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Kokomo Saturday Tribune
A Republican Journal -- Kokomo, Ind

Saturday, December 30, 1876 -- Vol 25 No 11
Chronological History

As is our usual custom, we present below a chronological history of important events happening in this city and county during the year 1876. We have taken great care to make our history as full and complete as possible, having made it up from the fifty-two numbers of The Tribune which have been issued during the year. If any important events are overlooked, readers will lay it to the fact that such happenings were not recorded in our paper, because we were not informed of them. We have tried as near as possible to present the most important events, the records of deaths, marriages, etc , and we hope our readers may find what follows of sufficient interest to put away the paper, for they will find it useful for many years to come. The year 1876 has been an important one and will long be remembered. But without further comment, we will allow readers to peruse the matter below, believing that it is of much interest, having been prepared with the greatest of care:


1. A salute of one hundred guns fired in honor of the Centennial year . . . David SMITH, one of the County Commissioners, severely injured by being thrown from his carriage, while returning home.

2. Mrs. George LEE, aged 53, died, near Cassville . . . Revival commenced at the Christian and Methodist Churches . . . Judge N.R. LINSDAY and Mrs. M.P. FOWLER married . . . Rev A.S. WOOD preaches at the Congregational Church, the first time for several months, on account of serious illness.

7. Annual meeting of the Orphans Home Association.

10 and 11. Brown, the great Mind Reader, appears at the Opera House.

12. Harmonic Society give a concert at the Opera House.

15 and 16. District meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association, at the Methodist Church, in this city. Gospel meetings held morning and evening, Large Union meeting held at Opera House on Sunday night, 16th, conducted by Dr. L.W. MUNHALL, and all the ministers of the city.

16. Mrs. Robert BLAKE stricken with paralysis.

18. Mercury 59 above zero.

21. George HARNESS died, near Poplar Grove . . . Mrs. Lucy THORN died at Twin Springs.

22. Centennial Tea Party at Center School House . . . Annual meeting of the Howard County Agricultural Society . . . A.J. PREBLE died at Ervin . . . No snow has fallen during the winter, up to this time.

24. Kokomo Amateur Dramatic Company appear at Opera House in the play of " Ticket-of-Leave Man " . . . Cyrus K. CHAPMAN dies . . . Death of Miss Belle, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R.Q. WILSON . . . Mrs. MONTOMERY, wife of S.T. MONTGOMERY, died . . . Wm MCLAUGHLIN died.

25. Isaac MOORE and his divorced wife were reunited in marriage, at Jonesboro . . . Mr. and Mrs. E.O. WILSON celebrate the fifth anniversary of their marriage.

26. Mrs. Jordan JOHNSON died, at half-past three o'clock, in afternoon.

28. Mrs. Victoria WOODHULL lectures at Opera House.

29. Union religious services held all week, twice a day, from church to church. . . Independent County Convention at Court House.


1. Ann Eliza YOUNG, 19th wife of Brigham, lectures at Opera House . . . Mahala MORRIS died, near Sycamore Corner.

2. Mrs. Mary A. LIVERMORE lectures at Opera House . . . Coldest day of the winter thus far: mercury at 6 degrees below zero.

4. First Quarterly meeting commenced at the Friends' Church . . . Marriage of Milton HANSON, of this city, to Miss Lizzie MENDENHALL, of Marion county.

5. First Anniversary of the Hesperian Literary Society . . . Centennial entertainment at Vermont School House, Howard township . . . Republican County Convention at Court House, to select delegates to attend State Convention.

6. Death of John B. DURET.

7. Annual meeting of Kokomo Building Loan Fund, and Savings Association.

8. Independent Convention at Court House.

9. Social at Wildman Lodge, No. 295 . . . Caroline RICHINGS-BERNARD Opera troupe at Opera House.

10. The Tennesseean Slave Cabin Singers at Opera House.

11. Eighth lecture of the regular winter Course, at Opera House, by Prof. R.A. PROCTOR . . . Fire in Western Union Telegraph office, originating from lightning running in on wires . . . Mercury 58 degrees above zero . . . Mrs. H.H. HARROD, long a resident of Alto, died at that place.

