member of Russiaville Masonic Lodge &
Scottish Rite Valley of Indianaplois; insurance agent for Hartford
Insurance Co
Burial: Russiaville Cemetery
Homer S. ALLISON (1892 - 1955) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - Saturday, March 19, 1955, p
Name: Homer S. ALLISON
Age: 62
Residence: 708 W. Walnut, Kokomo
Died: 2:30 pm Friday, 18 Mar 1955 at a
hospital in Hollywood, FL. (sudden death)
Born: 9 Apr 1892, Thorntown, IN
Parents: Oliver C. and Hancy A (RAMSEYER)
Married: Miss Irene MILLER
Graduated from West Middleton High School; served in 20th Machine Gun
Battalion in WWI - was wounded while overseas. Worked as rural route
carrier out of Kokomo post office. "As had been their custom for
several years, he [Homer] and Mrs. ALLISON had gone to Florida in
February to spend several weeks." Member of Main Street Christian
Church, American Legion, Masons and Elks.
Survivors: widow and son, Max ALLISON; three
Funeral Arrangements: TBD
D.J. Faust
The Muncie Morning Star Friday, December 2, 1904 Page 6, Column 5
Page Header: News of the Gas Belt and Vicinity
Daughter and the Elder Lady May Not Recover (Bu star Special Service)
Greentown, Ind., Dec 1.- Mrs. James ALLISON, 80 years old, and
Miss Hazel PHARES, 17, a student of the Greentown high school, were
found at the home of the former, in northwest Greentown, last evening,
unconscious from inhaling gas. The discovery was made by Mrs. J.W.
PHARES, daughter of Mrs. ALLISON, who called to pay her mother an
afternoon visit.
Mrs. PHARES, upon entering the sitting room, found her mother
prostrate across the sofa, and in the adjoining bed room was her
daughter. Miss PHARES, unconscious, and with her head in a wash bowl.
Physicians were called and after many hours of ceaseless work, Miss
PHARES was restored to consciousness, with a possibility of recovery.
Her grandmother remains unconscious, and the chances of recovery are in
doubt. The gas escaped from a stove.
Kokomo Tribune - 4 Feb 1981
Name: Clarence "Hap" F. ALTHERR
Age: 85
Born: Marion, Ohio, 7 Dec 1895
Parents: Frank and Alice (ADAMS) ALTHERR.
Married: Jun 30, 1917 to Verna JONES
Died: at home at 4 am Tuesday 3 Feb 1981.
Services: Ellers Mortuary .
Burial: Sunset Memory Gardens Cemetery.
wife. daughter, Dorothy BERRY; two sons, Robert ALTHERR & Jack
ALTHERR; a sister, Gertrude BIERCE; and 9 grandchildren and two
A sister preceded him in death.
Employed: 1938 - retirement in 1962 as a tool
and die maker at Chrysler Corp.
Military Service: US Army during World War I
Biographical Sketch
ALVEY (1894- 1973) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - Tuesday, 16 Dec 1973, p5
Name: Glen ALVEY
Age: 79
Residence: 430 S Courtland Ave, Kokomo
Died: 6:30a Tues., 16 Dec 1973 at home - he
had been ill for 2 years.
Born: 30 Jun 1894 in Tipton Co. IN
Parents: Morris & Louise (FERNUNG)
Married: Anna BUDD in 1929 - she passed away
in 1951; Married Henrietta IRWIN in 1952
WWI veteran - corporal in US Army. Member of VFW and American Legion.
Worked at Kokomo Sanitary Pottery Co & retired as captain of
the guards from the Indiana State Reformatory at Pendleton IN.
Survivors: widow; stepson Robert IRWIN;
step-daughters Mrs. Mary WHEELER & Mrs. Elizabeth QUERY;
half-brother Morris ALVEY; step-sister Mrs. Grace DONALDSON; 3
Services: Ellers Mortuary
Burial: Crown Point Cemetery
NOTE: The following information was found in the Cemeteries of Howard
County website:
Crown Point Cemetery: ALVEY Glen: born 1894 -
died 1973. Buried 21 DEC 1973 in section 24 lot 26. Link
to photo of family stone
Harry Scott AMOS
(1896 - 1962) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - Mon, 19 Feb 1962; 20 Feb 1962
Name: Harry Scott Amos
Age: 65
Residence: Atlanta, R.R. 1, Tipton
Co. IN
Died: 10 pm Sunday [18 Feb 1962], at the
Veterans Hospital, Indianapolis after being ill for the past few years.
