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Project Obituaries - P
This page contains obituaries or death notices (full or extract) of
former Howard County residents. If you have a notice you
would like to
add, please send to Debby.
Kokomo Tribune - 2 Jan 1971, p 3
Name: Harry Wishard PALMER
Age: 54
7:05 pm Thursday, 31 Dec 1970, Bartholomew County as result of injuries
in auto accident. Liin Former Kokomo resident; lived in Shelbyville IN
since 1967.
Born: 29 Sep 1916 [no location listed]
Parents: Phil H and Ollie WISHARD PALMER
Married: Jane MACK 3 Jul 1946
Purdue University - graduated 1941; Phi Delta Theta fraternity.
Military: veteran of WWI [sic - World War II]
Civic Involvement: Elks, American Legion.
widow; father; 2 daughters, Mrs. Ann Mack BARRETT and Miss Elizabeth
Jane PALMER; 2 sons John David PALMER, Michael Wishard PALMER; sister
Mrs. John (Phyllis) MAHAN.
Services: Carmony Funeral Home, Shelbyville IN
Burial: Forest Hill Cemetery, Shelbyville IN
Kokomo Daily Tribune - 17 Jan 1896 - p8 col:2
Bessie PARKEY, who died at the home of her parents,
Alfred and
Clara PARKEY, in Kokomo last Saturday, was buried in the Russiaville
cemetery Sunday afternoon.
A funeral sermon was preached at the Christian church at 1:30 by
Rev. G. G. BRUER. The deceased was a granddaughter of Ira and Mrs.
Kokomo Daily Tribune Monday Evening January 27, 1896
p8 col:1
B. PARTRIDGE died at 3:30 o'clock this morning at his
late home, 99
West Sycamore street, of erysipelas, aged 68 years. His sickness was of
but a few days duration, and it was not until Sunday afternoon that his
condition was thought to be dangerous.
Ten days ago he complained of a chill but he did not take to his
bed until last Wednesday, the day after a physician was called and he
learned that the trouble was erysipelas. He seemed to be improving the
last day or two until late Sunday morning when a change for the worse
Barnard Bullard PARTRIDGE was born in Troy, New Hampshire. He
came west when a young man and engaged in the railroad business as a
building contractor. Before the war he assisted in building the Monon
from Michigan City to New Albany, the Louisville & Nashville,
other roads. He was in the railroad department of the military service
under General Thomas, and also played a prominent part in building the
celebrated "Cracker Line" by which Grant carried supplies into
Chattanooga when it was besieged by the confederates.
Later he built the C. & A. from Chicago to Joliet and at
different times had charge of the tracks of the Illinois Central and
Burlington roads at the Chicago terminal. In this work he amassed
considerable property, which he leaves to his wife, two daughters, Mrs.
Hattie STILLWELL and Mrs. D. A. CARROLL, of Chicago, and a son, George
PARTRIDGE, of Bloomington, Illinois.
The two daughters and Mr. CARROLL were present at his death bed,
arriving about two hours before he died. The son and his wife came this
morning to attend the funeral, which will be held at the home Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Crown Point.
Kokomo Tribune 10 Mar 1945
Name: Mrs. Ruth E. Peacock, former
Kokomo resident,
Died: Friday morning [9 Mar 1945]in St. Louis,
Born : Grant count near Fairmount, Ind.,
nearly 90 years ago
Parents: Joseph and Caroline JONES PEACOCK.
Survivors : brother, several nieces and
nephews. Siblings Lydia and Ada Peacock preceded her in death.
In 1865 the family moved to the New London area; later Kokomo; 2
years before her death, she moved to St. Louis to live with her
brother, William J. PEACOCK; member of the Union Street Friends church.
Funeral services: Rich funeral home.
Burial: New London cemetery.
Kokomo Tribune / Kokomo Dispatch - Howard County, IN
July 21 1936
Name: Mrs. Emily PEMBERTON
Age: 79
Died: 9:15 o'clock Tuesday morning [21 Jul
1936] at the home
of her daughter Mrs. James WALKER; had been bedfast for the past five
months with a complication of disease incident to advancing age.
Born: Handsworth England; came to United
States 32 years
ago. For the last 14 years she operated a small restaurant; devout
member of the St. Andrews Episcopal church.
Survivors: daughter, Mrs. James WALKER; eight
and fourteen great grandchildren. Three sisters, Mrs. Sophia HENDRY,
Mrs. Alice HENDRY and Mrs. Lucy REED also survive. Preceded in death by
one son and one daughter.