12. Enterprise Grange, at West Middleton, dedicated with appropriate services.

13. Severe rain and wind-storm. Water fell to depth of 2 1/4 inches in less than three hours.

14. St. Valentine's Day.

15. Thos. COMER, a well-known citizen of Taylor township, died of paralysis, at his home in Fairfield.

17. Festival at M.E. Church, in Russiaville.

22. Junior Literary Club hold an open session.

24. Entertainment and social at the Christian Church.

25. M.E. Church festival at New London.


1. Centennial entertainment and Tea Party given by the ladies, in Armstrong's new block.

4. The Tribune proprietors issue a Centennial number of sixteen pages, which is pronounced by the press at large to be the best copy of a country newspaper ever printed in the State . . . Richard CARTER, of Russiaville, commits suicide by blowing out his brains.

6. District Conference of M.E. Church, met at Galveston.

7. Mrs. John B. RICE died at Ervin.

9. "Eli PERKINS" lectured at Opera House . . . Centennial masquerade ball at the Clinton house.

11. Junta Literary Society give an exhibition at New London . . . Lafayette CUNNINGHAM died at Cassville.

16. Protracted meetings in progress at Cassville, managed by Rev's J.I. PUCKETT and W.K. HOBACK.

17. Excursion to Peru . . . St. Patrick's Day

19. Rev. A.S. WOOD, of the Congregational Church, and Elder C.M. ROBERTSON, of the Christian church, exchange pulpits.

20. Henry DAVIS, the senior member, withdraws from the firm of Davis & Co. . . . Kokomo Amateur Company play the " Octoroon " at Opera House.

24. Theodore TILTON lectures at Opera House, on " The Human Mind " . . . Father Matthew Society ball at Clinton House.

25. Partial eclipse of the sun-not visible on account of cloudy weather . . . Death of Jas. W. ROBINSON, a pioneer citizen of Howard county at Fowler, Ind.

27. Death of Wm.M. STOUT, in this city . . . Burning of G.W. MCKINSEY'S residence at New London . . . Katie PUTNAM Company at Opera House.

29. Mercury 16 degrees above zero and snow 12 inches deep . . . John RAYL and Norman SHARP dig their way out of jail.

31. Jesse KELLY, a night policeman, and son of our city marshal, stabbed at the junction, by Chas. HAWKINS . . . Miss Alice, daughter of C.B. NORTON, died at Cassville.


1. All Fool's Day . . . Democratic County Convention met at Court House . . . Death of James MCDOWELL . . . Marshall SIMPSON died at West Liberty . . . Chas. HAWKINS, the would-be murderer of Jesse Kelly, arrested at his father's house, near Nevada, Tipton county.

3. Death of Homer M. DUNHAM and Richard MCCULLOUGH, in this city.

5. Burning of John SLIDER'S house on North Union street . . . Joseph B. CUTHREIL, of Union township, instantly killed by a fallen tree.

6. Eli TARKINGTON died.

9. The jury return a verdict of acquittal in the GARR murder case . . . John WILDRIDGE, of this city, and Olla B. DAVIS, of Indianapolis, married.

13. Semi-annual "opening" at S. Davis & Sons' Dry Goods Store.

15. Center Township Republican Convention met at the Court House.

16. Easter Sunday.

18. Dr. I.W. MARTIN, of Ervin tp., opened up the Democratic campaign in this city by saying that he applauded J. Wilkes BOOTH for assassinating Lincoln, whereupon he was knocked down without ceremony by Joe FREED, a one-legged soldier.

20. Republican Delegate Convention to nominate candidates for county offices, held at Court House . . . Railroad meeting at Opera House to consider the Eastern extension of the F. & K. R. R. . . . W.J. FLOYD'S residence near New London, destroyed by fire.

22. A Woman's Christian Temperance Union organized at Russiaville.

23. Lecture by Luther BENSON, the eloquent temperance orator, at Opera House . . . R.C. MCKINNEY, a grocer of this city, elopes with a young girl named Mattie MARTIN.

