County Coordinator: Debby Beheler |
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The Year That Is Gone --- 1899 ChronologyExtracted from the Kokomo Tribune - January 1, 1900. Some names that were difficult to decipher are followed by [?]. The original article can be found in the "Chronologies" drawer at the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library Genealogy and Local History Services. This article, along with the entire 1899 newspaper run, is also available on microfilm.January:2 - Elks' open house, the principal observance of the advent of New Year.3 - Grant WRIGHTSMAN acquitted of charge of burglary by jury in the Howard circuit court. 4 - John BOHER convicted of stealing clover seed and given jail sentence by Judge MOUNT. 5 - Death of Andrew J. YOUNG and Jonathan SHUTT. S.A. PENNINGTON, D.F. BELL and C.A. DEHAVEN secure clerkships in the legislature. 6 - Marriage of M.D. POWELL and Miss Marie TAYLOR of Greentown. 7 - Marriage of Dr. S.O. DUNCAN of Russiaville and Miss Alfa M. NEWKIRK of Swayzee. 9 - Death of Matthew MURDEN and Henry STEVENS. New town clock arrives. 12 - Prof. F.F. HUMMELL resigns as member of faculty at local High school. Marriage of Mr. Fred SEDENBURG and Miss Gertrude CASTER. 13 - W.F. RUDDELL becomes part owner of the Gennebeck canning factory. 15 - Dead body of Henry MATER found in a ditch on South Phillips street. 16 - Marriage of Ambrose D. JAMES and Miss Myrtle COLLINS. Amos R. WOODS resigns as Deputy revenue collector. Fatal gas explosion at home of Charles NULL on Morgan Street. Mrs. NULL dies of burns received. 17 - Charles WILLIAMS, a Cloverleaf brakeman, killed at Greentown. Death of Miss Florence MOODY. 18 - Farmers' Institute in session at council chamber. G.W. SIPE retires from the dog show business. 19 - Death of Mrs. J.W. CALLAHAN and Mrs. Mattie THOMPSON. 20 - Chester ELLIS assigned to duty in Postoffice department in Cuba. 21 - Sale of the real estate of the late J.W. SLIDER. 23 - Death of James DEAN, pioneer of Union Township. Farm barn and live stock of Joseph NORTON destroyed by fire. 24 - First steps taken toward the erection of a new United Brethren Church. 25 - Elwood MCCRACKEN arrested an alleged "wild man" in a church near Poplar Grove. 26 - Verne GRANTHAM of new London, arrested and taken to Battle Creek, Michigan, on charge of larceny. 30 - Marriage of Mr. William GIBSON and Miss Della JACKSON. Contract let for the paving of North Main street. 31 - Death of Hazel M. JERRETT and Anna M. YOUNGMAN. Firm of MOTE & MCDOWELL dissolves. February:2 - Death of Pollard BROWN, well known veteran and pioneer. Marriage of Mr. Charles CONNOR and Miss Elizabeth WILSON.4 - Sudden death of Mrs. Charles FRIDLIN. Mrs. Lon THOMAS of Oakford dies at an Indianapolis sanitarium. 5 - George W. PRICE, postmaster at Greentown, dies of pneumonia. 9 - Coldest day of the year; thermometers registered 17 degrees below zero. 10 - Death of Miss Sarah STUMBAUGH and Joseph DEHORITY. 13 - Common council decides to pave Washington street. 14 - St. Valentine's day/ A.A. COVALT recommended for postmaster at Greentown. 15 - Anniversary of the destruction of Battleship Maine. Death of Alfred WAHLSTRON and Rev. R.A. NEWTON. 17 - Greentown suffers a gas explosion and a ten thousand dollar fire results. 20 - Marriage of Mr. Calvin GRIFFIN and Miss Jennie HUSTON and Mr. Edmund CROUSORE and Miss Nancy JONES. 