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Project Obituaries
This page contains obituaries or death notices (full or extract) of
former Howard County residents. If you have a notice you
would like to
add, please send to
Kokomo Tribune -- Howard County, IN 20 July 1962
Name: Mrs. Annie WALKER
Age: 81
Died: 5:30 p.m. Thursday [] in St. Joseph's
Hospital following a lingering illness.
Born: Dudley, England, Nov. 5, 1880, she was
the daughter of
Parents: Joseph and Ann (COMER) BARNES.
Married: 1919
she married Joseph WALKER, who died in 1951. He was a veteran of the
British Army and fought in the Boor (sic) War in South Africa. Mrs.
Walker had lived in Kokomo since 1922.
Survivors: two
nephews (raised in her home), Henry and Robert WALKER; three other
nephews and nine nieces. Mrs. Walker was the last of her immediate
Member of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and St. Andrew's Guild.
Funeral Home: Ellers Funeral Chapel;
services at St. Andrew's Church
Burial: Crown Point Cemetery.
Kokomo Tribune -- Howard County, IN 26 April 1926
Woman Drops Dead -- Mother of eight children
is striken while sitting in chair.
Mrs. Hannah WALKER, 33 years old, mother of eight children,
dropped dead this morning at her home, 1210 South Delphos street. She
was seated in a chair, holding the youngest baby in her arms when she
slumped suddenly and fell to the floor. Within a few minutes she was
pronounced dead.
Mrs. Walker, who was the wife of Robert WALKER, an employee of
the Pittsburgh Plate Glass company, had been in ill health for some
time following a severe attack of influenza which is believed to have
weakened her heart.
In addition to the husband she is survived by six daughters and
two sons: Elizabeth, Martha, Mary Jane, Alice, Ellen, Mildred, Robert
and Henry; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry COX, 1311 South Ohio Street;
two sisters, Mrs. Jane LAHRMAN and Mrs. Fred SCOTT and a brother
William H. COX, all of Kokomo, also are living.
Funeral services probably will be held at St. Andrew's Episcopal
Church of which she was a member, but no definite arrangements have
been made.
Kokomo Tribune Howard County, Indiana 13 November 1944
Pvt. John WALKER Missing in Action
Mrs. Alice WALKER, 1314 East Markland Avenue, received word from
the War department Monday stating that her son, Pvt. John WALKER, has
been reported missing in action since October 15 in Germany. "Other
information concerning Private Walker will be forwarded to you as
received by the department," the telegram said.
Private WALKER was born December 10, 1920, attended the Kokomo
schools, was employed by the Kingston Products corporation at the time
he entered the army two years ago in October, and was sent overseas
with an infantry unit in September of this year, landing in France.
His brother, Corp. Robert Harry WALKER of the air corps,is now
stationed at Robinson field Ga., after spending two and one-half years
in South America.
Kokomo Tribune -- Howard County, Indiana 1
December 1944
Local Soldier Dies in German Prisoner Camp
Word has been received from the War department by Mrs. James
WALKER, 1314 East Markland avenue, advised that her son, Pvt. John
(Jack) Walker, previously reported missing in action in Germany, "died
October 26 in a Prisoner of War camp in Germany." No details were given
but the message stated a letter would follow.
Private Walker took his training with a tank division at Camps
Hood, Bowie and Rucker, Tex. He volunteered for combat duty and was
transferred to the infantry and later landed in France September 19.
Private Walker attended the Kokomo public schools and was
employed by the Kingston Products corporation at the time of his
induction in March 1942.
Memorial services are to be held at a later date at St. Andrew's
Episcopal church where he was a member since childhood. He was also a
member of the Masonic Lodge.
He was born in Kokomo December 9, 1919. Survivors include,
besides his mother, three sisters and three brothers, Mrs. H. L.
Mariana, Ga., Wm. H. WALKER, George S. WALKER and Corp. Robert H.
WALKER now stationed at Robbins Field, Ga.
Kokomo Daily Dispatch, 8 April 1897
At the home of his parents, [?arry] and Mrs. WARD, 62
West Sycamore
Street, Tuesday afternoon, died Lee J., aged 3 months. Funeral from the
home at 10 o'clock this morning, conducted by Rev. W. D. PARR.
Interment in Crown Point Cemetery.
