A Quarter Century of Progress. .. ...
in the Church of the
Peru, Indiana
1912 ~ 1937
A Brief History
From the 25 year anniversary program
"Man's body is material and his soul immaterial." (Gen 2-7; Eccl. 12:7)
Man's rightful heritage is everlasting life. In view of this fact a great need
was felt among the few Church of the Brethren members living in Peru prior to
1906 for a place to worship according to the dictates of their own consciences.
A petition was circulated and signed by about a dozen of these members.
At District Meeting at Mexico in 1908 the petition was put before the
assemblage but action deferred because of winter coming on. A board composed of
members of Mexico, Pipe Creek, and Santa Fe churches met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Peters at which time Bro. S. T. Fisher was appointed to find a place
of worship. A location was found at 117 South Broadway on the second floor.
Sunday School was organized on May 30, 1909 with the following officers in
charge: Rev. S. T. Fisher, pastor; Aaron Klepinger, Sunday School
Superintendent, and Daisy Peters, chorister.
The church members at the time we began holding preaching services were Bro.
Harrison Kerns and wife; Bro. Ben Keeport and wife; Bro. Jake Smith and wife;
Sisters Emma Medary, Catherine Erb, Edith Davis, Dossie Webb, Hazel Medary, and
Daisy Peters.
The present (1937) church building was stated in December, 1911, and
dedication March 18, 1912. The organization had taken place the previous Friday
night under the direction of Rev. Peter Houk, Rev. J. C. Murray, and Rev. J. G.
Stinebaugh. At this time Bro. Fisher was ordained to the full ministry,
continuing to act as resident pastor until Bro. A. G. Crosswhite and wife came
in 1920. In 1922 the church was released from the District Mission Board. It was
under Bro. Crosswhite's supervision that the parsonage was built, and dedicated
September 30, 1923. Bro. Crosswhite was our pastor until the spring of 1927 and
Bro. H. H. Helman came to us in the fall of the same year. Bro. Chas. Oberlin
began his service in 1929 and he and Mrs. Oberlin have ably and faithfully
guided the church until the present time.