22 - Washington's birthday. Marriage of A.B. ARMSTRONG and Miss Amanda SHAFER. 23 - Sudden death of Julia A THAR, a domestic in kitchen at Lindell Hotel. 24 - Marriage of Ralph E. DABE and Sarah C. BOYD and Loren MASON and Ida GALLION. 25 - Death of Mrs. J.W. OREM and Chester WILSON. 28 - Death of Mrs. John F. WILSON in a Chicago sanitarium. Marriage of William TURNER and Miss Stella NASH. March:1 - Death of Henry MOON and Mrs. Delila WILSON.2 - Marriage of Emmett CONNOR and Minnie WOOD. 4 - O.H. MCCOMB, of Connersville, arrested in Kokomo on a sensational charge. 6 - Mary F. COBB of New London, widow of War of 1812, granted a pension by special act of Congress. 9 - Mayor ARMSTRONG gives notice that he will not sign improvement bonds on any work not under contract. 11 - Marriage of Charles SAFFORD and Clara FERN. Death of Mrs. George LOVE. Morton ARMSTRONG does the riot act in the street railway power house with a shot gun. 14 - Cy KELLY severely wounded in an altercation with MILLER. 15 - Contract for paving Washington street let to YAGER & DICKERSON. Sudden death of Mrs. S. O. DUNCAN at Russiaville. 16 - Capture of Charles MYERS, leader of notorious "Myers Gang" at Alexandria. 17 - St. Patrick's Day 20 - Marriage of H.L. MORRIS and Ida M. SMITH. Augusta SCHMIDT refuses to accept a parole. 21 - Death of Mrs. Edward N. OSBORN, of Greentown. 23 - Body of infant found in a vault on Bell street. Ten lads arrested for stealing brass. 25 - Death of Mrs. E.S. SHOEMAKER. 27 - Kokomo becomes member of I.I. baseball league. Charley MCCOY expires suddenly while sparring with a friend. 29 - Mrs. Anna CLORE-GARR found dead in her bed at her home just west of the city. 31 - Death of James E. PETERS and Pearl BOWMAN. April:1 - Marriage of Albert BURROWS and Nellie MAPLE. Arthur ULMER arrested at Anderson on serious charge.2 - SINGMASTER & WARD's sale barn burns incinerating horses valued at $5,000. 3 - Remodeling of the ARMSTRONG, LANDON & Co. store room completed. 5 - William SEELEY turns state's evidence against Fred SMITH. Death of Jacob BEETLEY. 6 - Annual convention of Kokomo district Y.P.S.C.E. opens at Main Street Christian church. Marriage of Rev. George KEISLING and Miss Nellie STOCKER and of George WOLF and Miss Jessie May PIERCE. 7 - Marriage of Charles E. LEWIS and Mary B. RATLIFF. Anniversary of Battle of Shiloh. 8 - Death of Mary A. GRANT, the county's oldest pioneer, at Greentown. Morton ARMSTRONG sentenced to penitentiary for assault with intent to kill. 10 - Raise of wages at plate glass works. Rev. E.T. GREGG begins his second year as pastor of Grace M.E. Church. 11 - Mayor ARMSTRONG refuses to sign bond of Contractors YAGER & DICKERSON. 13 - Death of Willie CONNOR. Marriage of Oliver B. CARTER and Emma HAMILTON. Henry Y. WOOTEN and Jennie HENDRY; Warren YOUNG and Dessie TURPIN, and Enoch PURSLEY and Elizabeth LYNN. 15 - Hugh POLLOCK stabbed by Mel BASSETT. Opening of Ike MYERS' clothing store. 17 - Death of James BRANNEN. 19 - Charles MYERS, leader of "Myers Gang" sentenced to the penitentiary. Death of Azariah HUTSON. 20 - Marriage of Brice KINNEY and Myrtle SULAVAN; and Rev. David B. WELLS of Alto, and Miss Clara NULL, of Elwood. 21 - Marriage of Charles KELLEY and Miss Mollie LIPE at Murphysboro, Ill. 22 - Death of Thomas LEAR. Marriage of John H. ORME and Daisy E. EDWARDS. 24 - Death of Mrs. Mary E. FOUST. Frank BRECKENRIDGE becomes suddenly violently insane. 