Born: 31 Oct 1896 in Ervin Twp., Howard Co. IN
Parents: Frank and Flora (RAINES) AMOS
Married: Anna Ruth CARDWELL 22 Nov 1922 - they
lived on Atlanta RR2 since 1930.
Education: Young America High School
Military: veteran of WWI
Survivors: widow; brother Larry AMOS; 2 nieces
Services: Mitchell Funeral Home
Burial: Liberty Cemetery, near Groomsville.
Kokomo Tribune - 25 December 1942
Name: John David AMOS
Age: died at birth
Died: Saturday [before 25 Dec 1942], at Dukes
Memorial Hospital, Peru
Parents: Clyde and Anna ROEDEL AMOS
Services: graveside at Lutheran cemetery.
Funeral Home: Allen
Charles Edward ANDERSON (1899 - 1973) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - Friday, 27 Jul 1973, p 5
Name: Charles Edward ANDERSON
Died: 7:45 pm Thursday, 26 Jul 1973 at St.
Joseph Hospital, Kokomo.
Born: 9 Feb 1899, Royal Center, IN
Parents: Charles and Hester (HOPKINSON)
Married: Frances GARRITSON 3 Jan 1922
Served in US Army during WWI; member of Elks Lodge. In meat &
grocery business in Kokomo for many years.
Survivors: widow, 2 sons: Jerry Edward
ANDERSON and Charles Thomas ANDERSON; 3 grandchildren and 2 sisters:
Mrs. Eva WINN and Mrs. Catherine KISTLER.
Services: Ellers Funeral Chapel
Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery, Kokomo.
Kokomo Tribune - c 16 May 1981
Name: Marshall L. ANDREWS
Age: 86
Died: 3 am Sunday, May 17, 1981 in Oak Grove
Nursing Home, Deshler, Ohio
Born 17 Nov 1894 in Hemlock [Indiana]
Parents: Ollie ANDREWS and Okie MURPHY ANDREWS.
Married: 28 Apr 1923 to Violet DAVIS, who died
27 Dec 1980.
Employed: Continental Steel Corp; maintenance
department of the Center Township School Corp., Civic
Involvement: Charter member of the Kokomo Church of Christ
and was a member of the Napthali Masonic Lodge at Center.
Military Service: army in World War I.
son, James L. ANDREWS, ; daughter, Marilyn RUNYON; eight grandchildren,
three great-grandchildren; a brother, Dallas ANDREWS ; and two sisters,
Thelma BATEY and Nellie CLIFTON.. One son preceded him in death.
Services: Kokomo Church of Christ
Burial: Albright Cemetery.
Visitation: Fenn Funeral Home
Kokomo Tribune - 4 December 1942
Name: Eliza Frances ANGLE
Age: 80
Hometown: New Waverly community
Died: 4 Dec 1942, at home
Born: 4 May 1862, Franklin Co. VA
Married: J.P. ANGLE in Virginia 62 years ago
Member of Old Order German Baptist Brethren church for 65 years.
Services: Mexico Church of the Brethren;
burial in Greenlawn Cemetery in Mexico, IN
Funeral Home: Hammond-Eikenberry
husband, J.P. ANGLE; three children, Mrs. John E. SMITH, Mrs. Hattie E.
BOONE and Joe ANGLE; sisters Mrs. Sarah FLORA, Lulu FISHER, Mrs. Cora
Mrs. Dora SPRADLING; 13 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.
Cecil ANTHONY (1894- 1961) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - Tuesday, 14 Mar 1961, p 2
Name: Cecil ANTHONY
Age: 68
Residence: 715 N Main St., Kokomo IN
Died: 8 pm Monday, 13 Mar 1961 at the
Veterans' Hospital in Indianapolis.
Born: 18 Oct 1892 in Sycamore, Howard Co. IN
Parents: James and Ruth HARRELL ANTHONY
Veteran of WWI; member of American Legion
Survivors: daughters Mrs. Kathleen MATCHETT
and Miss Pauline ANTHONY; 2 brothers James ANTHONY & George
ANTHONY; sister Mable KING; 10 grandchildren and several nieces
& nephews.
