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Welcome to the Miami County INGenWeb Project |
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![]() Photo is Seven Pillars natural rock formation in Miami County. |
*=County Health Officer This story was contributed by Janet ISLEY Price and was found by her in Jamestown Press, Jamestown (Boone County)Indiana, 15 April 1898 Peru has two strange couples, Illustrating the fact that animals fall in love with each other and still not go on the old theory of all birds of a feather flock together. Dr. Landis Bradshaw has a rooster that has fallen in love with him and has acquired a strange habit of riding over the country with him while he makes his calls. The rooster has also formed a very agreeable acquaintance with the horse and actually when they start he perches himself on top of the animal and rides bareback, or holds onto the harness. He crouches down and enjoys the ride hugely. When the rig stops the rooster always flies from his perch and begins to crow joyously. The strange outfit attracts much attention. Bradshaw pays no attention to the rooster and takes it for granted that he always goes on. If he does not catch the horse he always manages to get on the running gears. He never gets left. While Mr. Bradshaw is making his calls Mr. Rooster watches the horse and the two takes an interest in each other. Barney Baer has another rooster that
formed a friendship with a big Maltese cat. The two are always
together, the cat generally purring or rubbing up against the rooster.
They take strolls together and when night comes, instead seeking a
roost, Mr. Rooster goes over to a box
and sits down for the night. The cat stays up a little later, but, by
eight o'clock both are found side by side, asleep. The rooster always
acts as the alarm clock in the morning.
of Indiana For The Fiscal Year Ending October 31, 1892 To the Governor © 1893 Created 1 Jan 2000 Updated 13 Jan 2000 USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. |
Debby Beheler ©1996-2012 All rights reserved |