25 - Death of Elam GIFFORD. Local Odd Fellows celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the founding of their order. 26 - Peter WINCH, of Kokomo, killed by the cars at Tipton. 28 - Council refuses to allow the abandonment of North Main street electric car line. Marriage of William B. SMITH and Mrs. Pruella KELLEY. 29 - Death of Jerome KENNEDY. May:1 - Kokomo experiences an earthquake. The delay on North Main street improvements begins.3 - Death of Mrs. Sarah JESSUP. 4 - High School contest at the opera house. 5 - Annual meeting of Kokomo High School alumni. Sudden death of T.J. EVANS at Greentown. 6 - John BOHER shot in an altercation with George CHAMBERLAIN on East High Street. 9 - Marriage of Charles WEISER and Miss Josephine LEHMAN. Opening of I.I. League base ball [sic] season in Kokomo, game between Kokomo and Wabash clubs. 10 - Marriage of Chris ROSEWOG and Miss Lucy GASE. Eli FISHER, Howard County boy, condemned to hang for murder at Lewistown, Montana, granted a respite of thirty days. 11 - Death of Sherman FOY. North Main street improvement controversy settled and work is resumed. 12 - Charles CLARK seriously injured by an electric shock received on N. Washington street electric car line. 13 - Kokomo base ball club changes hands. 14 - Rev. W.A. FOSTER preaches his farewell sermon at the Main street Christian church. Death of A.M. CASTER in Cassville. 16 - Luther SAMPSON, of Harrison Township, arrested on charge of arson. 17 - Death of Mrs. Frank GIBSON at Muncie. 18 - Attorney W.O. DEAN attempts to buy off a prosecution at Tipton and gets in trouble. 19 - Three year old child of John GREARY, of Greentown, drinks a quantity of oil of wintergreen and dies. 23 - Graduating exercises of the Kokomo High school begin. Marriage of Henry BARNETT and Miss Nora GARR. Sheriff HARNESS stops prize fight at Greentown. 24 - Marriage of Mr. John S. MILLER, of South Bend, and Miss Hattie POLLEY of Rochester, at the home of Benjamin BRANNON, near Kokomo. 25 - Marriage of Carl ENDICOTT and Miss Lizzie WOSMUTH, and Zed MORGAN and Miss Cordelia WRIGHT. Death of Mary A. PARISH, Riley S. MURPHY and Mrs. Maggie RHODES. 30 - Decoration Day. Death of Rev. E.T> GREGG, beloved pastor of Grace M.E. Church. 31 - Commencement exercises of High school class of at Grace church June:2 - District meeting of the Haymakers' harvest home at Armory hall.5 - E.E. ROBEY elected county superintendent of schools. 6 - Kokomo ball club again changes hands. Andy LAWSON becomes manager. 8 - Marriage of Rolla T. RICKARD and Minnie B. PETERS. Capture of William TRADER, of the Myers Gang. 9 - Death of Alexander CLARK, a pioneer, at Jerome. 10 - P.H. REMMINGTON, a merchant of Plevna, disappears. 14 - Howard Lodge, F. & A.M. celebrates fiftieth anniversary of its establishment. 15 - Death of Minnie TRUEBLOOD. Manager Andy LAWSON mobbed by ball players. Marriage of Clarence L. WALTERS and Cora I. RICKARD and Rev. Charles WHITELEY and Miss Emma O. WASSON. 16 - James BOWERS, of Jackson Township, found dead in bed. Ed HILL Becomes owner of Kokomo ball club. 17 - Luther SAMPSON mysteriously assailed at his home near Alto. 19 - Death of Jeremiah LESLIE and Vina DICKEY. Beginning of K.W. & N. electric railway scheme. 21 - Marriage of E.E. ROBEY and Miss Isabel ROSS and Frank GRAVES and Miss Eva KERLIN. 