of Miami County PeopleIsaac Josiah Clarkson Guy - Transcribed and submitted by Robert Guy. Note – This
was hand written on yellow lined paper, by an 86 year old man. There is
some of it is illegible, as there are ink stains, water stains and rips
and tears. Then there is at least one page missing. I tried not to edit
it too much, but did take a hand full of commas and sprinkled them
liberally. And sometimes, I did insert in parenthesis missing words that
did seem appropriate.
Descendants of John William and Prudence Leah (GREER) WRAY 
William and Martha "Mollie" Martindale Pearson - submitted by
Carl Allen Fairfield
Rev. William A. Walker - Obituary submitted by Angelyn Hellman
& Fuller Biographies Index and lookup offer Index
to 20th Century Peru by Kim Edgerton Biographies
online Offsite link hosted by Deb Murray Every
Name Index To History of Miami County Indiana, Published by
Brant & Fuller, 1887. Offsite link Peru Obituary Index - Lists dates of birth and death and offers obits for sale for a small fee