24. A Women's Christian Temperance Union organized at New London.

30. Frank PEARCE and Caddie BIDLEMAN, of this city, married.


1. Catholic Church festival in second room of Opera House block . . . County board of education met at Superintendent's office, all the trustees being present. They presented enumeration of children in different townships and city.

2. City election - first political contest. The Republicans make a clean sweep electing a Councilman in each ward. They hold a jollification meeting at night in honor of their victory.

4. DAYHUFF & SHARP'S new hall formally dedicated by a grand ball.

8. New City Council met for first time. Annual reports from city officers received and new committees appointed.

9. Camilla URSO Concert Troupe at Opera House. Excursion comes over from Frankfort in evening.

10. Salsbury's Troubadors at Opera House . . . A hen belonging to Wm. MIDDLETON performs the great Centennial feat of laying a double egg, of a dumb-bell pattern.

12. County Temperance Convention held in this city . . . Interesting literary exercises and chemical and philosophical experiments at High School building. A large number in attendance.

15. Amateur shooting match at the Clinton House, between King KENNEDY and Mr. WALLACE, a traveling man, in which the latter is wounded, though not seriously . . . Great European Circus and Menagerie exhibits here.

16. Will J. DOREY and Miss Louise J. HAZZARD, the latter a former resident of this place, were married at Indianapolis.

19. The wife of Mr. E.C. SCOVEN died at 8 o'clock p.m.

24. Knights of Pythias Lodge give a festival at Dayhuff & Sharp's hall.

25. Evening-Graduating exercises of Kokomo High School, at Opera House . . . Eli Y. SMITH and Belle HAGGARD married.

26. Meeting of School trustees-teachers chosen for another year.

27. County Sabbath School Convention to organize a S.S. Union . . . The graduates of Kokomo High School met at the residence of Prof. COX and organized an Alumni Association.

29. L.A. WAGGAMAN'S store at West Middleton broken into and robbed.

30. Decoration Day . . . Orphan's Home entertainment at Opera House . . . Michael COLEMAN, an old man, while walking on the F.& K. R. R., was struck by an engine and died in three hours thereafter, from the injuries received.

31. The jury in the case of Chas. HAWKINS, charged with assault and battery with intent to kill, on the person of Jesse KELLY, returned a verdict of $1 fine and sentenced the defendant to two years in the penitentiary.


1. Col. T. H. BRINGHURST declines to be a candidate for the Congrssional nomination . . . The wife of R. Blake died at 9 o'clock p.m.

3 and 4. First quarterly meeting of present conference year at M. E. Church . . . Elder HOBACK, of M. E. Church, baptized eight persons in Wildcat river, near Jerome.

5. Large meeting of citizens at Court House to arrange for celebrating the 4th of July. Committees appointed, etc.

7. Firemen's Tournament at Peru. Our fire company went over, taking our steam fire engine . . . Concert by Miss Allie MOORE, of this city, assisted by the best talent of the Fort Wayne Musical Conservatory, given at Opera House.

8. Strawberry festival at DAYHUFF & SHARP'S hall, given by the ladies of the Christian church

10. Mass meeting of mechanics at Court House to prepare for a proper celebration of July 4th.

11. Children's Day at the M. E. Church.

12. City printing awarded by the Council to The Tribune and Dispatch publishers jointly, at $1 per square for each . . . Jefferson BRONSON, of Ervin township, died at Three Rivers, Mich, where he had gone for his health.

13. Annual meeting of the Howard County Medical Society . . . Redpath English Opera Company at Opera House.

17. OddFellow's celebration and basket meeting in the grove, near Greentown . . . Jollification meeting of Republicans at Court House, to ratify the nomination of HAYES and WHEELER. W. W. CURRY addresses the meeting.