22 - Insuranceman G.W. DOWELL arrested upon a charge of arson. Death of Mrs. Susah HULL. 23 - Disgraceful encounter between umpire and player at Kokomo ball park. 26 - Marriage of Mr. Walter F. JACKSON and Miss Julia M. LINDSEY. 27 - Elopement of Mont LITTLE and Ida CLEVENGER. 29 - Mysterious disappearance of Pearl EVANS, of Greentown. COLE-APPLEGATE paternity suit begins in the circuit court. Marriage of Wm. E. STAM and Grace MYERS. Base ball park goes into hands of a receiver. 30 - Marriage of Frank HASELTINE and Miss Mayme P. LITTLE. July:4 - Nation's birthday. Farm barn of Charles BLANCHE destroyed by fire.5 - Marriage of Chester ELLIS and Miss Nellie MOREDOCK at Newport. 6 - Marriage of William DAWSON and Miss Rena COLLINS. End of base ball in Kokomo. 7 - Fred APPLEGATE goes to jail "for principle". 8 - Fire at wood enameling works. LEMASTER grocery burglarized. Fire at MORGAN's brick factory. 10 - Word is received of the death of Perry ALBRIGHT, Kokomo's atrophied man, at Liverpool, England. 11 - Death of David DOWNHOUR. Pearl EVANS, mysteriously missing from Greentown, returns to his home. 12 - Fire at Tremont Hotel. Death of Eliza J. MOUNDER at Swayzee. Marriage of Dr. LaMaar KNEPPLE and Miss Anna TAPP. 13 - Freight wreck on the Cloverleaf near West Middleton. Encounter between Henry BARNARD and Henry MYERS. Death of Lewis A. MYERS, Dewey RODMAN and Perry MCLAUGHLIN. 14 - Oscar WELTY arrested at Frankfort for intoxication while prosecuting violations of the fish law. 15 - Dentist F.F. WING leaves the city between two days. G.W. CHARLES buys O.P. KLINGER's interest in Brookside canning factory. Frank SLIDER turns up in Indianapolis. J.D. ROSS and his wife, Etta, have trouble which results in the arrest of the former. 17 - Alpha MCDOWELL, aged three, burned to death on South Courtland Avenue. Marshal TAYLOR arrests three Logansport thieves near Galveston. 18 - Marriage of George ETTER and Nora HEINMILLER. County board of review adjourns. North Main street property owners file protests against acceptance of improvement. 19 - Death of Emeline CLOSTLEY and Cora GREEN. 21 - Death of Mrs. Ella VGOT and Sarah SNOW. J.H. SROFE retires from Kokomo Fence Machine Company. Robert G. INGERSOLL dies. 23 - Death of Miss Ida STOCKER. 25 - Death of Raymond POWELL. Hard rain and wind storm throughout the county. 26 - Ora HATTON seriously injured while working for the Indiana Gas Company near Calumet, Indiana. Howard County Normal in session. 27 - Sheriff HARNESS arrests Alex and John BEARD, horse thieves, near Frankfort. Marriage of Frank SCORAH and Miss Etta GOODWINE and of Nelson WESTCOTT and Miss Alice MILES. 28 - Death of Ira MCINTOSH of Center, and Jesse WARE and Paul MILLER of Greentown, both old residents of the county. 29 - Attempted jail delivery thwarted by Deputy Sheriff BOWEN. Death of Clarence BOWLINGER. 31 - Property owners on West Jefferson street agree to pave that thoroughfare. Wedding of Cliff CRUME and Miss Kate RAMEY interrupted by the sheriff. August:1 - Preliminary meeting to arrange for Kokomo Carnival held. Mervin KEPHART killed in wreck on Panhandle just south of Kokomo.2 - Death of James RYAN. 3 - Tom SECRIST fatally injured by falling under a Cloverleaf train. Death of Faris MCDANIEL, of New London. Cal MCBRIDE finishes Kid GLEASON in sparring match at Opera House. Death of Levi MYERS. 4 - Death of Jacob HORN. Solomon WAISNER sued for $7000 damages by Isaac CLINGENPEEL. 