Services: Peacock Funeral Home
Burial: Crown Point Cemetery
(c1902 - 1971) [extract]
Kokomo Tribune - Friday, May 28, 1971, p 5
Name: George L. ANTHONY
Age: 69
Residence: 1518 Philips, Kokomo
Died: 2 am Friday, 28 May 1971 at home
Born: 9 Feb 1902 in Laurel [Indiana?]
Parents: James and Ruth (HERRELL) ANTHONY
Married: Dolly PORTER 10 Oct 1925 in Peru, IN
Veteran of WWI; retired employee of Kolux Corp.
Survivors: widow; 7 sons: Leon ANTHONY, M.
Sgt. Pearle M. ANTHONY, M. Sgt. Gilbert L. ANTHONY, Sgt. Gerold Lane
ANTHONY, David ANTHONY, Howard ANTHONY, Michael Stephen ANTHONY;
daughter Miss Lois ANTHONY; brother Howard ANTHONY; sister Mrs. J.B.
(Mable) KING; 17 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. One son
predeceased him.
Services: Peacock Funeral Home
Kokomo Tribune - Monday, 30 Apr 1945
Name: Emerson Lowell APPLEGATE
Age: [not given]
Died: 28 Apr 1945, in Gary, Indiana. Had been
sick with heart ailment for about 9 weeks previously.
Born: 1 Mar 1893 in Peru, Indiana
Parents: Charles and Emma GRANT REAM APPLEGATE
Military Service: WWI Army - comissioned
second lieutenant.
Survivors: widow [not named]; two daughters,
one son [also not named} and his mother, living in Gary.
Funeral Services: in Gary, Indiana
Burial: Crown Point Cemetery.
Emerson was one of 4 boys on Kokomo track team of 1911
that won the
school's first state championship; he also set several school records.
He graduated KHS in 1911 attended Purdue University, graduating in
Mark Ault
Henry C. APPLEGATE died at his home in Greentown,
Indiana, January
12, 1935, just 25 days after the death of his wife Ida Belle OSBORN.
Henry was born on July 5, 1856 in Indianapolis, Indiana, to
Peter Vorhees APPLEGATE and Mary Ann HUGGINS.He spent most of his youth
in Windfall, Tipton County, Indiana.
Henry married Ida Belle OSBORN on February 2, 1881 in Howard
County, Indiana. He is survived by 2 children; Ethel Fern APPLEGATE,
wife of Forrest Bovey AULT, and Carl M. APPLEGATE, husband of Daisy
CLARK. Two other children predeceased him; Dollie Wannett APPLEGATE,
wife of Walter G. LODGE, and Kent APPLEGATE.
Henry is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Greentown, Indiana.
Mark Ault
Ida Belle OSBORN died December 18, 1934, at her home in
Indiana. She was born in Howard County, Indiana, on December 13, 1863,
to William OSOBORN and Margaret TIMMONS.
Her father died Oct 3, 1864 from dysentery which he contracted
while serving in the 118th Indiana Volunteers. Her mother passed away
in 1868 and Ida was raised by her paternal grandmother Hannah M.
LINDLEY, wife of Jesse OSBORN.
Ida married Henry C. APPLEGATE February 2, 1881, in Howard County.
She is survived by 2 children; Ethel Fern APPLEGATE wife of
Forrest Bovey AULT, and Carl M. APPLEGATE husband of Daisy CLARK. 2
other children predeceased her; Dollie Wannett APPLEGATE, who died in
1914, and was the wife of Walter G. LODGE, and Kent APPLEGATE, who died
in 1910.
Ida is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Greentown, Indiana
Submitter: Linda Chan
Kokomo Dispatch, 26 Nov 1898
Dr. Ellis G. ARMSTRONG, a prominent physician of Flora,
dropped dead while standing by the bedside of a patient.
Kokomo Tribune - Thursday,
17 May 1951, p 7
Name: Generous C. ARMSTRONG
Died: 16 May 1951 Chicago
Born: 30 Apr 1889 Kokomo
Last grandson of Dr. Horace ARMSTRONG, first person buried in Crown
Point Cemetery. WWI Vet - attended officer corps training at Ft.
