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Project Obituaries D
This page contains obituaries or death notices (full or extract) of
former Howard County residents. If you have a notice you
would like to
add, please send to Debby.
[BANKS, Alice V.: Obituary, unnamed Howard Co.IN
newspaper, FEBRUARY 1912]
Victoria Cheney [submitter's comments in brackets; newspapers
comments in parentheses]
Alice V. BANKS was born in Tampico (now Center), Howard
Indiana, January 2, 1856, and died at the home of Mrs. Anna BANKS in
Converse Sunday morning, February 4, 1912, aged 56 years, 1 month and 2
She came with her mother and two brothers to Xenia (now Converse)
in the fall of 1869. She was married to Frank [Francis O.] DARBY about
the 12th of September, 1874, and together they took up their home in
Connersville, Indiana. Subsequently she removed to Chicago where she
has resided for the last twenty years.
In August of last year she sustained a shock of paralysis that
left her in failing health. But a few days ago she came to Converse for
a much needed rest and a visit with relatives. In making the trip she
contracted a severe cold and within a day or two she was taken suddenly
and seriously ill. Pneumonia set in and she soon reached the end of her
earthly journey.
While she was still quite young her father died in the service of
his country [Thomas W. BANKS, d. Civil War] and later two brothers
departed this life. In the hard school of suffering and sorrow she
learned the lessons of patience and sympathy. Her life was one of brave
devotion and love to others. She leaves four half-sisters, one
half-brother and other relatives to cherish her memory.
Funeral services were conducted by John M. B. Reeves at the home
of Mrs. Anna BANKS Tuesday. Interment was made in the I.O.O.F.
The Kokomo Daily Tribune, Saturday, October
17, 1970, p. 3
Name: Lee C. DARST
Age: 75
Died: Friday, 16 Oct 1970, Winona Memorial
Hospital, Indianapolis.
Residence: Indianapolis, IN
Born: 23 Apr 1895, Marion, Indiana
Parents: Charles Phillip and Lucretia HAWKINS
Married: 17 Sep 1941 to Louise HUSCHLE of St.
Survivors: widow, brother Howard S. DARST; 2
sisters, Mrs. Lester (Maude) LANCE & Mrs. Henry (Edith) LONG;
several nieces.
Services: Stevens Chapel of the Flower
Mortuary, Indianapolis; St. Michaels Roman Catholic Church,
Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery, Kokomo IN.
Submitted by: gg-grandaughter Marla Andrus PO
BOX 1583 East Helena, MT 59635 or
Ida Ellen (HARROD) DAVIS died at her Burden, KS home
September 29,
1952 at 84 years of age. She was born to Mr. & Mrs. Mose HARROD
Aug 18, 1868 at Kokomo, Indiana. Ida was the last member of her family.
On May 23, 1895 Ida married to William Monroe DAVIS, the son of
Monroe & Sarah DAVIS. The couple lived at Burden several years
before moving to Oklahoma where they resided about 40 years. They
returned to Burden, KS about 1945.
Ida was survived by her husband and her two children; Harry
Monroe DAVIS of Enid, OK and Blanche (DAVIS) SMITH of Sheridan, WY. She
was also survived by many neices and nephews in the Burden, KS area, 2
grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren, and 2 gg-grandchildren.
She was a member of the Burden Baptist Church. Funeral services
held at the church with Interment in the Burden Cemetery. Rev. Elmer
ORE officiating and Miles Mortuary in charge.
The Kokomo Tribune, Thursday, January 4,
1940, p. 5
Name: Robert DAVISSON
Age: 50
Residence: Windfall, IN
Died: noon, Wednesday, 3 Jan 1940 of heart
attack in downtown Kokomo.
widow, Mrs. Merle (BEACH) DAVISSON; 2 son, Lawrence DAVISSON and
Sterner DAVISSON; daughter Rogene DAVISSON and sister, Nellie DYER.
Services: Ellers Mortuary & Windfall
Christian Church
Burial: Crown Point Cemetery
The Kokomo Daily Tribune, Saturday, April 1, 1905, p.
TO CALL OF DEATH -- H. S. Dawson Made Answer
Proprietor of Howard Mills Passes Away After an Illness of Twenty-four
Hours -- A man of Highest Worth
At the noon hour today the death messenger summoned Hanson S.
DAWSON, the end coming after an acute illness of twenty-four hours from
congestion of the lungs, which superinduced heart trouble. Mr. DAWSON
passed away at his late residence, 67 East Walnut street, surrounded by
the members of his family, all of whom had fondly hoped that he would
be spared to them for many years yet.