5 - Death of Mary M. SMITH, A.C. ROGERS and W.B. MORGAN. 7 - Death of Edward MCCLELLAND. County advisory board organized. 8 - Death of Sarah J. WICHERSHAM and Blanche DILL. Michael GILLOOLEY, a life prisoner from Howard County, paroled from Michigan City penitentiary. 9 - Word received here of the murder of E.A. GASHO, a Howard county man, by a negro at trading point on the Mississippi river in Louisiana. Death of C.C. SOLLENBERGER and Patrick COSTLOW. 10 - Clyde Jones, the abductor of Nellie BERGER, brought to the Kokomo jail for safe keeping; mob scare at Peru. Death of E.M. FRENCH. 12 - Death of Price H. FELLOWS. Marriage of Andrew E. KERN and Miss Ora B. KELLAR. 15 - Free Kindergarten trolley day. BROADLICK bakery burglarized. 16 - Death of Enoch SPRUNCE, a pioneer near Center. Marriage of M.S. LANE and Mrs. Mary LOWER. Kokomo secures the Red men's pow-wow for 1900. 17 - Clyde JONES returned to the Peru jail. 18 - Marriage of Mr. Frank STRICKLAND and Miss Vandora HAMILTON at Bellefountain, Ohio. Death of Mrs. Anna JOHNSON and Bert DIXON. 19 - Death of Mrs. E. BAUGHER. Old settlers' meeting at Miamitown. 21 - Miss Merle KIRKMAN wins scholarship in Chicago college of music. Death of Mrs. Charlotte L. O'BRIEN. Marriage of Howard JENNINGS and Miss Sadie E. DICKEY. 23 - Ray WOOD appointed to a lieutenancy in the 39th regular infantry. 26 - Henry WAGNER, horse thief, captured by Sheriff HARNESS at Marion. 27 - Otho GLOVER assailed by his stepsons, the SHELLY boys, at Indianapolis. Death of Joseph A. ST. JOHN. 28 - Death of Lillie M. PIERCE and John DILLMAN. Marriage of James WILLIAMS and Anna VARILLI. Oliver M. JUMPER and Grace HENDRICKSON and Charles MELSON and Minnie BUNDY. Rev. KARSTEDT returns to the pastorate of U.B. Church. 30 - Death of Lucy MILLER and Mary ELLIS. Wabash county fails to vote subsidy to K.W. & N. electric line and the project is abandoned. September:1 - Wm. HALE and Charles VANDINE arrested for larceny. Captured in a woods near West Middleton.2 - Death of Worley LEAS, a pioneer resident of Kokomo. 4 - Howard County Teachers' Institute opens. James BALL fatally wounds Henry MURDEN and kills himself at Greentown. Death of Erma R. DUNCAN. 6 - Death of Mrs. Susan SENCE. 8 - Teachers Institute ends. Marriage of Simeon CLEM and Mrs. Mary HAWKINS. 9 - Frank LESLIE disappears , arrested three months later at Brazil for wife desertion. DREYFUS case ends. 10 - Rev. J.H. JACKSON begins pastorate of Grace M.E. Church. 11 - Marriage of Dora HILL and Miss Oria GOSSET, Major HAMILTON and Miss Blanche BYRD and Omar BLESSING and Miss Maggie STEWART. 12 - City Council orders $20,000 invested in government bonds. 14 - Will HAYS badly hurt in runaway on the Greentown pike. 15 - Marriage of Norman SIMPSON and Lydia TAYLOR and of Ora H. HART and Daisy AMMON. 16 - Bargain day at Greentown. 18 - Wm. WARNOCK disappears from his home on Jackson Township. Marriage of Omer WILSON and Miss Minnie NEWLIN. Frank JOH, of Sims, shoots and seriously wounds Ed EPHAUS. 19 - Washington street car line opened. DREYFUS is pardoned. 20 - Marriage of Walter HOLLOWELL and Miss Kitty SCHAFER at Elkhart. 21 - Marriage of Frederick D. BARNETT and Miss Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Death of Mrs. Adeline LOCUST. 22 - Death of Henry MURDEN, the victim of a Greentown shooting affray. 