Benjamin Harrison; commissioned 2nd lieutenant. Sailed for France Aug
1918 & transferred to 359th Infantry. Saw action at Vosges.
on newspapers in Indiana, Illinois & Iowa. Member of American
Legion & Elks club of Kokomo.
Services: Jacobs Funeral Home
Burial: Crown Point
Kokomo Tribune - Wednesday, 15 Sep 1965, p 2
Name: Allan J. ASHFORD
Age: 71
Residence: 543 W Taylor St, Kokomo IN
Died: 6:30pm Tues. 14 Sep 1965 at Howard Community Hospital, Kokomo
after extended illness.
Born: 24 Apr 1894 in Evansville IN
Parents: James and Cora (WHEELER) ASHFORD
WWI Veteran; resident of Kokomo for 25 years. Retired from Indiana Bell
Telephone Co after 43 years.
Survivors: sister Mrs. Malcolm (Irene) CARRINGTON and 2 nephews; 1
brother & 1 sister are deceased.
Services: Ellers Funeral Chapel
Burial: Crown Point Cemetery
NOTE: The following information was found in the Cemeteries of Howard
County website:
Crown Point Cemetery: ASHFORD Allen Johnson:
born 24 Apr 1894 - died 14 Sep 1965, age 71. Buried 17 SEP 1965,
section 7 lot 1. Link
to photo of military stone
Kokomo Tribune - Wed., 30 May 1945
Name: Roscoe S. ASHLEY
Age: 59
Died: 8:4a Monday, 28 May 1945 in the Veterans' Hospital in
Oteen NC
Born: north of Kokomo, moved to Danville IL in 1906
Survivors: 2 sisters - Mrs. A.V. BRINEY & Mrs. Frank
DERRICKSON; 3 nieces and 1 nephew.
Services: Fague & Fenn Funeral Home
Burial: Crown Point
NOTE: The following information was found in the Cemeteries of Howard
County website:
Crown Point Cemetery: ASHLEY,
Roscoe S. : Born 17 Jul 1885 - died 28 May 1945, age
59. Buried 31 MAY 1945 - Section 20, lot 30
. Link
to photo of military stone
From newspaper "Kokomo (Ind) Tribune" dated Monday,
Dec. 16, 1918
James W. ATKINSON, Veteran of the Civil War
Passes to Reward Sunday.
James W. ATKINSON, aged 77 years died Sunday morning at 7:15
o'clock at his late home 1235 East Sycamore Street. The funeral will be
held Tuesday morning from the Baptist Church at Oakford. The services
will be in charge of the Masonic Lodge and G. A. R. of which the
deceased was a member and the sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Omar
McCoy. The burial will be in Albright Cemetery.
The deceased became a member of the U. B. Church at Clark's Hill
in 1878 and transfered his membership to the Oakford Church of which he
was an active member as long as his health permitted.
Mr. ATKINSON was born in Bloomington, Ind. October 26, 1841. He married
Mary Jane FREEMAN, September 4, 1862.
Eight children were born to the union, two of whom with the mother
preceded the deceased to the great beyond. Those surviving are: Mrs. W.
B. MALICOAT of Frankfort; Mrs. W. E. DAVIDSON, Mrs. James BROWN and
Mrs. Lafe WELLS of Kokomo, Mrs. Jesse RANDOLPH and Mr. John ATKINSON of
A sister, Mrs Gabrille WAGNER of Burlington, Kansas also
survives. There are left twenty-six grandchildren and six
From newspaper "Kokomo (Ind) Dispatch", Dec.
17, 1918, p. 1
James W. ATKINSON, aged 77 years, a Civil War veteran, died last
Sunday morning at 7:15 o'clock at his home, 1535 East Sycamore Street.
Funeral services will be conducted this morning at the Baptist Church
at Oakford by Rev. Omar McCoy. Burial will be in the Albright Cemetery.
Mr. ATKINSON was born in Bloomington, Ind. October 26, 1841. He was
married to Mary Jane FREEMAN September 4, 1862.
Eight children were born to this union, six of whom survive as
follows: Mrs. W. P. MALICOAT of Frankfort; Mrs. W. E. DAVIDSON, Mrs.
James BROWN and Mrs. Lafe WELLS of Kokomo; Mrs. Jesse RANDOLPH and John
ATKINSON of Oakford. A sister, Mrs. Gabrilla WAGNER of Burlington,
Kansas, also survives."