Funeral Services: St. Andrews church
Burial : Crown Point cemetery
Kokomo Daily Dispatch -- Howard County, IN July 4 1923
George PEMBERTON dies at his Home in the
The funeral of George Pemberton, age 66, who died at his home on
North Webster Street yesterday morning will be held at St. Andrews
Church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be made in Crown
Point Cemetery.
Mr. Pemberton was born in England and until coming to this
country was employed as an engineer with the Tangyes company one of the
largest engineering companies in the world. He was employed as a
moulder at the Kokomo Brass Works until his sickness forced him to quit
work. He was the first man to make a brass lubricator. He died as the
result of cancer in the mouth.
The surviving relatives include the widow, Mrs. Emily PEMBERTON;
a son George Austin Pemberton, Jr.; a daughter Mrs. Alice WALKER, and
nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Kokomo Tribune - 2 Mar 1945
Name: Victoria Ann PHILLIPS [also
called "Victory Ann"]
Age: four-month-old
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Harvey PHILLIPS Jr.
Died: St. Joseph hospital at 1 o'clock
Thursday afternoon [1 Mar 1945]
Survivors: father (in the Armed Service)
& mother;
baby's paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. PHILLIPS;
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles FIELDS and Mrs. Emma SMITH, Kokomo,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey PECK.
Burial: Crown Point cemetery
Kokomo Tribune - 21 May 1966, p 1 & 2
Kokomo Morning Tribune - 21 May 1966, p 1
Name: John A PIERCE
Age: 39
Died: 11:15 Friday, 20 May 1966 of heart
attack at St. Joseph Hospital, Kokomo.
Born: 26 May 1926 in Kokomo
Parents: Reed and Gladys ARMSTRONG PIERCE -
father deceased.
Married: Jane KENWORTHY 21 Nov 1965
Military: served in Army during WWII
Kokomo High School graduate - 1944. Prominent Kokomo lawyer - graduated
from Indiana University; Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Theta Phi member.
Involved in many civic organizations, including Y.W.C.A director,
Kokomo Country Club, and Elks.
widow; mother; brother Charles PIERCE; two sisters, Mrs. Leo (Fleta)
NEWLIN and Mrs. James (Helen) Deisch. One brother preceded him in
Services: Ellers Mortuary
Burial: Sunset Memory Gardens
Kokomo Tribune - 24 Mar 1945
Name: William Howard "Bud" PIERCE
Age: would have been 36 years old March 27
Born: west of Kokomo; had lived in and near
Kokomo all his life.
Died: 11:15 o'clock Thursday night [22 Mar
1945] at his home, the result of asthma and complications.
Funeral Services: First-United Brethren
church; funeral home: Thomas
Burial: Crown Point cemetery.
Survivors: widow, formerly Miss Mary HANCE;
two daughters,
Sue Ann and Helen May; the mother, Mrs. Mae PIERCE; sister, Miss Hazel
PIERCE; several aunts and uncles.
Kokomo Daily Tribune, 22 October 1901
Charles POWELL died of typhoid fever Sunday morning at
11 o'clock
after a short illness. He was about 26 years of age at the time of his
taking away. Charley was a model young man and highly respected by all
who knew him. The funeral will take place at the M.E. Church Wednesday.
Interment in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery.
Linda Chan
Kokomo Tribune - 15 Mar 1945
Name: Thomas Paul PRATT
Age: 49
Born: near Sharpsville and had lived in that
vicinity the greater part of his life.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. PRATT
Died: 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon [14 Mar
1945] in the
Veterans hospital in Indianapolis; heart attack & had been ill
since early in December.
Survivors: parents; brother, Jack PRATT; three
Mrs. Susie RICHEY,Mrs. Naomi HULLLNGER, and Mrs. Robert ROCKWELL; also
several nieces and nephews and other relatives.
Veteran of World War I and a member of the American Legion.
Funeral services : Sharpsville Methodist
Burial: Sharpsville cemetery
Submitted by
Shelly Dooley
Henry Quigley was Mayor of Kokomo, Indiana, and most of
business and public experience was in Kokomo, where he lived most of
his life. He attended school in Logansport, where he was born.
In the fall of 1900, when he was 12 years old, the family went to
Chicago and in 1905 he was graduated from the Englewood High School of
that city. Soon afterward he returned to Logansport, and in August
1909, came to Kokomo. He clerked in drug and book stores and in May,
1918, was nominated for the office of county clerk of Howard County.
