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Project Obituaries - M
This page contains obituaries or death notices (full or extract) of
former Howard County residents. If you have a notice you
would like to
add, please send to Debby.
Kokomo Daily Tribune Saturday January 18, 1896 P8
John MCCORMICK died at 5 o'clock Friday evening at his
home, corner
of Broadway and Buckeye street, of general debility and old age, at the
age of 75 years. The funeral will be held at St. Patrick's Catholic
church on Monday at 9 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Francis LORDEMAN.
Interment in Crown Point.
John MCCORMICK has been a prominent figure in this city since
1861, when his occupation, that of a railroad laborer, brought him
here. He was born in Strokestown, County Roscommon, Ireland, Jan. 6,
1821. He had a rich portion of Irish wit and by his happy disposition
always showed his nationality. He was never married and as far as is
known has no relatives.
Sandra Brands
Submitter's Note: The following obituaries
were found in my great-grandmother's possessions. She was Floyd's
sister-in-law. Two obituaries, newspaper unknown, probably Kokomo
papers. Date unknown. Circa Fall 1919.
NOTE: Floyd Gilbert McNew was the son of Jerry (Jeremiah McNew,
Zedekiah, Richard, Jeremiah, William, Jeremiah, Jeremiah)and Mary Jane
Osler (d/o Geo. Osler and Elizabeth Paul). He was born in Tipton Co.,
Ind., Dec. 29, 1892, moved to Howard County around 1906, and enlisted
in the Army on March 18, 1918. According to "Howard County in the World
War," (Haworth, 1920), he could have secured exemption from military
service on agricultural grounds, but when reminded of this, he said, "I
am no better than the other boys. It is my duty to answer my country's
call." He hired another to take his place in the fields and enlisted
March 18, 1918. He was a participant in the Second Battle of the Marne,
Chateau Thierry, Soisson, Belleau Woods, St. Mihiel, Verdun, Hill No.
64, and the Argonne Forest. In March 1919, the parents received word
from the war department that their son had died Oct. 6, 1918, from
wounds received in battle.
War Heroes Will Be Buried Today By Army
Buddies -- Veterans of Three Wars to Honor McNew and Gullion
Battery A, 181st Field Artillery, will form a firing squad to give
the last salute to the bodies of Annas GULLION and Floyd MCNEW, at the
graves in Crown Point cemetery this afternoon. Both men fell in the
battle of the Argonne forest.
American Legion men will meet at their hall in uniform to attend
the double funeral, and veterans of the Civil and Spanish-American wars
and their auxiliary organizations are asked to join in the memorial
The service will begin at Grace M. E. church at 2 o'clock. The
Rev. M.K. Richardson, pastor of the United Brethren church at Ft.
Wayne, and formerly of Kokomo, will have charge of the services for
MCNEW, while the Rev. Fred L. Fair, of this city, will deliver the
sermon in honor of GULLION.
Battery A, under command of Captain Fred GOYER, will fall in at 3
o'clock this afternoon in front of the drill hall, in ample time to
meet the funeral procession as it leaves the church.
The bodies of the two men, who died in action, one surviving the
other but a day, and who were buried in the same cemetery at Ardennes,
arrived in New York September 9, and were sent immediately to this
city, where they have been at the homes of relatives for a week.
Floyd G. MCNEW was born on a farm in Tipton county,
2, 1892. His parents, Jerry MCNEW and Mary Jane MCNEW, moved to Howard
county in 1906 and settled upon a farm east of the city.
Floyd was engaged in work on the farm when the call to arms
came. He enlisted March 18, 1918, and was assigned to Camp Green in
North Carolina, becoming a member of Company E, 39th Infantry. He was
in training until May 1918, when the men were sent to New York City to
embark. They arrived in France May 23.
On September 28, 1918, MCNEW fell wounded during the
Argonne-Meuse advance, and on October 6, 1918, he died in a hospital.
Three sisters and two brothers, besides the parents survive.
They are: Mrs. Gertrude COX of Terre Haute; Mrs. Laura RODEFER of
Aurora, Ill; Mrs. Grace HIBLER and Earl MCNEW, both of this city, and
E.A. MCNEW of St. Louis [Mo.].
The parents now live at 1618 South Webster street, where the body was
taken to await funeral.
Second cutting: Obsequies Impressive -- Five
Thousand Persons Pay Homage to the Heroes Killed in France
To the strains of Chopin's funeral march and the best of muffled
drums, the bodies of Annas GULLION and Floyd MCNEW, two local young men
who gave their lives in action in the great Argonne offensive, were
escorted to Crown Point cemetery yesterday afternoon, where they were
laid to rest with impressive military ceremonies.
Fully five thousand people bared their heads in reverence as,
with the rattle of rifles in last salute and the melancholy notes of
taps, members of the American Legion signified their respect for their
former comrades in arms. The firing squad was from Battalion A, 181st
Field Artillery.
An affecting scene occurred when the flags that covered the
coffins of the deceased on their return from France, were presented to
the nearest relatives.