The announcement of the death of Hanson S. DAWSON will occasion
surprise and regret throughout the city; surprise because it is so
sudden, and regret because it removes from our citizenship a man of
such superlative worth as was his. Friday at 11 o’clock he was taken
violently ill at the Howard flouring mills, which he owned and
operated, and had to be removed to his home. Under the prompt medical
attention and nursing bestowed upon him he seemed to grow better during
the afternoon, and by evening was feeling considerably easier.
He did not have a good night, however, and his condition was not
improved this morning. He made a brave fight, however, against the
enemy he felt was assailing him, and was serene to the end. Life held
many things that were very dear to him and he was loath to part with
them, but when he realized he must, he yielded to the inevitable with
beautiful resignation, with calm courage, with becoming tranquillity.
The demise of Mr. Dawson works a distinct loss to this community.
He was one of the substantial men among us. He stood for the worthy
things in citizenship, endeavored always to live uprightly, bore with
his fellow men in patience and charity, took for the chief tenet of his
creed old-fashioned honesty, made not the slightest parade of any
virtue he possessed, thought first of his family, then of his friends,
and of himself last, always.
On account of his extreme modesty, not many person knew him
well, but those who enjoyed the privilege of intimate acquaintance,
know how many admirable things entered into the character of this
quiet-mannered, thoughtful-faced man. He aggressed upon the rights of
no person in the world, and no one ever heard his motives reproached or
his integrity called into question. Not many among us live so free from
Hanson S. Dawson was born in Fayette county, Indiana, near the
city of Connersville, January 1,1841. His youth and his early manhood
were spent in the milling business in that locality.
He was united in marriage to Miss Vashti GIFFORD, December 27,
1865. Of this union one child was born, Auras G. DAWSON, of this city.
The family moved to Howard county in 1882, Mr. Dawson
identifying himself with the Howard mills, with which he has been
connected ever since. His religious affiliation was with the Methodist
church, having been baptized according to the rites of that
denomination in his early life.
He was not an active churchman, in the common acceptance of that
term, but he was a Christian gentleman in all that the phrase implies.
One of the most beautiful things in his life was his great affection
for his two little grandsons. This big man, whom so many people thought
so reserved and so hard to know, was the best loved friend and most
favored playfellow of these little ones. They knew how gentle was his
nature, how tender was his heart. By all to whom he was intimately
related he will be greatly missed and sincerely mourned, but most of
all, perhaps, by those little boys, whom he humored so much and whom he
loved so well.
The funeral will take place Monday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at
the home, conducted by the Rev. C. W. Choate. The interment will be had
in Crown Point.
Kokomo Tribune - Thur., 19 May 1949, p 23
Name: Walter J. DEARDORFF
Age: 51
Residence: Flora IN - formerly of Kokomo
Died: 5:00a Thursday, 19 May 1949 at Indiana
Soldiers' Home in Lafayette IN
Born: 21 Jun 1897 in Clinton Co IN
Parents: Reuben and Evie BRUBAKER DEARDORFF
Never married; WWI Veteran - spent 23 months overseas
Survivors: sister Mrs. Dorothy BLOOHER [?]
Services: Leiter Funeral Home
Burial: South Union Cemetery
The Kokomo Tribune - Friday, 19 Dec 1975
Age: 48
Died: before 9:15 am Thursday, 18 Dec 1975;
found dead in home due to smoke inhalation from a fire.
Born: 12 Oct 1927 in Akron, OH
Parents: Edward and Harriet ZOELLER DELVECCHIO
Married: [name of wife not given]
Military Service: US Army during World War II
Survivors: mother; son, James J. DELVECCHIO;
sister Mrs. Emerson (Cecelia) MARTIN, Jr.
Services: Ellers Mortuary
Burial: [not given in article]
Kokomo Tribune - Monday, 15 May 1967, p 2
Name: Walter J. DENHAM
Age: 72
Residence: 1101 E Morgan St. Kokomo IN
Died: 9:15 pm, Sat. 13 May 1967, St. Joseph
Hospital, Kokomo IN after illness of 9 months.
Born: 22 May 1894 in Thompkinsville KY
Parents: William & Louise (FOX) DENHAM
Married: Alice H. ADAMS 25 Dec 1924.
Resident of Kokomo for past 50 years; WWI veteran; employed by
Pittsburgh Plate Glass for 22 yrs.
Survivors: widow; 4 brothers - John DENHAM,
Benton DENHAM, Homer DENHAM & Clarence DENHAM; sister Mrs. Levy
(Blanche) TURNER; several nieces & nephews; 2 brothers and 1
sister are deceased.