Soon after his nomination he joined the colors and was in
training camp until after the armistice; stationed at Fort Benjamin
Harrison in Indianapolis. In the meantime, in November, 1918, he had
been elected county clerk for a four year term. After the conclusion of
that term in office he served as deputy county clerk until 1929.
He was elected mayor of Kokomo in November 1929, by a majority of
2000 votes, at that time the largest majority ever given a candidate
for the office in Kokomo's history. He began his 4 year term on 6 Jan
1930. He was a Republican, a member of the First Presbyterian Church,
the American Legion, is a Knight Templar Mason, and a member of Murat
Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Indianapolis, and a charter member of
the 40 & 8.
Just prior to leaving for training camp, 21 Sept 1918, he married
Miss Ruth K. Collins, daughter of W.T. and Margaret Collins of Kokomo.
They had no children. Mrs. Quigley has one sister, Rhea, wife of Carl
Kasten, of Kokomo.
Henry retired about 10 years before his death from Superior
Machine Tool Co, where he worked in the personnel department many
years. He studied engineering at Purdue University. His home was at 113
S. Indiana Ave., Kokomo, IN.
It was his lot to serve as mayor during the worst years of the
depression of the 1930s, and the job was made an arduous one by the
difficult financial strain of the time. City operating expenses had to
be cut sharply, which meant reductions in salaries and wages, and these
were hard decisions for the mayor to make. But Mayor Quigley's measures
preserved the city's credit and kept the city out of debt. In 1956 he
was one of the 13 electors from Indiana who formally cast this state's
electoral vote for Dwight D. Eisenhower for President.
After graduating from high school in Chicago, Mr. Quigley
enrolled in FBI training in New York and served with that government
agency several months. In World War I he served in the Quartermaster's
office at Fort Benjamin Harrison, in Indianapolis, where he was
attached to Co. M, 118th Engineers.
Henry loved practical jokes. During the days when he was county
clerk, he enjoyed exploding firecrackers in hallways and corridors,
disrupting whatever work was in progress.
He was once accused by the proprietor of a downtown drug store --
and hotly denied being implicated -- of setting about 75 alarm clocks
to go off at intervals of five minutes. The clerical force in the store
was in an uproar for most of one day, shutting off the alarms.
The late Maurice Tull, who amassed a lengthy collection of
anecdotes about Kokomo citizens, recalled an occasion when Quigley
threw the boys at the No. 1 firestation into a panic. The county
clerk's office was on the third floor of the City Building at that
time, in the years before the present courthouse was built. Quigley
tossed a real egg out the window on a hot day, pretending to aim it at
the firemen seated around the station entrance but purposely
overthrowing. When the egg splattered on the curb, the firemen razzed
him as being a "poor shot." This was the way "Quig" wanted it. He had a
life-like rubber egg and he leaned out the window and threw it with
unerring aim at one of the boys. The firemen scattered like a company
of troops being attacked by aircraft, and there were some arm and leg
sprains as they stumbled over their chairs.
In later years, when Mr. Quigley became mayor, he restrained
himself from indulging in too much practical joking. But he could not
bear to give up the fun altogether, and occasionally when a
firecracker, harmlessly placed, would go off in some office corridor
there was an immediate verdict that "Quig" was the "culprit."
Frequently, it was a just verdict.
He was described as quietly colorful. His nature was essentially
gentle, in that whatever he did, as mayor of Kokomo, as a businessman
or as a private citizen, was done in a relaxed, measured manner. He
always seemed to be relaxed. He looked upon life as something to be
enjoyed and his reaction to events of his lifetime was characterized
invariably by a philosophical humor which his numerous friends found
comfortable and pleasant.
A man of rugged integrity, he discharged his duties as mayor and
as Howard County Clerk with the highest ethical standards. Patriotism
to him was real and meaningful.
In his later years he never lost the quiet drawling humor which
had been a part of his nature all his life. Modestly he avoided the
spotlight, preferring to "watch the world go by" as an ordinary senior
citizen, but sharply interested in everything that went on.
He was a good mayor, a first rate American, a most likeable man
and a happy and agreeable companion. Kokomo was fortunate that he spent
most of his life here.
Henry Quigley died in Kokomo on April 20, 1969, at age 80. He
died of a paralytic stroke, and is buried at Crown Point Cemetery in
Kokomo; Jacobs Funeral Home.