Members of the American Legion, the Legion auxiliary, the Grand
Army of the Republic and the Woman's Relief Corps, the Spanish War
Veterans and woman's auxiliary, Battery A, 181st Field Artillery, the
members of the Maccabees lodge and relatives and friends of the
deceased were in the line of march to the cemetery.
The funeral services were held at Grace M.E. church, and that
edifice was crowded. Rev. Mary Hiatt of the Courtland Avenue Friends
church opened the joint service with Scripture reading and a prayer.
The Rev. M.K. Richardson, pastor of the United Brethren church of Ft.
Wayne, formerly of Kokomo, conducted the service for Floyd McNew, while
the Rev. Fred L. Fair of the Church of the Brethren, conducted that of
Gold Star Honor Roll Entry
Raymond Thomas McCoy
Polly Ann MCCOY, daughter of William and Susannah MCCOY
was born
April 8th, 1834, in Jefferson County, Tenn.,age 82 years, 9 months, 24
She came to this county in 1848.(Howard Co.,IN) She was married to
Chester A. MURPHY in 1852.
To this union eight children were born of which three have
preceded her to the grave. Those living are: Mrs. J.T. LONG, Mrs.
Melvin HUBARD and Lewis MURPHY of Kokomo. Mrs Leroy WRIGHT of Elwood
and Mrs. O.K. ANDREWS of Hemlock.
Her husband died near Jerome in 1874. Besides the children, she
leaves to mourn her loss, one brother, William McCoy of Jerome;
twenty-six grand children and twenty-five great grand children and a
host of relatives and friends.
She was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, to this faith
she was true, always trying to give a kind word to the downhearted and
Her death occurred in February 24, 1917.
Polly is my [submitter's] great-grandaunt
From Kokomo Paper -- Submitter: Raymond Thomas McCoy
William H. MCCOY was born in Jefferson County,
Tennessee, October
9,1842. He was the youngest child of a family of six boys and four
girls,and is the last survivor of the family.
His parents were William and Susanna MCCOY, who belonged to that
class of southern pioneer opposed to the institution of slavery but
always loyal to their country and its flag. The father having died when
William was only three months old, all the care of this large family
devolved upon the mother. Somehow she succeeded in entering the quarter
section in Union township which became their home. She with these
children made the overland trip to Indiana, locating first at New
Here they resided till Manley, the oldest son, cleared a patch
of land and erected a cabin into which they moved, when William was
about ten years old. Here he resided during his lifetime.
In 1863 he courted and married a neighbor's daughter, Lovinia
ROSIER. To this union were born eight children, one, Lovinia J., died
while young: the other seven are living: Joseph To. Of Anderson, Mrs.
Viola M. LEE, William S. and Richard O. of Greentown: Wilbur S. of
Kokomo: Mrs.Etta M. LEE of Phlox and Charles, resident on the home
farm. There are two step-sons. George HETRICK and Naul BALL, also
twenty-nine grandchildren and six great- grandchildren. Nearly all of
theses are present paying the last respects to their father.
Inured to the hardships of pioneer life and denied the
opportunities of older settles communities, he early took an active
part in education and religious work. Quite early in life he became a
charter member of Center Grove and retained his membership at death.
In 1890 he was bereaved of his companion, who succumbed to a
relapse of typhoid fever. In the fall of 1891 he was married to Amanda
HETRICK who survives him.
During the Rebellion he responded to his country's call for
volunteers and served in Company K, 137th Indiana regiment of infantry,
receiving at the close of the war an honorable discharge for service.
He was a man of strong convictions of right and wrong, upright
in his dealings with his fellow man, a devoted husband, a kind,
sympathetic father, a wise counselor and a ready helper in community
service. About a year before his death he began failing, no particular
disease,just old age infirmities. His greatest affliction was the loss
of his eyesight. He was very patient during the confinement, never
complaining, always cheerful, conscious to the end. He expressed
himself as ready and anxious to depart, only dreading the final
He counseled his children to prepare for eternity, while there
was yet an opportunity, and meet him in the eternal home of the
He expressed his gratefulness to the neighbors and friends for
their attentions and kindness during his afflictions. Peacefully, at
the old homestead, in the quiet morning hours of May 3,1920, he passed
away. "Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him, and lies
Down to pleasant dreams."
Aged 77 years, 6 months, 23 days.
Mary Jane OSLER
MCNEW (c1856 - 1923)
Sandra Brands
From Kokomo Daily Dispatch, Jan. 2, 1923:
Mc'New Funeral Set for Today:
Mrs. Jane McNew, age 67, wife of Jerry McNew, died of a
complication of diseases at 8 o'clock Sunday morning at her home, 1618
South Webster Street. Mrs. McNew had been in ill health for several
weeks but had been confined to her bed only abot ten days. The funeral
will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Courtland Avenue
Friends church, with burial in Crown Point cemetery. The Rev. Mary
Hiatt will officiate.