Kokomo Daily Tribune, 7 April 1897:
At 2:45 o'clock Tuesday afternoon ended the sweet
little life
of Lee J. WARD, the 3 month-old infant son of Harry and Mrs. WARD. The
little babe had been delicate in health for the past several weeks, but
is now one of the bright little cherubs in that beautiful and eternal
City. Mr. and Mrs. Ward are comparatively newcomers in this city,
having resided here less than a year, which fact makes their affliction
the sadder by having death within their home while dwelling among
strangers. Mr. WARD is one of the proprietors of the Kokomo Fence
Machine company.
The funeral will occur Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the
residence, 62 West Sycamore Street, conducted by Rev. W.D. PARR.
Interment in Crown Point."
Linda Chan
Kokomo Dispatch, 26 Nov 1898
A Greentown Man Expires Suddenly-- John WILBURN, aged
about 65
years, a veteran of the Civil War, died suddenly at his home in
Greentwon Tuesday night of heart disease. His wife left the room a few
moments and upon her return found him dead in his chair.
Coroner ARNETT was called and visited the scene of his death
Wednesday morning, finding the facts as stated. The deceased was a
private in an Ohio Regiment and a member of the Greentown post G.A.R.
Linda Chan
Kokomo Tribune - 26 Sep 1997 p A6
Name: Robert Earl Williams
Age: 69
Died: 6:40am Thursday, 25 Sep 1997 at
Sycamore Village Healthcare Center, Kokomo
Born: 2 Feb 1928 in Kokomo
Parents: Ross and Alice MILLER WILLIAMS
Married: Thelma TILLER 4 Feb 1949
Robert served in US Navy during WWII; member of Eagles Lodge
Survivors: widow;
son & daughter-in-law, Hank and Beki WILLIAMS; daughter
son-in-law Patti and Andrew KINNARD; 2 grandchildren; a
great-grandchild; brother Charles WILLIAMS. Preceded in death by a son.
Funeral Home: Ellers Mortuary
Burial: Albright Cemetery
Kokomo Daily Tribune Friday Evening January 31, 1896
p8 col:2
The sixteen year old daughter of Issac D. WILSON, meets a sudden
death. Lilly, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Isaac D. Wilson, living
four and a half miles south west of this city, fell off of her seat
dead, at the Duncan school, just before noon, of paralysis and heart
Her parents and an older sister were in the city trading at the
time and received the sad news from a son, who brought the word to them
this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The mother was frantic with grief when she
was told of her daughter's death, and it was with difficulty that she
could be quieted sufficiently to take her home.
The girl was subject to spells of an epileptic nature, and it was
probably in one of these that she was suddenly taken off. The parents
and grandparents, all of whom live in that locality, are well-to-do
Kokomo Daily Dispatch, 8 April 1897
At her late home, Hemlock, Tuesday night, died Mrs.
Nannie WILSON,
aged 86 years. The funeral will occur Thursday at 2 o'clock at the
Friends Church at Phlox. Interment in West Liberty.
Linda Chan
Kokomo Daily Tribune Tuesday Evening January 28, 1896
p5 col:4
William Henry WINBURN was born at Blue River, Rush
county, Indiana,
February 23, 1840 and died after a lingering illness, at his home, 47
East Haven street, at 8:15 this morning, of congestion of the stomach.
The deceased was married to Lucy A. ROBERTS, of Hamilton county,
November 22, 1862. The fruit of this union was five boys and one girl.
Isaac, the eldest, is dead, while the wife, J. B. WINBURN, L. L.
together with three sisters and two brothers, survive.
The deceased was brought to Hamilton county when he was one year
old by his parents and he lived there on a farm until he was eighteen
years of age, when he moved to Kokomo. Twenty-eight years ago he
professed religion and joined the Wesleyan church in Hamilton county.
He has been a conscientious Christian ever since. He has been a member
of the A. M. E. church for over twenty years, filling the position of
trustee, steward, class leader and prayer meeting leader satisfactory
to all.
He was a man beloved by everybody. He lived a life of usefulness
that may be well emulated by the rising young men of his race to-day.
The funeral will occur at the A. M. E. church Thursday at 2p. m.
conducted by T. W. HENDERSON, D. D., of Indianapolis, assisted by the
pastor, Rev. G. H. WHITE, and A. SMITH, P. E. of the northern Indiana
district. All friends of the family are cordially invited to attend.
Interment in Crown Point Cemetery.