25 - Death of Edgar SPEARS. Jesse BIRD, of Ervin township, accidentally shot. 26 - DEWEY arrives in new York. Death of Orena STEWART HORTON. 27 - Reunion of veterans of 101st and 75th regiments. 28 - Accidental death of the aged James BROOKS at the county farm. Three men injured in gas explosion at Greentown pumping station. 29 - Marriage of Mr. George HOPE and Miss Fernette GRANT at the home of the latter's parents at Indianapolis. Marriage of Chas. KLUTZ and Edna B. EDWARDS; Albert L. TAYLOR and Ethel PETTY and Chas. H. MCCOY and Irene DUNNING. 30 - Wm. WARNOCK returns to his home after a mysterious absence of two weeks. WAGGAMAN hunting party leave for the Maine woods. October:2 - Charles LAFOLLETTE goes gunning for Solomon ALBAUGH and Charles HELMICK. Death of Frances BALLENGER. William A. SMEDLEY, a demented Kentuckian, found wandering about the streets.5 - Kokomo Carnival. 6 - R.M. CAIN, whose whereabouts had for several years been unknown, returns to Kokomo. Marriage of Will. SOLLENBERGER and Miss Dana HOLLINGSWORTH. 7 - Death of John Clarence ELSON. Mrs. Nettie SECRIST dues the Cloverleaf railway for $10,000 for killing her husband. 11 - Oscar SIKES, of West Middleton , dies in a military hospital in California. Marriage of Harvey VANDORIN and Miss Ida SIPE. 12 - Marriage of W.D. DAVIS and Miss Cora BRANDON; George SHAKEL and Mrs. Sophia BULK; Fred BUCKLEY and Miss Catherine HARRISON. 14 - Marriage of William B. WAISNER and Miss Jeannette BAXTER. 16 - Death of Jemima A. MARTIN and Dora B. MYERS. 17 - Thieves despoil the DAVISON quart shop. Cornerstone of new United Brethren church laid. Marriage of Simeon MENDENHALL and Flora E. ELLIS. 18 - JOHNSON, the proprietor of the new theatre, arrives in Kokomo. Attorney D.A. WOODS figures in a scene in circuit court. Marriage of Ivan SHADE and Miss Ethel MOULDER. 19 - J.M. JACKSON, of Torrence, Kansas, dies of morphine poisoning at the home of his brother on Courtland Avenue. 20 - Death of Dora may MAGEE at her home in Ervin township. 23 - John BEARD, a prisoner at the county jail, makes an unsuccessful attempt to hang himself. Death of Frances WATKINS at Swayzee. 24 - Oscar WELTY arrested for impersonating a revenue officer. death of Edith Miriam WHITE. 25 - Farmer HARTMAN fatally injured while hauling logs in Ervin township. Residence of William DONNELLY robbed. Marriage of Charles DUNCAN and Miss Pearl HERCULES at Center. 26 - Healer Frances SCHLATTER begins series of meetings in Kokomo. 27 - Charles MCREYNOLDS, of Alto, arrested on a charge of attempting to commit a rape. 28 - MALABY grocery on Mulberry street robbed. 30 - Death of Eva COLE at Oakford. Marriage of Will SANTCHI and Miss Nellie WAGGAMAN. Death of Councilman Alexander H. DUKE. 31 - Wreck on the belt railroad, southeast of the city. November1 - C.E. MIDDLETON and Perry GROVES succeed H.M. COOPER and Pat FITZ as county clerk and recorder.2 - Michael GORMAN found dead in flag house at Jefferson street crossing of the Panhandle. Marriage of Andrew JACKSON and Mrs. May BAKER, Jonathan DAVIS and Miss Flora LEE. 3 - Death of Owen L. ZEIGLER. WAGGAMAN hunting party returns from Maine. 6 - Death of Mrs. Wilhelma RANDALL at Kenna, Illinois. Common council passes Long Distance telephone ordinance. 7 - Death of Alvin COLRIN. 9 - Conference convention of Woman's Home Missionary Society opens at Grace M.E. Church. 11 - Colored porters rob the room of E.G. DICKERSON at the Clinton hotel. 