- Cemeteries are updated as I have time or when people send me new information, I try to add it right away.
- If I am missing something that you think needs to be here, please email me. I will add it if it is appropriate for this website.
- I am currently working with the Miami County Museum on a project called Miami County Indiana Worth Remembering - http://miamicountyinworthremembering.org/
Take a look and think about what you or your family might want to
contribute. The main emphasis of 2017-18 is the Centennial of WWI. If
you can contribute to biographies of Miami County IN WWI Veterans,
please do.
- Social Media sites associated with this project are:
- January 2, 2018 - Fixed links on the Military page, abstracted Pensioners on the Roll of 1/1/1883
site is maintained by Debby
This website is part of the
USGenWeb Project.
Debby Beheler ©1996-2018 All rights reserved