20. North American Medicine Company organized.

22. Republican Congressional Convention, for this, the 11th district, convened in this city, at the Opera House, and renominated Hon. J. L. EVANS . . . Joint Representative Convention nominated W.H. THOMPSON for Representative from Howard and Miami counties . . . Judicial Convention nominated J. F. VAILE for Prosecutor . . . Lethia SHILLING, a little colored girl, fell from a third story window of the Clinton House to the hard stone pavement below, and was seriously, though not fatally injured.

23. The celebrated CARMAN family give a concert at the M. E. Church.

25. Luther M. CONN and Mollie E. YOUNT married.

27. Interesting shooting tournament at the fair ground by the Kokomo Shooting Club . . . Dr. R. Q. WILSON'S property, occupied by O. W. LEE as a furniture room, on the north side of the square, totally destroyed by fire and S. DAVIS & Sons' dry goods room badly damaged. Loss about $10,000.

29. Prof. H. T. SHOWALTER and Miss Sadie PYKE married.


1. Democratic Congressional, Joint Representative and Judicial Convention held at Opera House. A. F. ARMSTRONG nominated for Congress, Milton BELL, for Joint-Representative, and Jas. I. PARKER, of Tipton county, for Prosecuting Attorney.

2. Churches of the city beautifully decorated and the choirs sing the National airs and other patriotic music.

4. The Centennial Fourth was ushered in by a terrific rain storm. But our people had their "thuse" up, and a long procession formed at 11 o'clock, and after parading the principal streets, halted at the fair ground where interesting and patriotic exercises were held. Grand display of fireworks at night . . . Interesting exercises and reunion of the Hesperian, Platonic and Junior Literary Societies, of this city, the Junta, of New London, and the Philomathian, of West Middleton, at the latter place . . . J. J. GRIMES badly hurt at the Fair Grounds, by the premature discharge of a cannon, which he was helping to load.

5. The Kokomo Vanguard, a paper in the interest of the North American Medicine Co., makes its appearance.

7. Jasper CUSTER, an esteemed citizen of Cassville, died.

9. Death of Peter GRAY, at Russiaville, who was the oldest Mason in the county; aged, 88 years . . . Geo. P. HEATON, a son of John O. HEATON, is drowned in Wilcat, while bathing.

10. Jas. T. WEBB'S horse scared at a reaper, on Washington street, and ran away, throwing Mr. WEBB out of the carriage and injuring him severely . . . Burglars effected an entrance into the leather store of J. CAIN & Sons but were scared away. They afterward visited the grocery of Geo. DEFFENBAUGH, near the Peru Depot, and committed some petty thieving.

11. Jesse KELLY dies from the effects of a wound received some time since, at the hands of Chas. HAWKINS . . . Mollie, aged 12, a smart and interesting daughter of Joseph ALEXANDER, died, in Ervin township.

13. Thieves entered Capt. PEARCE'S saloon, on Railroad street, and robbed it of about $100 worth of cigars.

16. In connection with the regular service at the M.E. Church, the ordinance of baptism was administed to 40 persons, who were taken into full membership . . . Friends' Quarterly meeting at New London.

17. The Russiaville and Kokomo Base Ball Clubs play a match game, in which the latter won by a close shave.

18. Seventh Day Adventists have been holding a series of meetings for six weeks past, in their tent, near West Liberty . . . Dr. G. C. BEEKS lectures at M.E. Church on "The Magnitude and Harmony, of the Universe."

19. A HAYES & WHEELER Club was organized in this city . . . James PURDUM and Elsie NEWCOMB married.

20. Opening of the campaign. Gen. John COBURN speaks at Court House in evening . . . Little Willie, son of G.W. HOCKER, thrown from a runaway pony and badly injured . . . J.S. BUTLER, while getting ready to shoot at a rat, accidentally discharged his revolver and the load lodged in his thigh creating a painful, though not serious wound.

21. Wm. A. QUICK'S stores at Alto, broken into and robbed of $100 worth of goods.

22. Independent County Convention at Court House . . . Greenback resolutions adopted "in a hole." Democrats take possession and nominate a county ticket.

23. Rev. Mr. THORNTON, of St. Joseph, Mo., preached at the M.E. Church in morning . . . John LINSON'S wife died in Monroe township.