"At 9 o'clock yesterday morning, surrounded by his
family, the life
of Father Winfield faded from the shores of time. His departure was as
calm and peaceful and glorious as a perfect sunset in June. Nature
prepared the way and his life ebbed out painlessly and almost
imperceptibly. Since February he had been marked for the grave. A
compilation of heart troubles, over which medical skill availed naught,
wrought his end. Forty-eight hours previous to the final extinguishment
of the vital spark, he became unconscious and in this condition he
passed away. He had anticipated the end and was ready to meet it
without a murmur.
Services will be conducted at the Christian church tomorrow at
an hour not yet announced by Rev. Jefferson, assisted by Elders Frazier
and Carpenter and the local clergy. Interment will follow in Crown
William Shipley Winfield was born in Nottingham, England, January
5, 1813. He was apprenticed to a boot and shoe maker, and because his
term of service had not expired he did not accompany his parents to
this country, but came over in 1832, joining them at Philadelphia. Here
he worked at his trade, educating himself as he toiled. Though he never
attended school, he managed to secure a good education by night study
and at his bench.
In 1840 he married Martha Cochran, the mother of his children
and his widow today, at Pittsburg. Nine children were born to them, six
of whom are living, as follows: Mrs. A.K. Wilson, Mrs. A.C. (Tom)
Armstrong, Mrs. W.S. Armstrong, Miss Mary Winfield, of this city, and
Sam and J.R., of Kansas.
When but 14 years of age deceased joined the Baptist church, but
shortly after arriving in this country united with the Church of the
Disciples, or Christian church. After his marriage he preached some,
but was not a regular pastor. The family moved to Canfield, Ohio, in
1842, and young Winfield began to preach as a regular pastor. In order
to educate their children, the family, through the influence of Prof.
Baldwin, moved to Kokomo in 1860. Father Winfield preached here, at
Wabash, Warsaw, and other points, being regarded as a good pastor and
an excellent man.
He possessed a nature naturally pious and he was as nearly
without sin as poor humanity ever becomes. He believed in early
conversions and was himself a beautiful proof of the soundness of his
teaching. He studied the Bible as few men do. Scarcely a day in his
long life of 76 years that he did not consult its inspired pages. He
was an exemplary man, a kind pastor, a devoted husband, and the highest
type of citizen. He reared a noble family of men and women who honor
his name by lives of usefulness and circumspect walk before God. He did
not live in vain. He was a producer and a benefactor to the race. His
life sweetened the world and glorified Christ, uplifted humanity and
pointed out the way to salvation. He lived honored of all men and he
died lamented of all men. He lived out a good, full, ripened life. He
is at rest with the saints who loved Christ on earth."
CHRISTIAN STANDARD, June 22, 1889, p. 413 (Available
from the Disciples of Christ Historical Society, Nashville, Tennessee)
A telegram called me from the Younstown, O(hio), meeting
to Kokomo, Ind., to attend the funeral of W.S. Winfield.
Father WINFIELD, as he was familiarly called by many, fell asleep in
Jesus, May 21, at the ripe age of 76.
He was born in Nottingham, England, January 5, 1813. In his youth
he was apprenticed to a shoemaker, and while he was learning his trade,
his father, with the family, emigrated to America. At the age of
nineteen, he came also. On the voyage, young Winfield adhered to his
habit of reading the Bible and praying daily, and was scoffed at much
by seamen, officers, and passengers, but did not yield. One of the
roughest of the men fell sick on the way, and the young man nursed him
and read the Scriptures to him. He won the captain and crew at last,
and became a great favorite with them.
While at work at his trade he studied and gained a good practical
At the age of twenty-eight he was married to Martha Cochran, who
survives him. To them were born nine children, six of whom yet live,
four daughters and two sons. The daughters are Christians, and among
the most active workers of the church. The sons living will surely be
Christians, if the prayers and example of a man of great faith and
almost faultless life in their father avail anything, with the added
prayers of a mother who cannot forget the children she has borne.
While at work on his bench, Father Winfield began to preach at
Pittsburg, Pa. He and Isaac Errett were intimate friends as young men
and commenced preaching about the same time. This strong friendship
continued to death, and is now renewed after only a few months
separation by the river.
His religious life began very early. His parents were Baptists.