13 - Killing of Oren SPRINGER by William BUSBY. BUSBY wounded by Fred SMITH. 14 - Death of Mrs. Eliza A ELDRIDGE at Denver, Colorado. 15 - Marriage of Charles EAST and Mrs. Elizabeth HAWKINS. 16 - William BUSBY admitted to bail - bond fixed at $5000. 17 - The RUTLEDGE photograph gallery burglarized and instruments valued at $100 taken away. 19 - James HORN shot and seriously wounded by William CLUBBS in Crown Point Cemetery. 20 - Death of Mrs. M.A. CHESTNUT. The SCHLATTERS leave town. 21 - Marriage of Joseph CUTHRELL and Miss Ethel PETRO. Death of Vice-President HOBART. Death of William H. THOMPSON, of Oakford. 22 - Globe RangeWorks company organized. "Spiritualist" MORRIS leaves town under cover of darkness. 23 - Charles O. FISHER, a former Kokomo man, acquitted of a charge of wife murder at Atlanta, Kansas. 25 - Fred APPLEGATE arranges a compromise and is restored to liberty. 26 - Suicide of Asa WORNOCK at the County Infirmary. Death of H.G. CHISNELL at Pittsburg. 28 - James COURTS arrested on a charge of criminal carelessness. Elmer CONWAY of West Liberty, shot by Ed LANGSTON. Death of Charles MCCOY. 29 - Marriage of Auris HOLLOWELL and Miss Ella RANKIN, Oscar E. CARTER and Miss Lillian EDWARDS, O.A. RENAHAN and Miss Belle FRANKS, Bert Winkler and Miss Bessie BALLENDER. Death of William S. FRAZEE December:3 - Death of Mrs. S.E. TURNER, of Russiaville, and Mrs. ROBINSON, of this city.5 - George SNELLENBARGER run down by trolley car on North Washington street. 6 - William BROWN convicted of raising denomination of currency in federal court. Frank JOH found dead in bed near Sims. 8 - Death of Curtis W. BRUBAKER of Ervin Township. Mrs. Mary A. BRADLEY receives a present of $1500 from an unknown aunt. 9 - Death of Mrs. Susan TAYLOR. 11 - William CLUBBS bound over to the circuit court. Death of Carl BEAMAN. 12 - Word received of the wounding of Lieutenant Bob CALVERT in the Philippines. Death of E.V. RAINES. 13 - Death of Henry B. LOWE and Gladys SPIKER. 16 - Eva STEVENS burned to death of East High Street. 17 - Marriage of Carl C. EIKENBERRY and Miss Emma C. Stout of Russiaville. 19 - Gen. LAWTON killed in the Philippines. 20 - Henry BRUNER suicides by swallowing rat poison. Marriage of Jacob H. MASON and Emily S. BATEY. 21 - The Tribune exposes the stationers' trust. Marriage of Arthur J. CLEMENS and Miss Susie MCCRACKEN, of Ervin Township. 22 - Death of Miss Ada BUCK. 24 - Marriage of John TURNER and Miss Mattie STEVENS; John ANERSON and Jennie M. SHILLING; N.S. JESSUP and Clara GOOD; Peter E. SMITH and Sadie VANDERVENTER; Frank NICHOLSON and Daisy TRABUE; Charles A. MOORE and Callie O. KING. Death of Lucy B. and Mildred GARR. 25 - Christmas Day. The O.L. WOOD grocery burns. 27 - Death of James A. MORRIS. Marriage of Harry MATLOCK and Miss Sena STEWART; William C. DIMMITT and Hattie RAINES; Fred A. PLUMBER to Lottie F. FRITZ. 28 - Marriage of Ernest A. BOWLIN and Miss Etta B. HASTY. 29 - Death of Sophona L. SMITH. 31 - Marriage of H.S. BROWN and Mrs. Etta HUNT; Clarence EDWARDS and Miss Lillian KENWORTHY; Harry GRISLING and Miss Anna FAIR. End of the Year. |
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the County Coordinator
State coordinator- Lena Harper , Assistant state coordinator - Jim Cox , Copyright © 1996-2023 - INGenWeb Project Updated 4 July 2023 |
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