24. The Central Normal commenced its session at the High School building, and also the Russiaville Normal, began at that village.

25. Colored folks picnic at the fair ground.

29. David TURPIE addresses the Democrats from Court House steps.

31. A residence belonging to Philip BURCH, at West Liberty, was totally destroyed by fire . . . Some vandals entered the orchard of Frank HILL, near this city and cut trees down and peeled off the bark . . . Catholic picnic in HASKETT'S Grove. Excursions come over from Peru and Logansport.


1. HAYES and WHEELER club organized at Helm's school house, Taylor township . . . Mrs. PURDUM, mother of the groom, gave a reception at her home, to Mr. And Mrs. J.W. PURDUM . . . Boys' HAYES and WHEELER Club organized at Tribune office with fifty members . . . Dr. S.T. KIRK, of this city and Mrs. S.J. SULLIVAN, of Columbus, were married at that place.

2. A little daughter of H.W. HACKLEY was seriously injured by a door falling on her . . . Hayes & WHEELER club organized at Alto.

4 - 5 Series of races at fair ground, under supervision of S.W. KAHN.

4. At six o'clock, a.m. little Freddie, infant son of A.F. and Rena PHILIPS, died.

6. Rev. F.M. ELLIOTT, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church here, occupies Congregational pulpit in evening.

8. Luther BENSON lectured at New London.

9. Francis STOOK, of this city, gave premature birth to a child at Noblesville, of which Coate HAGGARD is afterwards proved to be the father.

10. HAYES and WHEELER club organized at Center school house, Ervin township.

11. Cutting affray on north side of square. Jimmy HAMILTON cuts John THOMPSON in the neck, with a large pocket-knife, inflicting a painful flesh wound . . . HAYES and WHEELER club organized at New London.

12. Republican pole-raising at Russiaville . . . Bad fracas at a dance at O'Dowd's farm, 2 2/3 miles west of town. Jim ("Snake") O'DOWD stabbed in the back one Wm. FRENCH.

13. Prof. HARRISON lectures at Alto, on temperance . . . Elder FRAZIER, a former pastor of the Christian church of this city, preaches there in the evening . . . Services discontinued at Congregational church - summer vacation of four weeks.

15. TILDEN and HENDRICKS club organized at court house . . . Mr. Rees HASKETT, of this city, is married to Miss Emma WEBB, of Brooklyn, at that city.

17. Enthusiastic meeting of HAYES and WHEELER club at court house. Mayor RICHMOND and Judge LINSDAY address the crowd.

19. Democrats meet at court house to nominate a county ticket . . . Gen. E. M. LEE addresses Republican meeting at same place in evening.

20. Basket meeting in grove near Poplar Grove, given by the U.B. church.

22. Open session of the Hesperian literary society given at high school building . . . Baseball match between the Pugs and Longitudinals in this city. The latter victorious.

23. Hon. E.P. PHELPS, of Virginia, and Hon. Isaac P. WATTS, candidate for Secretary of State, address the people of Russiaville . . . Mercury 96 degrees in the shade . . . Mrs. Mahala HAZELTINE died.

24. Excursion over P.C. & St. L. R.R. to Soldiers' Home, at Dayton, Ohio . . . Alfred MOORE, Republican, of Huntington, and Hon. Anson WOLCOTT, Independent, of Indianapolis, speak to the people at the court house.

25. Death of John, eldest son of Alfred LEE.

28. Howard county teachers' institute convenes at high school building . . . Soldiers' meeting at court house in evening to make preparation to attend State reunion.

29. Hon. P.B.S. PINCHBACK, of Louisiana, addresses the people in afternoon, from court house steps . . . Mr. And Mrs. Rees HASKETT, on their return from the east, are accorded a reception at the residence of Robert E. HASKETT and wife . . . H. GORDEN, living near Shanghai, instantly killed by a log rolling over him.

30. Hon. A.W. TENNY makes a Republican speech at court house and Dave GOODING address the Democrats at opera house . . . Hon. John M. FARNSWORTH speaks to a slim crowd of mossy-backs Grand fizzle of an extensively advertised rally.