At the early age of nine years the boy wished to be baptized. Strong
prejudice against the baptism of children prevented for two years. He
then insisted, and averred that if they did not consent to baptize him
he would baptize himself. He has often said that he was fully prepared
to be baptized at the age of nine, and all his life he has advocated
the baptism of children, insisting that their desire is an evidence of
their fitness. His father was one of the charter members of the Church
of Christ in Philadelphia under the preaching of Alexander Campbell.
After a long and intimate acquaintance with Father Winfield, I am
prepared to say of him that he was one of the purest, best and one of
the most religious men I have ever known. Four years and more we were
associated in the work at Kokomo, Ind., he as an elder, and I as a
preacher in the church. He was the preacher's fast friend and helper in
every work. He was accustomed to say, with John, 'I have no greater joy
than to hear that my children walk in truth.'
A great multitude came to pay a loving tribute to his memory. The
funeral services were conducted by Bro. S.M. Jefferson, now pastor of
Kokomo Church, Bro. Aaron Walker, Bro. L.L. Carpenter, and myself, with
the ministers of the city assisting. It was not a time of sorrowing,
except for our loss of his sweet companionship. Together we rejoiced in
his victory and crown. For many years he has been a faithful minister
of Jesus Christ, and many stars he will wear in his crown." (E.L.
The Christian Standard," Disciples of Christ
Historical Society, Nashville, Tennessee, Oct. 20, 1883, p. 407
WINFIELD. The church at Buena Vista, Ind., has suffered
great loss recently, in the death of Bro. William Winfield, aged 31
The loss to his family is the more painful because of his sudden
death. He left his wife and two little boys in his happy home and went
to Indianapolis to transact business, and was suffocated with gas in
his room at the hotel.
Bro. Will was the son of Bro. W.S. WINFIELD, a preacher well
known in Indiana. He wisely "remembered his Creator in the days of his
youth," and was baptized by W.R. Jewel in his fifteenth year, and
became a faithful Christian. Only a few months before his death he was
placed in the deacon's office, and we hoped for him a long life of
usefulness; but it was ordered otherwise, and we bow submissively to
God's will, and ask Him to comfort the sorrowing wife, and aged parents
and sisters and brothers, and to be a Father to the little boys. These
sorrowing ones will have hearts full of pleasant, happy memories of his
pure good life. We joy that the call, though unexpected, did not find
him unprepared. (E.L. Frazier)
[Having known the parents of this young man for nearly half a
century, and knowing full well the anguish involved in such a
bereavement, we extend to them a sympathy such as few can offer. But
none better than they know how to trust in God in such a trial, and
rest on the exceedingly great and precious promises of His
WOODS, Benjamin: Obituary, Kokomo Saturday Tribune,
Saturday, JULY 7, 1877, p.1
Death of Uncle Benny Woods
On Friday, of last week, Benjamin Woods, at a very old age,
departed this life; at his home, near Greentown, in this county. The
deceased was universally respected and was called by everybody "Uncle
Benny." He was intelligent, kind, religious, cheerful, earnest. He was
long a member of the M.E. Church and an earnest Republican since the
organization of the party. Until he became too feeble to be present the
members of a Republican convention didn't think it could open until
Uncle Benny Woods was present. He was in the highest sense a good
citizen. He was the father of Commissioner [William] Woods. Some time
since we obtained from the deceased many incidents of his early and
mature life. Our intention was to use them in an obituary. We thought
we knew esactly where these notes were, but failed to find them. We
have also tried to get information from others but failed also in this.
It is our desire to write a full report of his life and death and hope
the material will be furnished us.
Uncle Benny Woods is gathered into the Home prepared for God's
chosen people. His memory will be revered not only by his family and
relatives but by all who knew him. A good man is gone. He cannot come
to us, but we can go to him. Blessed be his memory.
From the 23 Feb 1871 Kokomo Democrat
Submitter: James Lee
DIED on the morning of the 11th inst. at 5:20, of
pneumonia, James
W. WOOLEY(sic); aged 73 years, 6 months, and 25 days. The deceased was
born in Monmouth county(sic), N. J., emigrated to Ohio in the year
1819; the following year was married to Rachel GUTHRIE, who survives
In 1822 moved to Southern Indiana; from thence, in March,1869,
he moved to this county. He was the father of fourteen children, ten of
whom are now living. He was a devoted Christian, a member of the M. E
Church, and respected and beloved by all who knew him. May their
consolation be in the knowledge that their loss is his eternal gain.