William and Martha "Mollie" Martindale Pearson

William PEARSON (my G-G-G-G Grandfather) was born 7 Oct 1777 presumably in SC (though one census reports TN). One source says this PEARSON line goes back to Bucks Co., PA. Parentage unknown at this time.
William PEARSON was a potter by trade.

wife: Martha (Mollie) MARTINDALE (my G-G-G-G- Grandmother) Martha (nee MARTINDALE), commonly known as "Mattie" or "Mollie" was born in Union Co., SC 3 Feb 1780
Her father was James MARTINDALE b. 1751/4 Bucks Co., PA. Her mother was Elizabeth BISHOP.

Mollie was still an infant when her father went off to join the army. [Tradition carried down through descendants suggests that his family did not hear from him throughout the revolutionary war nor afterward, that his wife (Eliz.) died in his absence and that his children grew up without knowing whether he was dead or alive....but later James was discovered alive and died 7 July 1840; buried in Olney Churchyard near Gallia Co., OH]

When she grew up she married William PEARSON, a potter by trade, who was born 5/7 Oct 1777, in TN (but probably related to the SC PEARSONs). The date and place of their marriage in not known, but sometime later they lived for a while in Callia (Galia ?) Co., OH, perhaps near her father, James, and afterwards in Montgomery Co., OH....

Subsequent to 1840 they went to Miami Co., IN where their son Thomas was one of the first settlers. Martha PEARSON died 21 Dec 1854 and William PEARSON 14 March 1856. They are buried in Deer Creek Cemetery in the southern part of Miami Co., near the village of Miami.


(1) John Martindale PEARSON
b. 179? in NC.
he married on 14 Feb 1820 to Dorothy HALL b. 1802
(2) Barton PEARSON
b. 1795 (or 1803-less likely) in NC
married on 20 March 1818 to Nancy ____(unk)
d. c. 1882 near Jaspar, MO
his 2nd wife was Mary PEMBERTON (this is my line)
(3) Thomas PEARSON
b. 8 May 1808 Montgomery Co., OH
married on 2 May 1833 to Nancy Nook ( 1813-1894)
d. 2 Feb 1864 (or 2 "Oct" 1864 on his tombstone Deer Creek Cem.)
Thomas and Nancy PEARSON had a son:
Capt. John PEARSON who, in 1902, wrote a 129 page autobiography: "A Soldiers Reminiscence--Capt. John PEARSON 1836-1911." by John PEARSON, n.d.
(4) William PEARSON, Jr.
b. 30 Jan 1814 Montgomery Co., OH
married c. 1839-43 Mary FENTERS
children of Thomas & Mary: (a) Joseph PEARSON b. 20 Jan 1841 (b) Nancy PEARSON (c) Naomi PEARSON (d) Sarah A. PEARSON.
(5) Sallie PEARSON
b. 1815 Montgomoery Co. OH
married Mr. (Unk) JULIAN
(6) Nancy PEARSON
b. Montgomery Co., OH
married Mr. (Unk) COOK
(7) Pattee PEARSON
b. Montgomery Co., OH
married Mr. (Unk) TURNPAW
(8) Betsey PEARSON
b. 1820 Montgomery Co., OH
married 1st Mr. (Unk) JAY & 2nd Mr. (Unk) HACKETT
(9) Rebecca (Becky) PEARSON
B. Montgomery Co., OH.
married Mr. (unk) HACKETT

Several researchers have traced the MARTINDALE line back to northwest England where, in the Lake District, there is a extant MARTINDELL Chapel near Lake Ullswater . It is called "The Old Parish Church of St. Martin of Tours, MARTINDALE" and the church site is 700 years old. It has a wooden table with the date 1647 carved in it and a baptismal font made from a Roman Pillar dating from centuries before the church was built.

Respectfully submitted,
2164 Fickle Hill Road
Arcata, California 95521
(707) 822-4462
fairfield@cox.net or  fairfields@htan.org