31. Dr. MOULDER and Lucy O'BRIEN married at M.E. church.


1. Temperance meeting at the M.E. Church . . . "Old Abe," the cannon, belonging to the Republicans, explodes at Pleasant Grove church, five miles south of town. D.O. Freeman and O.A. SOMERS, who were firing it, had a miraculous escape from death, but neither were seriously injured.

3. Excursion to Noblesville. Basket meeting of Christian church at that place, Elder BLACK, of Indianapolis, officiating.

5. Annual meeting of Y.M.C.A. at M.E. church . . . John MORRISON, who lived near Middlefork, fatally injured by being kicked by a cow, while milking.

6. Excursion to Logansport.

7. John MORRISON died at Shanghai . . . Gen. E.M. LEE addresses a soldiers' meeting at the court house . . . A residence belonging to J.H. KROH, on Union street, burned to the ground.

9. Thos. CRUNNELL died at Shanghai . . . Grand Democratic circus at court house in evening.

10. Quarterly meeting at the Methodist church.

11. Public schools of the city opened . . . John E. NEFF and Eb. HENDERSON address the Democrats at the court house.

13. Courtland BLACKLIDGE, a young attorney of this city, was married to Miss Addie JENISON, of Connersville, at that place.

18. The largest political rally ever held in Howard county. Republican mass meeting. 15,000 people in town. 2,000 blazing torches at night. Gen. Ben. HARRISON, candidate for Governor, addresses the people in the afternoon, at HASKETT'S grove, followed by Hon. A.G. PORTER. In evening, Hon. Nate KIMBALL and A.G. PORTER speak from court house steps. Excursions come from Logansport and Peru . . . Little Joe, a son of R.H. MARKLEY, died . . . During the night six persons escaped from jail by blowing out with powder a rock in the wall.

19. Louisa C., wife of T.J. HANNA, died.

24. James DUDLEY, third son of Jos. And Louisa ALEXAUDER, died at his parent's home, in Ervin township.

25. Regular services resumed at the Congregational church.

26. Hon. J.M. BUTLER delivered a stirring Republican speech at the Court House in the evening.

27.Andrew Patterson married to Mrs. Nancy O'NEAL . . . Excursion to Peru. BRISTOW speaks there . . . R.E. MOORE, of Fairfield, meets death by being run over by the south bound night train, on the Peru road, 3 ½ miles south of town. Intoxicated. Body badly mutilated . . . Democratic district (?) rally. Speeches in afternoon by Gov. HENDRICKS and DORSHEIMER. Torch-light procession and speeches at night.

28. Excursion to Russiaville to hear Gen. KILPATRICK . . . At Greencastle, Ind., Mr. A.N. GRANT, of this city, was married to Miss Mary DARNALL, of that place . . . Prof. W.A. BELL, of Indianapolis, lectured before the county institute in evening on "The Centennial" . . . Republican rally at West End. Gen. Judson KILPATRICK speaks at Russiaville in afternoon.


2. Excursion to Logansport to hear Hon. J.C. BURROWS and Senator PEASE in evening. 500 torch bearers go over.

3. Robert MCWADE appears in Rip Van Winkle in opera house.

6. Grand Republican mass meeting. Hon. J.C. BURROWS speaks at court house and Gov. WOODFORD at opera house in afternoon. At night Senator PEASE and Gov. WOODFORD at former place and Burrows, at latter. Excursion from Logansport. Very large torchlight procession.

7. Large excursion to Frankfort in evening. Fully 1,200 people go over from this city to attend a Republican meeting, 500 of whom carried torches.

10. Election day. Howard county gives a Republican majority of 1050. Peaceable and quiet.

11, 12, 13, 14. County fair - almost a total failure. 13. James WINTEROWD died at his home, 3 ½ miles east of town.

17. Burning of Simon STERN'S residence on Union street . . . The Democrats jollify over their defeat in Howard county.

18. At two o'clock, a.m. the wife of Rawson VAILE died . . . Mr. And Mrs. J.W. CROWLEY of this city celebrate the 40th anniversary of their marriage . . . At night, a grand Republican jollification meeting and speeches, in honor of Howard county's good work. Torch-light procession. Nearly all the business houses beautifully illuminated.