Services: Fenn Funeral Home
Burial: Sunset Memory Gardens cemetery, Kokomo
The Kokomo Tribune - Monday, 27 Nov 1961 p 2
Name: William O. DENMAN
Age: 64
Died: 3 pm Sunday, 26 Nov 1961 in Palm Harbor,
FL. Moved to Florida from Kokomo 4 years previous.
Married: Lavada HARDING 14 Oct 1922
Retired from Delco Radio Corp Nov 1957; member of VFW Post in Kokomo.
widow; daughter Sharon; brother Ward DENMAN; half-brother Howard
half-sister Mrs. Rennie SHACKLEFORD; several nieces & nephews
(including Mrs. Wilbur STINCHCOMB, who sent in the obituary).
Services: Vincent Funeral Home, Tarpon
Springs, FL
The Kokomo Morning Times - Saturday, 17 Jun
1967 p 7
Name: Rollie DEWITT
Age: 70
Died: at home (1923 Apperson Way, Kokomo)
Thursday, 15 Jun 1967. following apparent heart attack.
Born: 1896 in Kokomo
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. John DEWITT
Married: Alice CAINE 5 Aug 1921 - she preceded
him in death.
Retired employee (35 yrs) of Kingston Products Corp.; member of Beamer
Methodist church; member of VFW Post 1152 (WWI veteran).
Survivors: son, Keith DEWITT; 2 brothers,
Raymond DEWITT and Charles (Roy) DEWITT; 2 grandchildren.
Services: Peacock Funeral Home
Burial: Bunnell Cemetery, Frankfort IN
Kokomo Tribune - Wednesday, 14 Oct 1964
Name: Clemmie V. DILLMAN
Age: 68
Residence: 2135 N. Locke St, Kokomo IN
Died: 3:45am Wed, 14 Oct 1964 at St. Joseph
Hospital, Kokomo IN
Born: 19 Nov 1896 in Center, IN
Married: Hazel HODSON
Survivors: widow; 2 sons, Paul DILLMAN
& John DILLMAN; sister Mrs. Delana STREMEL; brother Ralph
DILLMAN & one grandson; a brother preceded him in death.
WWI veteran - member of WWI Barracks # 495; member of Friends Church.
Retired from Dirilyte Co of America.
Services: Peacock Funeral Home
Burial: Sunset Memory Gardens, Kokomo IN
Submitter: Mike
Holder -- Obituary Kokomo Tribune, December 1920
John DIRMITT, son of Edward and Anna DIRMIT, was born
near Crab
Orchard, Ky., February 28, 1830. Died at the home of his son, James
near Kappa, December 22, 1920. Age 90 years, 9 months and 14 days.
He was three times married. His first wife being Nancy GORDON,
who died in the year of 1854; to this union two children were born,
James W. and Eliza Jane.
His second marriage was to Hannah MAULER, who died in 1863. To
this union four children were born. Aura Francis, Phoebe Ann, Nancy
Elizabeth and Tommy, who died in infancy.
His third marriage was to Emeline THOMAS, who died in 1882. To
this union eight children were born John Henry, Catherine, Lilly,
Viola, Howard, Levi, Emma, and one which died in infancy. He has been a
member of the Friend's church at Bethel for years.
Of this family of fourteen children seven survive. They being
James W. DIRMIT, of Kappa, Eliza Jane RUSK, of Burlington, Aura Francis
THORNBURGH, Emma ARTHUR, of Indianapolis, Phoebe MCGUIRE, Elizabeth
ANDERSON, Viola HARRISON all of Kokomo. There are 26 grandchildren, 31
great grandchildren, 6 great great grandchildren. He moved from
Kentucky to Ripley County, Indiana, with his parents, when 9 years old,
and came to Howard County in the year of 1854. He has made his home
with his son James for over 20 years. The passing away of uncle Johnny,
"as he was commonly called by everyone that knew him," is the removal
of one of Howard county's pioneers, who has helped to transform it from
the wilderness it was, to the present beautiful country of today.
Kokomo Tribune - Wednesday, 20 Jun 1973 p 5
Name: John D. DURHAM
Age: 73
Died: 1:40 pm Tuesday, 19 Jun 1973, in Howard
Community Hospital, Kokomo; following 1 year illness.
Born: 18 May 1900 in Greentown, IN
Parents: Elizah and Mary CROUSORE DURHAM
Married: Merle PETTY 18 May 1920
John retired from Allison Division, Indianapolis in 1962. Member of VFW
Post 52 (WWI Veteran).
Survivors: widow, son John F. DURHAM; daughter Mrs. Lavern LEICHT; 3
brothers Delmer DURHAM, Leslie DURHAM and William DURHAM; 7
grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren and 4 great-great-grandchildren. A
daughter predeceased him.
Services: Peacock Funeral Home
Burial: Crown Point Cemetery