Earl McNew of this city, a son survives with another son, Edgar
McNew of St. Louis, and three daughters, Mrs. Gertrude Cox of Terre
Haute, Mrs. Grace Hibbler of Cassville, and Mrs. Laura Rodefer of
Aurora, Ill. A brother, John Osler, resides at Jackson, In., and three
sisters, Mrs. Alma Stibbens of Kokomo, Mrs. Kate Innis of Atlanta,
Ind., and Mrs. Charles Rodefer, of Aurora, Ill., also survive.
From Jan. 1, 1923, Kokomo Daily Tribune:
Mrs. Jane Mc'New dies
Sister of Mrs. M. P. Stibbens was bedfast four weeks -- funeral
Mrs. Jane McNew, aged 67 years, died Sunday morning at 8 o'clock
at her late home, 1618 South Webster street; of a complication of
diseases after being bedfast four weeks.
The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at the Courtland
Avenue Friends church, of which the deceased was a member, the services
being conducted by the Rev. Mary Hiatt. The burial will be had in Crown
Point cemetery.
The deceased is survived by two sons, Edgar McNew of St. Louis,
and Earl McNew of this city; three daughters, Mrs. Gertrude Cox of
Terre Haute, Mrs. Grace Hibbler of Cassville, and Mrs. Laura Rodfer, of
Aurora, Ill., a brother, John Osler of Saxon, Ind., three sisters, Mrs.
Alma Stibbens of this city; Mrs. Kate Innis of Atlanta, Ind., and Mrs.
Mary Rodefer of Aurora, Ill.
Submitter's Notes: there is no Saxon, Ind.
Mary Jane was the
daughter of George Osler and Elizabeth Paul.Grace's husband's name was
Charles Hibler; Gertrude's was Theodore Cox; and Laura's was Fred
Kokomo Daily Tribune Saturday Evening January 25, 1896
p4 col:3
Rosa, wife of Jerry MILLER, in the north part of the
city, died Friday evening, aged 30 years.
During the last few weeks Mr. Miller's family has suffered from
diphtheria and scarlet fever, a week ago a little babe died, and now
the mother is dead.
Funeral services were held at the house this afternoon at 1:30
o'clock, conducted by Rev. MCQUISTON. Interment at Crown Point.
Kokomo Daily Dispatch, 8 April 1897
The funeral of the late George W. MORE will occur from
the Main
Street Christian Church at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, Rev. T.H. Kuhn
officiating. Interment will follow in Crown Point Cemetery, the Masonic
lodges and the G.A.R. post performing the last sad rites.
Linda Chan
Kokomo Daily Tribune, 7 April 1897:
Although seemingly greatly improved Tuesday afternoon,
advance was too much for the frail exhausted body of George W. MORE and
during the reaction which set in Tuesday evening his spirit was called
from that body so full of pain.
At 9:30 o'clock Tuesday evening surrounded by his dear family and
a few friends, George W. MORE breathed his last breath on this earth.
The death occurred at his late residence, 117 North Main Street. Thus
ends the life of a faithful and devoted husband, kind father, loyal
citizen, and an industrious and hard-working man, who was very seldom,
if ever, idle.
The deceased had been ill but a few days over a week and was not
thought to be in immediate danger until last Saturday, whien it was
found necessary to perform an operation upon the patient for
strangulated hernia. He failed to recover from the shock of the
operation, though some favorable signs were shown Thursday afternoon,
but in the evening his heart failed to perform its function, causing
his death. The wife and one daughter, Miss Roxie, survive the husband
and father.
The deceased was born in Carroll County, July 3, 1832, and was at
the time of his demise about 65 years of age. From his boyhood until
the beginning of the War he lived upon a farm. At this country's call
for loyal citizens to come to the front and protect her rights George
MORE was one of the first to respond. He was a brave and honorable
soldier and faithfully served his country for three years. He was a
corporal in Thomas E. SCOTT's Company A, 116th Regiment of Indiana
Volunteers, and afterwards sergeant of Captain Henry E. CAMPBELL's
Company C, 150th Regiment of Indiana Infantry, also fifth sergeant of
Company H.,150th Regiment. The deceased was an active worker in the
T.J. HARRISON post of G.A.R. and also a member of the Masonic Lodge. In
1885 he was elected city marshal, which office he faithfully served for
two years. For the past two years the deceased was senior owner of the
feed yard of MORE & HAYES on the corner of Jefferson and
The deceased was an honest, kind-hearted and whole-souled
gentleman, well liked by all who knew him, and always willing to lend a
helping hand to those in need.
Kokomo Daily Tribune Wednesday Evening January 30,
1896 p4 col:4
Ed MYERS died last Tuesday. The funeral was held
Wednesday at Mount
Zion church, conducted by Rev. DAVIS. Interment in Galveston cemetery.
John Edward MYERS died Tuesday morning at Bennett's Switch, aged 22
years, 11 months and 4 days. The funeral services were held at the Zion
Christian church Wednesday at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. DAVIS.
Interment in Odd Fellows cemetery at Galveston.