19. Larkin MYERS, who lives near Cassville, fell out of a tree while picking apples, and was severely injured.

23. Kokomo military company organized. Disbanded when political parties began to talk "wah" in consequence of the close election.

24. Lancers dancing club organized . . . The remains of an infant child of Prof. And Mrs. A.C. HOPKINS brought here from Indianapolis, for burial in Crown Point cemetery.

26. John ACHEY, after hunting, while returning home, met with a serious accident, by the premature discharge of a gun, from the effects of which he died Oct. 28th . . . Post office broken into and robbed of $60 worth of stamps.

28. Regular examination of teachers at high school building . . . Cheap excursion to the Centennial via Panhandle road: $15.50 for round trip . . . John MILLER, an old and esteemed citizen, died near Shiloh.

29. Corner stone of the new Catholic church laid: Excursions from Logansport, Peru and Indianapolis. Imposing ceremonies.

30. Geo. H. WELSH Jr. and Amanda C. FOSTER married.


1. Crawford GRIFFITH'S barn, four miles north-west of town burned. - Loss about $2,500. 80 tons of hay burned.

3. David TRUAX died at his home near Cassville . . . Mrs. J.W. SMITH and two children seriously injured by being thrown from a buggy - runaway horse.

4. Hon. D.D. PRATT and H.C. THORNTON speak on political topics at opera house, at night . . . Post office at Shiloh discontinued.

4 and 5 Friends' Quarterly meeting in this city.

5. Mrs. Elizabeth ROWE died.

6. Hon. T.H. NELSON makes a red-hot Republican speech at court house.

7. Presidential election. Howard county makes a glorious charge, and increases her Republican majority 162 . . . D.O. FREEMAN assumes the duties of County Sheriff . . . A son of Judson LEARNED, of this city, foully murdered at Anderson by the Democratic marshal there. At night the telegraph offices, court house and streets are crowed with men anxious to hear election news. Early telegrams are not relished by the Republicans, who go home early, with sad hearts. Democrats get boisterous, noisy, and many very drunk.

8 and 9 Days long to be remembered.

8. The day opened up darkly. Republicans still feel sick. General belief that TILDEN is elected. Morning papers confirm night telegrams and Republicans settle down as calmly as possible to the conviction that they have attended their own funeral. By the middle of the afternoon news began to arrive that HAYES might be elected after all. Between 4 and 5 o'clock a telegram came (afterwards turning out to be bogus) that set Republicans wild with enthusiasm. It was to the effect that New York State had gone Republican. Banners were unfurled, the air was rent with cheering and old men wept for joy. The good feeling was unbounded and when a telegram came confirming the first report, the excitement was intense. Fully 2,000 men congregated about The Tribune office, and they fairly screamed for joy. Then dispatches came, saying that "both parties claim victory," etc., and then a season of suspense followed that was more actually painful than that of defeat in the morning.

8. Rev. Samuel LAMB, formerly a citizen of this place, died at Richmond.

9. Mrs. Rebecca POPE died, 1 ½ miles north-east of town.

9. Excitement over election still continues. Men refuse to eat or sleep, and collect together in crowds on the street to discuss the situation. By evening some dispatches were received encouraging to Democrats but they did not enthuse, while Republicans had become stolid, determining to await a fair count in the three Southern doubtful States believing that would undoubtedly insure victory.

10. Joy changed about and Democrats are happy while Republicans are discouraged, but hopeful. For over a week the excitement still continues up to the highest pitch. Republicans are joyful in the mornings over the news, while the evenings furnish comfort to the Democrats.

13. Mrs. Catharine GOODWINE died, at the home of her husband, 3 miles east of town.

14. The colored people give a concert at opera house.

18. The Tribune allows its eagle to soar, believing that it carries the news of Hayes' election - a belief that has since been confirmed . . . Lucille WESTERN appears at opera house, in "East Lynne."

