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area with the trees to the left is the courthouse square. Both this and
the next card were taken probably at the same time (same banner across
Postmarked 22 Aug 1906 from Kokomo. Sent to Miss Sarah
THALMAN, 1312 Campbell, Kansas City MO.
"The store" (pointing out a building). "You
and Carrie would make a team. - Mel."
View from the northeast of the square. This courthouse was torn down -
the new one was built circa 1937 in an Art Deco style.
Never used - no copyright date
Probably taken earlier than the previous postcard- compare the tree
Postmarked 5 Oct 1912 from Kokomo. Sent to Mrs William
GREIDER(?), Cromwell Ind.
"Arrived safely in Kokomo. Convention is grand. --
Taken from across the street, facing southeast. Can see surroundings,
empty lot to south (now YMCA) house to east, behind library (torn down
1997) and park across the street to the west (now buildings). The
Carnegie library was torn down - current library stands on same
Postmarked 28 Jun 1906, Kokomo. Sent to Miss Sarah
THALMAN, 1312 Campbell Ave, Kansas City.
"Will send Lake Forest cards when I return to college.
From your cousin, Sig THALMAN. "
Taken from across street, facing northeast. Cannot see surroundings.
Postmarked 30 Aug 1909, Columbus Ind. Sent to Mina
LEWELLYN, Crothersville Indiana.
You need not expect me this or next week. I will have
three or four days at home and have to iron, wash and pack my trunk!.
Then too, I'm so tired I can hardly get ready for school. (no name)
Building no longer exists.
Postmarked 14 Feb 1912, Kokomo Ind. Sent to Mrs. L.J.
REEVES, Converse Ind Box 219.
Dear parents - all well here How are you I am going to
sew for
Mrs. HARDEN today. Pretty cold this morning thank you How are the
Children Curt answered G.A.L. (?) card this morning. When are some of
you coming over With Love, Effie answer soon.
Building extensively renovated, downtown campus on same location.
Never used - no copyright date.
North Washington street - Building still exists
Postmarked 7 Dec 1907, Kokomo Ind. Sent to Miss Maude
LEMASTERS, 212 West Lincoln St. Kokomo Indiana Howard Co.
Dear Maude. I do not know as to whether you have any
like this. But hope you will be pleased. From Della.
Postmarked 3 Aug 1908 Tipton Ind. Sent to Miss Mollie STARROCK (?
obscured), Harvey Ill, General Delivery
Hello - I am well hope you are the same. this is the
only post
card and clyde Brought them this is Sunday. I am lazy Well goodbye.
From Thelma
Tipton Ind RR4 Box 111
More of a sales brochure than a postcard - "we secure the most
intelligent class of young lady operators" Located on 42-46 East High
Street (High St no longer exists).
No postmark - addressed to Miss Maude LE MASTER Kokomo
No message.
Now Highland Park, the stone "caves" (seen at left of card) still exist
- however the cages have been removed.
No postmark - sent to Dorothy DRANE Greensburg Ind R.R.
# 13
July 30, 1911 This is the animal corner in the park.
There are
bear and wolves and all kinds of little animals and birds. From Effie.
Quote from back of card: "Sycamore Stump in City Park, Kokomo Ind. View
in City Park showing stump of large Sycamore tree. Cost over $300.00 to
bring it from where it grew, a distance of only 2 1/2 miles" Now
Highland Park.
Never used - no copyright date.
More Postcards!
Updated 12 November 2013