19. Quarterly meeting at M.E. church . . . Joint Sabbath school convention of Liberty and Union townships held at Greentown.

21. Excursion to Chicago to hear MOODY and SANKEY.

22. Baptist church supper given by the ladies.

23. Mrs. J.A. JAMES, formerly a resident of this city, married to Andrew J. BROUSE, near Hillsboro, O.

27. Snead THOMAS, near New London died.

29. "Josh BILLINGS" lectured at opera house . . . Geo. W. DEARRINGER, died at Ervin.

30. Thanksgiving. Union services held at M.E. church. Sermon by Dr. CORNELIUS, D.D. . . . Lecture by Rev. Dr. DELAMATYR, at M.E. church, in evening . . . A.O. MILLER'S Dramatic company at opera house, in "Hamlet" . . . Mr. And Mrs. Wm. GAUSE and Mr. And Mrs. Geo. MCGOWAN, celebrate the sixth and thirteenth anniversaries of their marriage, at the residence of the latte


2. The Tribune proprietors issue a large edition containing much interesting local history, and a biography of Hon. Tilghman A. HOWARD, after whom this county was named.

3. Jonathan DUNKLE, an old resident of this city died.

4. At six o'clock, p.m. Mrs. Frances Julia PHILIPS, wife of the senior and mother of the junior editors of The Tribune, died, after a lingering illness, in the 53rd year of her age.

5. John SHELTON died at Alto.

8. Mrs. FOSS gives a reading at the opera house. First lecture of the regular course.

9. Mercury 20 degrees below zero . . . Residence of Jimmy ARNETT, at New London, totally destroyed by fire.

10 to 14 Religious meeting conducted by Rachel W. MIDDLETON, at Grange hall, in south side of Center township. Much good accomplished.

12. Mrs. Lydia BROWN died, near Jerome.

13. Installation of officers of Howard Lodge, F. & A.M. No. 370.

14. Eli WEST died at his home, five miles west of this city.

15. Social and donation party at the residence of Rev. and Mrs. H. J. MECK.

16. Hannah M., wife of Henry C. LINDLEY, died.

17. Second Joint Sabbath school convention of Union and Liberty townships, held at Jerome.

18. The wife of Henry THOMAS died one mile east of Fairfield.

21. Heine concert at opera house . . . At nine o'clock at night, one of the most brilliant meteors of the century appeared in the western horizon and passed not in an arc, but straight to the east, bursting into more than a hundred fragments each having a different shade of color. After the meteor disappeared a rumbling noise was heard, resembling and earthquake shock, which shook houses and rattled doors and windows throughout the city.

22. Second lecture of winter course, at opera house, by J. Jay VILLERS.

23. First Teachers' Institute, of Clay township, held at Center school house.

23. Christmas Tree exercises at the Congregational church, Baptist church and at opera house, the latter given by the M.E. church. All places filled and exercises quite interesting.

25. A quiet Christmas . . . Frank BOWEN, a son of W.D. BOWEN, while out hunting near his home, in Harrison township, blew into the barrel of his gun to see if it was loaded, when his foot slipped and the load was discharged in his head, killing him instantly . . . In evening Christmas tree festivities at Christian church. Large audience present. . . . Wm. GEARHARD and Mollie HARRIS married.

26. Concert by the CARMAN family at Congregational church for the benefit of the Orphans' Home.

27. Mush and milk supper and social at Grange hall, No. 365, 1 ½ miles south of town . . . Public installation of officers and festival at St. Mark Lodge, No. 15, in this city.

28. Concert and supper given by the Catholic church, at DAYHUFF & SHARP'S hall . . . Public installation of officers of Napthalia Lodge, F.& A.M., at Fairfield.

30. Teachers' Annual reunion, at Kokomo high school building.

Monument at Crown Point Cemetery
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Contact the County Coordinator

 State coordinator- Lena Harper , gostraka@yahoo.com    
Assistant state coordinator - Jim Cox , nyclvr2012@gmail.com

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Updated 4 July 2023

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